"This is an upright battle. He's good, and he even played tricks and tricks."

"And with such a poisonous attack, if it hits Lafitte, can it be rescued? This is a very serious question."

Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth, and said calmly: "It's nothing surprising, it's normal."

"Poisoning this person is a mad dog.

In order to achieve the goal, it is understandable to attack and poison."

"Why does the old lady hate him so much, because he is an out-and-out lunatic!"

The Queen Sweetheart brushed her pale golden hair and said angrily: "For his behavior, I suggest to directly disqualify him."

"Don't let him participate in the battle of the vice-captain, let him be the one at the bottom... Squad leader, punish him severely and make him pay the price he deserves."

"It's so hateful, it's really hateful, it's just scum!"

Lei Jiuyu dragged her delicate chin with her hand, smiled and said, "You are right, the poison is indeed going too far."

"However, in this battle, everything is based on strength. It doesn't care about the process at all, it only depends on the result."

"So whatever...

There are poisons, sneak attacks, and how terrifying the poisons are, these are all legal, and there is no way to disqualify him."

Turning his head to look at Chris, he blinked his beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "Chris, it's not wrong for me to say that."

The others didn't say much, and looked at Chris one by one without blinking, wondering how he would answer.

Chris stood quietly, with his arms around him, staring at the battlefield in front of him, as calm as always, and said a word with great certainty.

"You're right, this battle, no matter what...

The process, only the result.”

"In battle, no matter what...

What happened, even if it was a sneak attack, can be ignored."

"I only want the result, everything else is secondary."

"Furthermore, if the poison attack is successful, it can only show that Lafitte is nothing more than that, and is simply not qualified for the position of deputy captain."

214: Justice must prevail?Of course, because only the victor is justice!

"The poison of the dog days is ruthless!"

Bashas raised his arms and laughed loudly, "In order to be the vice-captain, this guy is still playing ass, Wei Hahaha..."

Ajin carried the two strangely shaped weapons, and said with disdain: "It's all a team, and they even play sneak attacks, this person is helpless!"

Bartolomeo nodded, looked angry, and said something.

"Paralyzed, this kind of person, Lao Tzu is ashamed to be with him!!"

Fan Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun, still expressionless, and said lightly: "In this world, the strong are respected, and everything is about strength."

"And sneak attack is also a manifestation of strength, there is nothing to say."

Luo carrying the demon sword and crying, agreed, and echoed.

"Indeed, no one will tell you the rules on this vast sea."

"If you want to fight fairly and expect your opponent to be kind, that's impossible."

Hawkins, as always dead, said in a low voice: "As long as you can win, you can use any means."

"I remember what the captain said, and I take it seriously."

"Justice will triumph of course, because only the victor is justice!"

Hawkins looked at the direction of the battlefield and said calmly: "History is written by the victors. As long as the drug attack is successful, then he is... correct."

"For no other reason than because he was the victor, everything was right."

Cavendish snorted, shrugged his shoulders, and said casually.

"Don't tell me the big truths, I don't understand, and I don't bother to listen."

"What's the matter, poison fruit is a piece of garbage. Just now, this young master conceded defeat, and he continued to attack."

"Now it's more of a sneak attack, and it's still using poison."

"Paralyzed, this young master actually lost to such a person, shame, it's a great shame!"

Crow pushed his glasses, nodded slightly, agreed with what Hawkins said, and said something along the way.

"For...every time what the ship said, I would listen carefully and think carefully."

"Nothing else, just because the captain's words can easily arouse others' deep thinking and are worth pondering."

"Judging from the current situation, if the poison attack is successful, then the captain will not only blame him, but praise him instead."

"As for sympathy for Lafitte, that doesn't exist.

After all, if he is easily attacked, it can only mean that he is not powerful enough, and it is time to give up his position."

Crow sighed, with a look of emotion on his face, "Seek truth from facts, there are no rules, everything is based on strength."

"Weak people go down, and strong people go up, the team is really amazing, it's the existence I've always dreamed of!"

fighting area.

At this time, one person was standing on the ground, the other was flying in the air, and a conversation was going on.

"Of course, we are a team, how could I not tell you."

Lafitte fluttered his white wings, looked down at the poison on the ground, smiled slightly, and was still so humble and polite.

"I know very well what kind of person you are."

"Self-serving and ruthless, as long as it is what you want to do, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it, and you will not think about other things at all."

"So from the beginning, I've been on guard against you, and my nerves have been tense."

"Sure enough, you guys are really vicious, you don't even need to attack, but you still use poison to attack."

Lafitte put the cane in front of him, pushed it from right to left, and said politely: "Poison, you are trying to kill me, it is too cruel!"

"Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'll kill you if I'm going to kill you."

"In this way, you don't have to participate in the next battle, just rank last."

"Don't worry about it, don't you think, poison!"

Poison opened his hands, squinted his eyes slightly, and said something with a strange smile.

"Deputy Captain Lafitte, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have attacked. It's really too much."

"But I really want to be the deputy captain. Can't you give me this position? Why do you want to fight each other?"

"Of course, since you want to fight, then Lao Tzu will accompany him to the end. I am really afraid that you will fail!"

"Poison Dragon!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his right hand towards the air, and the pale green gas instantly appeared, and the combination changed quickly, forming a green giant dragon.

The roaring green dragon roared, the dragon swung its tail, and with a swoosh, it was as fast as lightning, and rushed towards Lafitte.

There was a smile on Lafitte's pale face, and a gentleman said: "Poison, since you dare to attack, it means that you are ready for war."

"Very good, dare to challenge the majesty of this vice-captain, I admire your courage."

With a sound, the wings shook, a huge gust of wind blew, and the person flew to the side instantly, dodging the attack of the poisonous dragon.

Immediately afterwards, Lafitte didn't say any nonsense, he was very decisive, flapped his wings, circled down, and dived towards the poison.

The force was fierce, like a landslide, and after seeing it, the mind was strongly shocked.

"Lafitte, it's not that easy to win Lao Tzu."

"The giant hand of double poison!"

He raised his hands, and the pale green miasma gushed out continuously, quickly combined, and turned into two green strange hands, much like fierce beasts from ancient times.

It is full of horror and attracts the attention of others abnormally. After watching it, you can't take your eyes away.

"Too slow, not fast enough, poison!"

As for the power of this guy's miasma, Lafitte is very clear, so there is no hard connection at all, and with a swipe, he dodged again.

In an instant, he came to the side of the poison, there was a crisp sound, the sword light flashed, and the sword was unsheathed, flashing with a cold light, quiet and cold.

"Eat my trick, don't be careless, poison!"

The sword had already turned pitch black, covered with a domineering weapon color, and stabbed away ruthlessly against the poison.

The shot is ruthless, and the killing is decisive, if the poison is stabbed, then even if it does not die, serious injury is inevitable.

It can be seen from this that Lafitte looks very modest and gentleman, in fact, he is also a ruthless man, not a good stubble... Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read

215: Poison Q wanted to admit defeat, but Lafitte disagreed and killed him directly!

"It will be domineering, but it's not... only you."

Du Baxas was the first among all squad leaders to follow Chris.

Naturally, the two-color domineering must have been learned and can be used proficiently.

He slightly turned his body and avoided Lafayette's thrusts, but before he could react, Lafayette attacked again.

I saw Lafitte quickly turned around, clenched the hilt of the sword, and slashed wildly at the poison.

Or stab, or slash, or swept... swords, lights, swords, and shadows, the surrounding space is full of sword energy, densely packed, and Lafitte's sword strikes are everywhere, not giving the poison a chance to rest at all.

"Damn, careless, I should have distanced myself from you just now."

Poisoned with knowledge and sex, constantly dodging Lafitte's attack, bowing his head for a while, then moving to the left... "Deputy Captain Lafitte, pause for a while, I need to rest for a while."

"The fight with Cavendish just now made me feel a little tired, and I need to recover."

Lafitte did not stop attacking, chasing the poisonous figure, chasing and beating, the sharp sword slashed quickly, and the sword shadows overlapped, making people dazzled.

"That's not good, poison."

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