The following promised, without any hesitation, and hurriedly drove the boat towards the door... Seeing that Chris and the others had left, Amazon did not hesitate, and hurriedly reported the situation.

"I'm the Guardian of Heaven's Gate - Amazon!"

"Report to the Almighty God and the priests, there are a lot of people who have not paid the entry fee and have illegally invaded."

"And they are very arrogant, threatening to attack the kingdom of God and become the new master here."

"Almighty God, please give them the punishment of God, please give them the punishment of God!"

.................Island of the Gods, Appayado.

Here is a splendid palace.

At this time, a man was sitting on the throne, and four 44 priests were standing below.

"Lord Anilu, Amazon, the surveillance officer of the Gate of Heaven, just reported something."

Gedaz rolled his eyes habitually and said quickly: "A group of people entered the kingdom of God, not only did they not pay the entry fee, but they also spoke badly to you."

Sadley nodded and echoed, "These people are too arrogant, and they want to occupy the kingdom of God. It's simply unacceptable... forgive me!"

Shura looked at the man on the throne, and said with a respectful expression: "Lord Anilu, let our four priests dispatch and kill them directly!"

"Yes, I will torture them severely, and let these guys know that if they dare to offend Lord Anilu, the end will be miserable."

Ohm smiled cruelly and continued.

At this time, Anilu leaned against the throne, yawned, and said something with a big laugh.

"No, this god has already sensed them, many people, and many women."

"This god is also very bored recently, so I will personally execute them and give him the punishment of God."

Anilu held a golden stick and said with a big smile: "All those men are killed, and all those women's words will be brought back."

"Let them all live in the sanctuary, act as maids, and serve the god all their lives."

"It's definitely the highest honor for women like.. they will definitely be very excited and proud, yeah hahaha..."

.................Yunyin Village.

At this time, under a big tree, many people gathered.

The chief sat on the stone, looked at everyone present, his face was serious, and he said something in an old voice.

"I received a secret message just now that a group of people rushed into the kingdom of God without paying the entry fee."

"Moreover, this group of people also threatened to occupy this place and want to become the masters of the new generation."

The chief's old face showed a serious look, "If this is the case, then our chance has come."

"As long as we cooperate with them, we will definitely be able to defeat that bastard in Anilu and regain our territory."

Wayipa's expression was extremely ferocious, looking like a devil, without saying a word, he hurriedly asked.

"Chief, where did you get this news from, and is it reliable?"

"You know, Anilu is not... that easy to deal with. With the people you said, how could it be possible to succeed?"

Laqi has black and bright hair, wearing purple armor, with small snow-white wings on her back, holding a long spear in her jade hand, looking valiant.

She is the main force of the Shandia tribe and the only female warrior in the tribe.

Brave, yet gentle, he is really an angel who captivates the country!! "Yes, Chief, we know how powerful Anilu is."

"We Shandia warriors are so brave and strong, but they are not the opponents of Anilu."

Laqi frowned her beautiful eyebrows, her pretty face showed a dignified look, and she said in a sweet voice: "How can you do it just by the people you said?"

Braham nodded and agreed: "That's right, if you want to defeat that guy in Anilu, you can only rely on the warriors of Sandia."

"As for other people, they are all unreliable, this is inevitable!"

Camarchili smiled disdainfully, and said firmly, "I will never trust... people outside."

"In this world, the most reliable... are only our warriors from Sandia."

Jiebao was very puzzled and asked directly: "Chief, will there be a problem with the source of your news?"

"I think it might be a trap, a trap for us Sandia!"

Hearing what the soldiers said, the chief fell silent. He could never say anything about the spy, Amazon, the gate of heaven.

After all, the stakes are very important, and if it is leaked, the loss will undoubtedly be huge.

"Okay, you don't have to doubt the authenticity of this news."

"The top priority now is to go outside and observe the situation to confirm the strength of these people."

The chief stood up, walked into the village, and said in a vicissitudes of life: "If their strength is not bad, then bring them back and discuss cooperation."

"Soldier, don't go your own way, we need outside power.

Only with the help of others will it be possible to retake our territory."

"This is very important, you must remember it!"

Wayipa leaned against the chair with a depressed look on his face, and said inexplicably: "What did the chief say, what a joke!"

"Let's go out and see what's going on, it's a waste of time."

"I still don't believe it, the foreign entrants can compare to the warriors of Shandia, it's ridiculous!"

Braham frowned and said something embarrassed.

"But since the chief said so, it's not good if we don't go out and find out."

Jiebao shook his head, sighed, and said speechlessly: "The chief is really old-fashioned, maybe his spirit is not normal!"


Jiebao covered his head, looked at Laqi, and said speechlessly: "Why did you hit me with a gun? It hurts, you know?"

Laqi glared at him, carrying a long spear, and said angrily.

"Who told you to talk nonsense, don't be rude to the chief, you know?"

"Since the chief said so, there must be his reasons. Let's do it honestly, and don't question his old man's words."

He stood up and urged: "Okay, don't linger here, get up quickly, and go out to see the situation together."

After he finished speaking, he took elegant steps and walked slowly towards the outside of the village... Big guys, the picture above is Laqi.

As for... this..., it is estimated that some people have no impression of it.

To be honest, my younger brother especially likes this character, the kind that I like very much...

With fluttering hair, a typical melon-seeded face, a good figure, and a pair of tiny white wings, she is simply a goddess among goddesses.

Well, not much to say, so as not to count the words.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

228: The Strongest Natural System Ringing Thunder Fruit!The strange monk Urki appears!The gentle Cornice appears!

After half an hour.

Chris, above deck.

"This is Baibaihai, [-] meters above the ground?"

Keya took a deep breath and said something with an uncomfortable look on her beautiful and fair face.

"The air pressure here is lower than below, and the air is really thin!"

Makino patted her shoulder, her face pale, and said with concern: "It's okay, Chris said it, just get used to it for a while... and it will return to normal."

Al Rita stood the big iron rod in front of her, looking around with her beautiful eyes, with a sweet and charming smile, "It feels no different from below, it's all a white world."

Nami lowered her head, glanced at the recording pointer on her wrist, a knowing smile appeared on her pretty face, and said carelessly.

"That's right, this is an empty island."

"Look, the record pointer no longer points to the top, it is now in a horizontal state, haha..."

Perona floated to her side, her beautiful eyes were shining, and she said with a smile: "It's true, then this is a real empty island, halie ha ha ha"

Betty has a domineering look, and her perception is naturally unusual. She took a breath, "You don't need to look at the record pointer, isn't there an island in front of you."

Hearing what she said, everyone looked over quickly, and saw an island appeared in the distance, with lush green trees on it.

"Sure enough, there are islands, it's really amazing!"

Bashas raised his arms high, smiled, and said loudly: "I can't believe that I don't see it with my own eyes. There are islands in the sky, Weihahahaha..."

Akin looked at Chris' back, with a look of admiration on his dark face, "The captain's words can always be trusted."

"Good, very good."

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, hehe laughed, and said something proud.

"If you have nothing to do in the future, just come here for a stroll, it's really suitable for vacation!"

Bellamy nodded and agreed, "Yes, anyway... the whole island belongs to us."

"If you have nothing to do, you can really come up and play, and consider it as leisure and entertainment."

At this time, the ship is getting closer and closer to the island, and the scenery above can be clearly seen.

The pale golden sandy beach has thick green trees growing on it, and there are rows of buildings in the distance, which are scattered in height and style.

And by the beach, stood a girl, slim and slim, playing the harp.

At her feet, lay a snow-white fox, lazily, basking in the sun and listening to the sound of the piano.

It was Conis, and her pet Sisi.

"It's so beautiful, the picture is so beautiful."

Leijiu leaned against the railing, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said elegantly and dignifiedly: "It's okay to be idle, playing music on the beach, thinking about it makes people envious!"

Makino nodded lightly, as gentle and generous as always, "And she looks very gentle, she must be a lady."

As a singer, Karina naturally knows the music best, and said with a smile: "It's really good, but there is a hint of sadness in it."

"It seems that this is a girl with a story, hee hee hee"

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