"Two strong men, my name is Cobra, the kings of the kingdom of Alabasta."

Cobra didn't dare to put on a show, lowered his posture, and said with a slight smile: "Master Chris saved this country, I made a special trip... come to thank him."

"I hope that the two strong men can help me introduce them. I'll do it for you."

Dongli's eyes lit up, he immediately became interested and laughed, "So you are the king of Alabasta, you can't tell at all."

"You ask the two of us to introduce you, this is impossible.

With our size, how can we get into the house?"

Broki smiled heartily, and continued: "This little girl, Weiwei, is very lovable, and I like her very much."

"Since you are her father, then I won't stop you, just go in."

At this moment, a burst of noisy footsteps came, and at the same time Princess Weiwei's voice sounded.

"Father, you came so quickly."

Princess Weiwei took elegant steps and walked towards Cobra quickly, her beautiful eyes were shining, she smiled and said something.

"Father, it's going to rain. Now the citizens have water to drink, so they don't have to worry about drought anymore, they'll have a good life."

Ikalem smiled and said quickly: "Lord King, it won't be long before the desert becomes an oasis, and the ruins will become a prosperous city."

Running fast and making quack quack sounds, I was very happy.

Lasha Qiao showed a look of relief on her face and said, "Those who have passed away can rest in peace.

And those who survive will live happily ever after.”

"Everyone is right, I have a hunch that Alabasta is about to rise."

Cobra nodded and said with a smile: "Weiwei, let's talk about these things later.

Now, tell me about Chris-sama."

There were so many men and women standing opposite.

The young man on the head, wearing black clothes and pants.

His face was calm and unwavering, calm and airy, and at a glance, he knew something was wrong, it was definitely Chris.


Hearing what Kobra said, Princess Weiwei patted her head and said with a smile: "I was talking to my father, but I forgot to introduce it."

Turning his head, his eyebrows were curved, and his tone was full of joy, "Father, this... is what I told you, Lord Chris who rescued our country."

"Master Chris, this is my father."

Princess Weiwei looked at Chris with a sweet and gentle smile and said something.

"My father knew the whole process, he came from the capital Albana specifically, and wanted to thank him in person."

After confirming that the young man was Chris, Cobra bowed directly to Chris without any hesitation, and said in a very sincere tone.

"Thank you, Lord Chris!"

"It was you who saved this country. On behalf of all the citizens of Alabasta, I would like to express my highest respect to you, thank you!"

Princess Vivi, Ikarem and others also quickly bowed to Chris, with a very sincere attitude and gratitude.

"Thank you, Lord Chris!"

Chris put his hands in his trouser pockets, calmly as always, and said lightly: "My goal is to become Qiwuhai, this is just a follow-up."

"Besides, Vivi is my crew member, and it is normal to help her."

"Robin, talk to the king about the establishment of the branch."

After he finished speaking, he was still so decisive and walked directly into the casino, ready to continue his practice.

Robin folded his black and beautiful hair, intellectual and elegant, "Okay, you can rest assured to practice."

At this time, Cavendish said with a smile: "My young master is going to practice too. Get familiar with the speed fruit earlier and develop more powerful moves."

"At that time, in the battle for the squad leader, this young master will come out on top and kill you one by one, quack..."

In laughter, people followed Chris away, very arrogant.

Ajin looked indifferent and said, "I also went to practice, for the sake of being the strongest!!"

Bashas shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Anyway... there is no banquet today, so continue to practice hard."

"Tomorrow will become Qiwuhai, when the time comes, we will have a banquet to celebrate, Wei Hahaha"

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, walked inside, and said coldly: "I learned a lot from the battle with Crocodile this time, and I have to go back and summarize it."

Chloe pushed his glasses and said calmly, "The battle between the captain and the ghost spider has given me a lot of inspiration, and it is worth pondering."

Then, these... The squad leaders, one by one, don't want to stay here and waste time, all of them went inside and continued to practice.

"Everyone has become: very hardworking, which is really gratifying."

Al Rita carried a big iron rod and smiled, her smile was beautiful and charming, very beautiful.

De Zaya yawned and said a little tiredly: "I've been here all the way, I've experienced too many things, I feel a little tired."

"Let's talk, I'm going to rest inside, let's go to sleep first."

Mei Di nodded, Yingying smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll accompany you in."

Afterwards, these women, who were like flowers and jade, walked into the casino one by one, looking for a place to rest.

Princess Weiwei looked at Cobra and took the initiative to explain it, smiling sweetly, "Father, Lord Chris is such a character."

"He is a cultivator. He practices hard every day and doesn't waste his time on other things."

"And the squad leaders were influenced by him, and they all became: very motivated, and they worked very hard when they practiced."

Lasha nodded and said in agreement: "Lord King, don't think Chris is very cold, in fact, he is very talkative and not difficult to get along with."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

Thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the entire kingdom of Alabasta, and all the citizens saw this scene.

This thunder and lightning, like a call from ancient times, completely awakened the sleeping Alabasta.

Crackling... In the sky, countless raindrops fell, and each drop was very large and spread all over the sky. The rain was torrential, and the sound was very loud.

But for the citizens of Alabasta, this sound is not only not messy, but very pleasant and pleasant, like the sound of nature.

All citizens, no matter what...

Adults and children, all ran under the heavy rain, let the heavy rain hit them, and made a thunderous roar that spread throughout the country.

"It's raining, it's finally raining, hahaha..."

"Heaven has eyes, God, you finally opened your eyes, woo woo woo"

"La la la, it's raining, everyone come out and get in the rain..."

"Come down, come down, let the storm come harder, quack quack..."

"God must have heard my prayers and knew that my grandson was dying of thirst, so this rain fell.

God, thank you old man!!"

"You little bastard, come out and get in the rain, why are you hiding under the eaves.

If you don't come again, I will beat you to death!!!"

Big bosses, since Crocodile has been killed, in order to welcome the victory of this Qiwuhai, the next heavy rain is very necessary. There is no other meaning, just to commemorate it.


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194: Chris is so good, Vivi, you must pursue him! (for automatic subscription)

Not only the citizens were excited, but Kobra and the others all showed surprises on their faces, full of smiles, and they were extremely happy.

"Great, it's finally raining."

Princess Weiwei took a step forward, put her jade hand outside, felt the blow of the rain herself, her beautiful eyes were shining, and she said something with great joy.

"It's really raining, I'm not dreaming, it's all real."

Ikalem shook his head, and said with emotion: "It's not easy, it's really not easy, blah blah blah..."

"In the kingdom of Alabasta, how long have I not seen rain, I can't remember!"

Lasha's eyes were a little red, and he choked up, "With this heavy rain, the villagers can live a better life."

"Next, the desert will be turned into an oasis, and the village can finally begin to rebuild."

Cobra laughed and was very happy, "Come on, let's go down a little bigger, wash away all the deserts, and welcome the new life of Alabasta."

"Thank you Chris, I thank you again for all the people in the country!"

Bell smiled lightly and continued: "Today is really a festive day, everyone will remember this day."

Gaka nodded and echoed, "This rain has washed away all the disasters, and the country has finally ushered in the dawn. It's time to become prosperous and strong."

At this time, Robin looked at Cobra, and folded his black and bright hair, intellectually and elegantly, "Your Majesty, please excuse me."

"Next, let's talk about cooperation."

Robin looked at Princess Weiwei, smiled and said: "Weiwei, you know this too well, I'll leave it to you first."

"If anything needs to be added, I will bring it up in time."

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