"Very well, you are now more and more worthy of the title of ... Empress', which is a good thing."

"I still need to practice, so for now, feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

After speaking, wait: Hancock speaks, without saying a word, just hangs up the phone bug.

This is the end of the call!! Guys, the above is the picture of Wydibe the Ice Witch.

Do you still have any impression of... this..., she appeared in the top war, and she is a dragon role.

In the manga Whitebeard appears in Wano country, there is a woman in it, she looks a lot like her, but that person is not Whitebeard, this needs to be explained.

About her, I will not introduce too much. If you have any questions, please Baidu.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

205: Prepare to leave Alabasta and start the battle for the squad leader! (for automatic subscription)

In the evening, 99:[-] thirteen.

Dressrosa, flower field.

In a certain room, there are three people here, it is King Riku, Rebecca and Violet.

"Auntie, Lord Chris is really amazing. He said that he wanted to become Qiwuhai, and it didn't take long for him to do it."

Rebecca opened the newspaper, looked at the photo of Chris, with a look of admiration on her beautiful white face, she said something.

"This morning's morning paper, I read it over and over, and I have read it a dozen times now!"

"Every time I look at it, I have a different feeling, but one thing is the same, that is, I feel that Chris is really too good and too strong."

Violet leaned against the chair, crossed her legs, and was still wearing a flamenco dance costume, showing her slender figure very well.

The eyebrows are curved, the smile is gentle and pleasant, and the voice is sweet: "I am about the same. Even if I haven't watched it a dozen times, I still have it eight, nine or eight times."

"Chris is only 19 years old now, and it's really shocking to everyone to have achieved such a big achievement before he was a weak champion."

"You don't know, Doflamingo called Chris today. His subordinates were rude to Chris and ignored Chris."

"As a result, Doflamingo was very angry and scolded them severely: scolding them with their heads bowed."

Violet covered her mouth and smiled, her beautiful eyes were shining, and she said happily: "Seeing that scene, let alone how happy I am, this feeling is amazing!"

Hearing Violet's words, Rebecca suddenly became excited, her pretty face was full of interest, and she hurriedly asked.

"Auntie, what is the specific process, please tell me quickly, I would like to know."

"Anyway... As long as it is related to Lord Chris, I feel very interesting and want to know everything about him."

"After all, he is my future uncle, hee hee hee..."

Violet rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, "What are you talking about, what do you call your future uncle, begging for a beating?"

At this time, King Riku was sitting upright, looking at Violet with old eyes, and said something in an old voice.

"It's getting late, hurry up and call Chris, don't... delay."

Rebecca hurriedly followed suit and said with a smile, "Fight, call, auntie, hurry up and call Lord Chris."

Violet nodded, without hesitation, took out the phone bug, and dialed it directly... Rain Banquet, inside the hall.

At this time, the banquet had come to an end, and everyone had basically left, each finding a place to rest.

There are gourmet and wine glasses everywhere on the table, and on the sofa next to them, there are many people lying scattered, all of them drunk.

"If you don't drink, I'll get drunk if you drink again."

Nami Qiao's face was very flushed, she obviously drank a lot of alcohol, burped, staggered to her feet, and said something.

"Going to sleep, I will be out to sea tomorrow morning, wait for the next battle, hahaha..."

Karina leaned back in the chair with a drunk face, and said very proudly: "Don't go, there is a kind: a decisive battle until dawn!"

Perona floated up, up and down, shaking her head, and said intermittently: "You guys are too... powerful... This princess has given up... Go to sleep!"

At this time, Bartolomeo held up the wine glass and said, "Come on, you can do whatever you want, I'll do it!"

"After drinking this cup, I'm going to go to bed, I can't hold it anymore, fuck!"

Bassas was the most forthright. He patted the table and said loudly, "What are you going to sleep for? Keep drinking, it's still early."

Crow pushed his glasses and said lightly: "Today is too much, it's almost time to end, after all, we have to hurry tomorrow morning."

Ah Jin picked up the wine glass and said loudly, "Today the captain becomes Seven.

I am so happy."

"After this banquet is over, I will start to practice hard, even harder than before."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the strongest, cheers!"

Lafitte smiled slightly, and said mildly: "Since everyone wants to leave, let's finish this cup and go back to sleep."

"You know, when we were drinking here, the captain had been practicing for several hours, and it made me feel ashamed to think about it."

"Stop talking, it's all done, come on!"

Everyone raised their glasses and said in unison, "Cheers!"

At the door, Dong Li crossed his legs and laughed loudly, "Today is so happy, I forgot, how long has it been since I was so happy, ah ah ah..."

Broki picked up the barrel, took a sip, and said in agreement, "It's been a long time, anyway... in the days to come, we'll all be laughing like this, crap"

In a certain room, there is a man here at this time, it is Chris who is working hard to cultivate.

As for those beautiful beauties who are like flowers and jade, all of them went back to rest early because they had been drinking and were incapable of drinking.

Suddenly, a crisp bell rang in the room.

Bleu Bleu... A lot of people will call today, Chris knew this for a long time, stopped practicing, walked to the table, and answered the phone.

"Chris, are you resting?"

The phone bug simulates Violet's appearance, and also wears a flamenco dance costume, which looks very interesting and vivid.

Chris was as calm as always, and said lightly: "I'm cultivating, if you have anything, just say it!"

Seeing the cold look on the phone bug's face, Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and said something casually.

"Master Chris, it's still so indifferent, nothing has changed."

"Even if you become Qiwuhai, you won't be happy, you won't show the slightest smile, it's really scary."

King Liku smiled amiably and praised: "Chris's personality is undoubtedly the best."

"When you are brilliant, you won't be domineering, you won't have high airs, and you won't be complacent."

"Such a character, calm and dignified, with a solid heart, he deserves to be a big man in the Qiwuhai, it really is different!"

"If other people become Qiwuhai, which one is not full of smiles, and which one is not excited and proud."

"Anyway, in my opinion, Chris doesn't care...

Whether it is strength or inner self-cultivation, they are all first-class and powerful.”

Violet is very clear about... Chris's character, knowing that he has always been decisive and will not say a word of nonsense.

That being the case, Violet didn't dare to drag, brushed the hair in front of his forehead, smiled and congratulated.

"Chris, we've read the morning paper."

"Congratulations on getting your wish and becoming a famous Qiwuhai!"

Violet is a woman with a dignified and elegant temperament, and she is also a princess of a country, and her status is extremely noble.

Chris still had a very good impression of her, showing a rare smile, "Violet, your congratulations, I accept."

"Now I have become Qiwuhai, I promised you something, and I will not forget it."

"Within two years, I will solve Doflamingo and completely liberate Dressrosa!"

Hearing this, Violet frowned, a sweet smile bloomed on her face, and said quickly.

"Lord Chris, we will never doubt your credibility..."

"Since you have promised us, you will definitely do it, there is no doubt about it."

"As for you will defeat Doflamingo, we are very confident in this, after all, you do have such strength."

Violet sat up straight, with a serious look on his pretty face, and said solemnly: "Chris, Brother Doflaming is very afraid of you."

"Once, I secretly used the ability to stare at the fruit to learn his inner thoughts."

"He knows that he is not your opponent and can't break through your... Absolute defense. If you attack, then he will be killed by you."

"So, as long as you are willing to take action, so many flamenco bastards are destined to be defeated by your hands, and there is no other possibility."

Rebecca's beautiful eyes lit up, and she praised her with a sweet and lovely smile on her beautiful white face.

"That's right, Lord Chris is the strength of a general, a mere Doflamingo is nothing."

"As long as Lord Chris takes a shot, beat that bastard looking for his teeth and torture him to death, hee hee hee"

King Liku nodded, his vicissitudes face, showing a look of relief, followed by: "Chris's strength, that is absolutely no question."

"Just from the bounty of more than [-] million, you can see Chris's combat power."

At this time, Chris regained his calm, "Brother Doflaming is not a fool, he is very smart and naturally knows the gap between him and me."

"Okay, I won't say anything more, and I will contact you when I have time!"

After he finished speaking, he was still so decisive and did not wait: Violet spoke and hung up the phone directly.

This is the end of the call!! Guys, we will leave the kingdom of Alabasta in the next chapter and continue our voyage.

As for the battle for the squad leader you've been waiting for, it's about to begin, so let's celebrate with flowers.

Thank you [1787...13660] for the monthly pass!


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