"Don't scream so much, there is a captain here, you are afraid of a hammer, fuck!"

There was an explosion, countless water splashes splashed into the air, the hull swayed for a while, and finally stopped steadily on the sea.

The sky was still pitch black, and there was no sunlight at all.

The surrounding air seemed to be quiet, without the slightest sound or the slightest breeze.

And the sea level is like a mirror, so calm and waveless.

All this, it seems that time and space are frozen, and the atmosphere is very strange.


Everyone was stunned and looked around one by one, unable to react at all.

"Where is this place, what's the situation?"

Bellamy looked around and said with a look of surprise: "That... where is the whirlpool eye, where did it go?"

Bartolomeo nodded and said in amazement: "Just now we flew into the vortex, then it was pitch black, and then we fell here."

"It's weird, I don't understand it at all, I'm confused!"

Bassas looked at Chris, scratched his head, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Captain, what's the situation now, everyone wants to know the answer, please explain it to us."

At this time, as a navigator, Nami was the first to react.

Slightly bowed his head, with a dignified look on his pretty face, he quickly said: "I understand, this is the prelude to the outbreak."

"Because the eruption is about to start, the vortex eye temporarily disappeared from the seabed."

Nami looked at Chris and quickly asked, "My guess is right, isn't that so Chris?"

"This should be the location where the soaring ocean current broke out. At that time, we can take this ocean current and reach the empty island."

Makino stroked her dark green hair, still so gentle and generous, "You are our navigator, you must be right."

Keya nodded, with a sweet and cute smile, "Nami is amazing, she's a genius navigator, I admire her very much."

"You're right, the analysis is spot on."

Chris put his arms around him and responded calmly.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the bottom of the sea.

Nami immediately reacted, looked at the people around her, and said anxiously, "This is the sound of bubbles, and the airflow from the bottom of the sea is rising."

"Everyone pay attention, find a stable place, either hide in the cabin or grab the hull."

"In short, you must hold on tight, and don't be thrown out, or you will be finished!"

After speaking, without any hesitation, he hurriedly walked to one side and quickly found a place to catch it.

Chris still stood there without moving at all, and said lightly: "Listen to the navigators, hurry up and find a place."

"Yes, Captain!"

The people below shouted in unison and ran quickly, some holding the railing, some holding the mast... Basas raised his arms and laughed, "I don't have the strength of a captain, or Be honest, find a place to stay, Wei Hahaha"

Ajin nodded and said indifferently: "We are going to a height of [-] meters. If we don't hold on tight and are thrown out, we will definitely be buried at the bottom of the sea."

"This is not a joke, everyone quickly find a place to catch it, don't linger."

After Cavendish finished speaking, he hurried to the side.

The other people didn't say much, they all chose the place one by one and grasped it firmly, daring not to be careless in the slightest.

At this time, on the deck, Chris was alone, as solid as a rock, like a tree rooted in it.

No one can move him!! Suddenly, a clattering sound rang out.

The ship shook heavily and shook.

Immediately afterwards, the sea water below was like a fountain, slowly rising, lifting the boat continuously, getting higher and higher, and continued to rise.

"Come on, the sky-high ocean current is coming, everyone hurry up!"

As a navigator, Nami was obliged to remind her, and her voice hurriedly shouted.

All the girls grabbed the things one by one, and responded, "Don't worry, they are all firmly in place!"

Crow grabbed the railing, looked at the rising sea level, and exclaimed, "With this momentum, it's no wonder that it can rush to a height of [-] meters."

"It's terrifying, the explosive power of this current is really amazing."

Lafitte smiled slightly, still such a gentleman, and said something.

"It's not surprising that the power of nature is just... so powerful."

At this time, the rising ocean current gradually stopped and reached a highest point.

I saw this current, which looked like an upside-down bowl, and at the highest position, the ship floated quietly there.

This is the calm before the storm!! The outbreak is coming... Feilo reminds you: [-] things to read

226: Navigator Shinami showed her great power and finally entered the gate of heaven!

Bang...Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sea.

I saw an incomparably wide water column burst out from the bottom of the sea, wrapped in a terrifying power, as fast as lightning, and instantly soared into the sky.

It was getting higher and higher, rising continuously, and there was a gust of wind blowing, the air was shattered, directly penetrated, and galloped toward the sky, with no end in sight.

At this time, looking from a distance, I saw a huge blue water column standing on the vast and boundless sea, like a needle that stabilizes the sea, connecting the sky and the ground.


This scene is really shocking!! On the Chris, one by one couldn't calm down, yelling, all with surprise on their faces.

"Really or not, the ship is flying into the sky!"

Bellamy hugged the railing tightly, looked at the sea level that was constantly moving away, and said with a look of horror.

Luo leaned against the mast, looked up at the high sky, and exclaimed.

"It's really incredible to go straight through the sky!"

Bashas laughed loudly and shouted loudly: "Come on, head towards the empty island, Wei Hahahaha..."

Hawkins, as always dead, said in a low voice, "It turns out that what the captain said is correct."

"The empty island is not a legend, but a real existence."

At this time, Al Rita leaned against the door of the ship, pointed to the sky, and said a quick sentence.

"Look, something fell from above."

Hearing her words, everyone hurriedly looked up.

I saw a huge red sea king, constantly spinning its huge body, passing by and quickly falling to the sea below.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback by surprise, stunned one by one, and felt extremely frightened.

"If our ship fell like this..."

Karina's pretty face showed a look of horror, and she hurriedly said: "Everyone has to think of a way to rush to the empty island!"

Leijiu nodded, a dignified look on Qingguoqingcheng's face, "Falling from such a high place, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving."

"Chris, you must have a way, what are we going to do next?"

Suddenly, Keya covered her mouth and said eagerly: "Everyone, look, there is something on it, it has fallen."

I saw a pile of ship wrecks, with masts, decks, scattered, all falling down.

Betty frowned and said something serious.

"The situation is really urgent, it's no joke."

"Now that we have risen so high, if we do fall, there will only be one result."

At this time, Bartolomeo screamed, "No, the hull is gradually leaving the water column..."

Ah Jin hurriedly followed, "Captain, you have to think of a way. If this goes on, the ship will be thrown out."

"Mad, as expected, the empty island is not so easy to get to, it's too dangerous!"

Cavendish got angry and cursed.

Hawkins said in a lifeless voice, "Everyone has not shown death, so don't worry at all, it will be fine."

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Chris, waiting for him to give a solution to the current predicament.

Chris was still standing on the deck, with his arms around him, without being affected in any way, he said calmly.

"When you encounter this kind of question, the person you should ask is not me, but the navigator on the ship."

Hearing what he said, everyone focused their eyes on Nami again with a look of anticipation.

Nami brushed the hair in front of her forehead, her beautiful eyes were full of determination, and she said decisively: "Immediately.

Yang Fan, hurry up!"


Everyone was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Nami, not understanding why she said that.

"This is the sea, not an ordinary water column, but a sky-high current."

Nami looked at everyone and said very quickly: "And the wind blowing up below is the updraft generated by the explosion of geothermal heat and steam under the sea."

"Since the object is the wind and the sea, then I have a way to sail."

"Attention everyone, it's starboard right now, right now.

Turn the rudder to the left and try to keep the hull in line with the current to avoid being thrown out."

"Follow your orders, Master Navigator!"

The people below did not dare to hesitate, and hurried to work, some Yang Fan, some turning the rudder... Suddenly, the boat shook heavily, the bow was raised high, and it completely left the water.

Karina's beautiful eyes widened, and her pretty face was full of fear, and she quickly said, "Nami, the boat is about to leave the water, what should I do!"

De Zaya was very eager, and then said, "Is this really okay, we will be thrown out, ah ah ah"

"No problem, don't worry!"

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