There are two beautiful women here, it is Baccarat and Reiju.

"It's been raining for a long time."

Leiju leaned against the sofa, with Erlang's legs crossed, her beautiful eyes looking at the night sky outside the window, it was pitch black, the rain was pouring, and there was a crackling sound.

Baccarat picked up the coffee and took a sip, with a dignified and elegant manner, which was pleasing to the eye, smiled and said, "Forget about other things, let's get down to business."

"Call your father today, did he ask you to be Chris's woman?"


Reiju didn't answer immediately..., lowered her head slightly, sighed, and said something with a wry smile.

"It's still you who is amazing, nothing can hide from you."

"Father did this to me. For the benefit of Germa, he sold me like this, and made me make sacrifices like this."

Speaking of which, Leiju's eyes turned red, and she said sadly, "I'm his daughter, how can he do this, how can he treat me like this?"

"He only has Germa in his eyes, and he doesn't care about the feelings of his children at all. How can he be so cold-blooded and ruthless?"

The more she talked, the more sad she became, tears suddenly appeared, swept across her white and delicate face, and fell on the sofa drop by drop.

This look is really pity to me, saddened to hear, and tears to hear!! Baccara sat beside her and patted her knee with a concerned look on her pretty face, persuading her.

"Why can't you think about it? It's such a big deal."

"You must know very well what kind of person your father is."

"Dominating the North Sea has become his obsession. He has already been completely obsessed, so how can he care about the people around him."

"So he will order you to make you Chris's woman, which is normal and not surprising at all."

Baccarat took Leijiu's jade hand, raised her eyebrows, and said generously: "Anyway... you happen to like Chris, isn't this the most suitable result."


Hearing this, Leijiu was stunned for a moment, then stopped crying instantly, a look of anxiety appeared on Qingguoqingcheng's face, and she quickly explained.

"Why, sister, don't talk nonsense, I don't like Chris anymore, nothing."

Baccara rolled her eyes at her, annoyed, "When I talk to my sister, I'm still secretive, so my sister will be angry."

"Usually the eyes you look at Chris are full of deep affection. What more do I need to say about this?"

"Besides, everyone else on the boat actually likes Chris and wants to be his woman."

"It's just that everyone hides their thoughts and does not show deep friendship and tacit understanding."

Baccara snorted and said reproachfully: "I think of you as my sister, that's why I told you this."

"I didn't expect you to hide it, it really broke my sister's heart."

Baccarat's move is to retreat, the effect is very significant, and suddenly Leiju is a little flustered, and hastily said something.

"Sister, I didn't mean to deceive you."

Leijiu's shy face, she looked very beautiful, she was fascinated.

"It's so embarrassing to say this kind of thing, how can you say it directly? It's embarrassing."

Baccarat picked up the coffee, took a small sip, and said with a smile: "What's the embarrassment of this, love has to be said out loud."

"A man as good and powerful as Chris, any woman will like him when he meets him."

"Boyahan Cook is like this. After we get to Fishman Island, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi will definitely like Chris too."

"When I go to Wano in the future, Kozuki will fall in love with Chris as much as I met him."

"This is the unique charm of Chris. According to Hawkins, he is a peach blossom, and he is destined to have countless women in his life."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and said with a noble and elegant smile: "And we are... two of them, no one can escape."

Leiju nodded lightly, her mood was much better, and she smiled sweetly, "Sister is right, Chris's charm is truly unparalleled."

"As long as it is a woman who has come into contact with him, every one of them will be infected by him and fall in love with him deeply."

With a sigh, there was a look of emotion on the pretty face, "Young people who are less than [-] years old go out to sea, and use their strategies to turn the tide."

"And he has the courage to be a hero, his strength is sky-high, and he dares to fight with all kinds of powerful enemies, so that the heroes are tied, and the sword is empty."

"It is truly admirable that there are such strange men in the world!"

Baccarat's willow leaf eyebrows curved into a crescent shape, and she said with a smile, "Chris is indeed the only person in the world with such a heroic spirit."

"Okay, since your heart knot has been unraveled, I won't accompany you, let's rest early."

"You have to get up early tomorrow morning and read the newspaper first to see what the navy will say about Chris."

After speaking, without any hesitation, he stood up directly, took elegant steps, and walked towards the door... The rising sun, the sun shone on the whole sea, brought the dawn of hope, and welcomed a beautiful new day. .

New World, some sea area, on the Moby Dick.

"Marco, what's the big news today."

Bista showed a confident smile and asked curiously.

Fossa shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "The sea has been calm and calm recently, and there is no big news."

Bramanke smiled and said, "Why not, the most beautiful woman in the world recently, Bo Yahan Cook, isn't she making a lot of noise?"

"I'm just wondering, she looks like the most beautiful woman in the world, it's ridiculous."

Jin Guduo smiled disdainfully and looked disapproving.

At this time, Marco exclaimed, with a look of surprise on his face, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, Chris has become Qiwuhai"


Incredibly shocked.

Everyone was shocked by what Marco said, and they were all dumbfounded, unable to react.

"Marko, bring the newspaper."

Whitebeard was worthy of being the head of the Four Emperors, he was calm and sophisticated, he was the first to come back to his senses, and he gave an order directly.

Marco narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't wake up, and stood up, "Okay, Dad."

Harta frowned, with a look of horror on his face, "It's incredible that Chris has become Qiwuhai."

"Yeah, how old is he, he is less than 20 years old, it's amazing to become a big man at such a young age!"

Joz couldn't help but sigh.

Lakyo sighed, shook his head and said, "There really are geniuses in this world, now I'm convinced."

Saatchi smiled slightly, and said in a gentlemanly manner: "The first time a reward of [-] million was offered, which shocked the world.

The second time a reward of [-] million was offered, which shocked the great channel."

"This time I became Qiwuhai, it was even more powerful, and it directly shocked the whole world."

At this time, Whitebeard sat on the throne, spread out the newspaper, and read it carefully.

"The youngest Shichibukai in history - Chris!"

Seeing this eye-catching title, Whitebeard couldn't help but read it out, then he looked up at the sky and laughed.

"Chris, kid, I really didn't see the wrong person, you have really become a big man."

For other content, Whitebeard was too lazy to read it, he threw the newspaper to Marco and said with a smile.

"Little Chris, come to the new world early, I really want to have a fight with you."

"I'm a white beard, waiting for you in the new world, goo la la la..."

Guys, this is a picture of Marco.

For.. Little Ma, the author still likes it very much, so I specially gave him a picture to commemorate this... Huang's deputy powerhouse.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [2607...8640] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the sixty-first....the author who voted for the monthly pass...all recorded in the small book..will not forget ..! Summer reading fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [Donghuang Linggu Yi] for the monthly pass!

Big voted twice for the monthly vote...the author thank you also voted last are this month..the 100nd..the author has voted for the monthly vote. .It's all recorded in the small book! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 500 and get [-] coupons! :.


196: Chris, concubine will definitely be a gentle and virtuous wife! (for automatic subscription)

Big guys, when you reach the 5-word mark, please set up an automatic subscription for your little brother! Bow to thank you big guys, little brother! New world, an island off the beaten track.

At this moment, under the lush big tree, sitting a lot of men, it is the crew of the Red-haired Pirates.

"Deputy captain, here comes the newspaper."

Rockstar took a newspaper and strode over, smiling and in a very good mood.

Beckman was smoking a cigarette, expressionless, took the newspaper and opened it to read.

Rakilu was still so fat, wearing small glasses, took a bite of the food, and said with a smile, "What's the big news, Beckman?"

Jesus leaned against a big tree, holding a piece of grass in his mouth, and said something casually.

"Recently, the most lively thing in the sea is that woman."

"Speaking of which, I have taken a serious look at the picture of Boyahan Cook.

But looking around, I can't find any beauty in her."

"I don't like it, it's not the type I admire at all. It's the number one beauty in the world, so that's it."

Rockstar looked at Jesus cloth and said with a look of surprise: "How can it be, Boyahan Cook is so beautiful!"

"I've seen her pictures many times, her figure is invincible, her face is alluring, and her hair is fluttering..."

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