"Unfortunately, I don't have time to wait, I can only miss this opportunity, alas..."

Then, Bashas, ​​Cavendish, and Luo, the three of them began to compete for the position of captain of the first team.

I don't know how long it took, this battle came to an end, and the battle for the captains of the 2nd and [-]nd divisions began.

"Made, I don't dare to grab the captain of the first team, then the captain of the second and second team, I must win!"

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, hehe said with a smile: "Let's do it, everyone, if anyone dares to fight with Lao Tzu, don't blame me for not being merciful, quack"

Van Oka put down the pistol quickly, pulled the trigger between the lightning and flint, and hit a black bird in the distance with a bang.

"I am very interested in the position of the captain of the second and second division."

"Knives and guns have no eyes, I can't guarantee that it will kill people!"

Crow shook his head, sighed, and said something with a rare wry smile.

"I originally wanted to participate, but since you want to participate in the competition, I can only give up."

"After all, I have the ability to wear through the fruit. It is impossible for me to attack you. Instead, I will be used as a living target by you. Why bother... Come on!"

Hawkins was dead and agreed, "Judging from his appearance, the position of the captain of the 2nd and [-]nd division is destined to belong to him."

Bartolomeo looked at Fan Oka and said speechlessly: "Old Fan, you are too inauthentic."

"As soon as your special mother participates, who will dare to snatch it from you, unless you are tired of living!!"

"Forget it, I quit, and directly participate in the competition for the captain of the third division."

Everyone else gave up and did not dare to fight with Van Oka, all of them were very self-aware, for fear of being beaten to death by Van Oka.

Therefore, the battle for the captains of the 2nd and [-]nd divisions has come to an end.

The winner - the sharpshooter from the East China Sea: Otoyoshi Fan Oka! Then, the battle for the third division, the battle for the fourth division... Five days later.

Chris, in the training room.

Nami stood in front of the window, opened her arms, and showed a knowing smile on her beautiful white face, and said something very happy.

"Today's weather is really good, the wind is bright and the sun is shining brightly, and my mood is also happy."

Arrita wielded a big black iron rod, cultivating a domineering look of armament, and said with a smile: "It's been sunny recently, so I'm used to it."

"If there's a little rain, listen to the patter of rain, and drink some coffee, that's perfect!"

Perona floated in the air, grinning, and said in agreement: "Head to head, it's too poetic, this princess yearns for it!"

Keya stopped reading and smiled sweetly, "If there is a chance, everyone can take a walk in the rain, it will be fun."

"Walking, chatting, listening to the rain and the wind, feeling all the changes in nature, it's really nice."

Makino patted her shoulder, raised her eyebrows, and said with a sweet smile, "Xiaoya, you have a good idea, when the time comes, my sister will accompany you."

"Seriously, walking in the rain is really romantic. I'm craving rain now."

Betty waved the flag, calm as always, "I don't understand why you like these.... Is it interesting?"

"Walking in the rain, no matter how I look at it, the old lady thinks it's very naive. I can't figure out where the romance and poetic beauty come from."

Leiju leaned against the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, touched her white chin, and said something with a gentle smile.

"You have a more forthright and carefree personality, so naturally you can't understand this......."

"Like the rest of us...the more ladylike and quieter, all like to sing the wind and watch the moon and enjoy this quiet time."

"What Chris said is very suitable for this situation and is very appropriate."

"Without indifference, there is no clear ambition, without tranquility, there is no far-reaching!"

Leiju looked at the man in front of him who was cultivating constantly, her beautiful eyes gleaming with brilliance, "To be honest, Chris's sentence really expresses the true meaning of life."

"Prosperity is over, things are right and wrong, and there is nothing that can be lively and live forever."

"No matter who it is, at the end, it will definitely be calm and indifferent. This is an inevitable result."

"In short, this sentence is really worth thinking about!!"

Just then, a siren was heard outside.


"Ahead is... Gaya Island, finally we can go to Sky Island! Ahead is..."

218: Qiwuhai is the smartest person in this sea!

Hearing the sound of the alarm coming from outside, all the girls were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and couldn't help but discuss.

"Great, finally arrived at Gaya Island."

Maya brushed her water-blue hair, showing a sweet and pleasant smile on her beautiful and refined face, and said something very happy.

"Next, we're going to the island in the sky, the legendary empty island, hee hee hee..."

The day before yesterday morning, while the fleet was sailing, it encountered the witch Maya.

Needless to say about the ending, even if Maya is a witch, she can't resist Baccarat's lucky fruit, so she can only board the ship of Chris.

Pacia is a dancer and likes dancing very much. She stopped to rest, wiped her perspiration with a towel, and smiled and said, "Yes, I'm looking forward to it too."

"I have never believed in the existence of an empty island, thinking it is just a legend."

"But after listening to Chris's explanation, I realized that the sky island is... Gaya Island, which was washed to a height of 400 meters by the current [-] years ago."

Pacia shook her head slightly, with a look of emotion on her pretty face, and said in disbelief, "If it wasn't for what Chris said, I really wouldn't believe it."

"There are islands in the sky. If you say this, you will definitely be regarded as a lunatic and laughed at."

Nami shrugged, sighed, and echoed.

"Yeah, it's a fantasy, no one would believe it."

"It can only be said that Chris really knows too much. It's amazing to know such a secret thing!"

At this moment, Chris stopped practicing and walked towards the door, calmly as always, "Let's go!"

The Queen Sweetheart stood up, raised her eyebrows, and said with a sweet smile: "I'm really looking forward to the next journey."

"When he was in the East China Sea, the golden lion Shiji used the ability of the fluttering fruit to make the island float in the sky [-] meters."

"The empty island is different. It is formed by the power of nature. This is very strange. It can be called a spectacle of modern and ancient times, and it is shocking."

Keya blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled sweetly, "Ever since I heard about the existence of the empty island, I have been looking forward to it, I really want to see the customs there."

"I believe, this must be a very, very magical island!"

Makino nodded, still so gentle and dignified, and continued: "Seriously, since I got on the ship, my knowledge and experience have improved rapidly."

"If I stay in Windmill Village honestly, then in this life, I am destined to be only a village girl, and it is impossible to live such a gorgeous life."

Nuoqi smiled and agreed, "It's true, going to sea with Chris, there are really too many things to experience."

Betty took a big step, took a breath and said, "I heard Christie mention that the people on the sky island are arrogant and domineering."

"And the people there, unlike us, have snow-white wings behind them, like angels."

"Not to mention, such a human being really arouses the interest of the old lady."

Leijiu stroked her pink hair and said with a sweet smile, "I'm also very interested in the residents of the sky island."

"For the specific situation, we will take a good look at it when we board the mysterious island."

Then, the girls chatted and laughed, discussed the situation of the empty island one by one, and walked towards the door with graceful steps...on the deck.

Bassas stood up, looked at the island in the distance, raised his arms and laughed, very excited.

"Finally arrived at Gaya Island, I can wait.


Luo carrying the demon knife and crying, looking up at the sky, blue, sunny, and white clouds fluttering.

"According to the captain's statement, the sky island is at an altitude of [-] meters, but it is blocked by clouds and cannot be observed."

Hawkins, as always a dead man, said in a low voice: "If others say the existence of the empty island, it will not be convincing at all."

"However, what the captain said is absolutely believable, there is no doubt about that."

Bartolomeo shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "The captain's typical reticence, but every word he said was thoughtful."

"Anyway, it is justified and well-founded, and I will never say nonsense, nor will I say things that cannot be affirmed."

"So every time the captain speaks, everyone listens carefully and doesn't dare to be distracted at all."

As a sharpshooter, Van Oka has undoubtedly the best eyesight. Looking at the sky, he said lightly.

"The clouds are too thick to peek into the existence of the island."

"It's no wonder that no one has been able to discover the existence of an empty island for 400 years. That's why."

Crow pushed his glasses and looked indifferent, "Everyone's cognition has a limitation."

"Things thrown out will fall to the ground. This is common sense that children know."

"So there are islands in the sky, such a crazy thing, no one will believe, naturally it is impossible to explore the existence of empty islands."

At this time, Cavendish glanced at the poison, smiled, laughed, and said something.

"Are you thinking of some bad thoughts again, and thinking about how to take revenge, poison?"

"Since the end of the battle, your whole person has changed, you have become more profound, with a gloomy look on your face."

"Haha, as long as I remember that you are the last one in the squad leader, this young master will especially want to laugh."

Cavendish put on a handsome look and said mockingly: "Sure enough, poison, you are born... the weakest, hohohoho..."

Ah Jin nodded lightly and said indifferently: "Remember that when the poison wakes up, the whole person is crazy, and I can't wait to slaughter everyone on the ship."

The poison was covered with tension, he glanced at them, his eyes were gloomy, he laughed, and said something.

"Lafitte is the deputy captain, how dare I seek revenge from him, what are you kidding me for?"

"I don't care about the ranking of the mere squad captain, the last one is the best."

"After all, everyone is a team. It's not good to fight and kill, so why fight to the death? You say yes."

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, gentle and gentle, said: "If you can think so, it is undoubtedly the best."

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