Hearing what Baccarat said, Perona floated in the air, clapped her hands quickly, and said with a smile.

"Wow, wow, there's another devil fruit, that's really nice."

"Looking forward, this princess is looking forward to it, halie halie halie..."

Makino nodded and smiled, still so gentle and kind, "I'm also looking forward to it, what kind of fruit will it be this time."

"If it is a natural department, then it is undoubtedly the best."

The others didn't speak, and their pretty faces showed hope. They were full of yearning for... the upcoming Devil Fruit... Bosses, the above is the picture of Yun Yaxin.

I believe no one knows what this guy said.

No way, in the anime, she is... a dragon role, and there is basically no picture.

If you are interested in her, you can ask me in the book review area, I won't say much here.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

230: Chris is used to being fierce, and within two moves, directly kills Anilu!

on the square.

At this time, the residents of the sky island finally reacted thoroughly, and looked at each other one by one, their eyes full of shock, and they hurriedly whispered.

"Have you heard, he is going to be the new owner here, I heard right!"

"Shh, be quiet, you're going to die..."

"It's over, this person is dead, and he dares to blaspheme the great God, he is not saved..."

"It's a pity, such a young man is about to pass away, it's really sad!!"

"Let's go quickly, God must know about this, and he will come to punish us later, let's not be implicated, slip away"

"It would be great if he could really defeat the gods, I've had enough of it, and never... think about such an inhuman life!"

"Whether it's a hero or a bear, we'll find out when we meet, anyway...don't hold out hope."

Immediately afterwards, these residents, without saying a word, hurriedly walked to the periphery of the square, for fear that the gods would come, and then be affected by... the outer area, under the big tree.

Urgi still sat cross-legged, like an old monk sitting still, as still as a mountain.

Looking at Chris' figure, he frowned, with a solemn look on his face, and muttered in his heart.

"What an arrogant young man, so arrogant!"

"But do you have such strength? Now you have angered Enilu. If you can't defeat him, I'm afraid it will affect the residents of the island."

"But if you really defeated Anilu, then this monk can join your team, and he is willing."

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it, put his hands together, and prayed for the residents, hoping that everyone is safe and free from disasters... The outer area, inside a certain building.

There are four 44 males and one female, they are the warriors of Shandia.

At this moment, the room fell into silence, no one spoke, everyone was stunned and stunned.

After a while, La Qi was the first to react, Mei Mu looked in Chris's direction, a look of surprise appeared on Qing Guo Qingcheng's face, and she hurriedly said something.

"Did you hear that... what did Chris say?"

"He said he wanted to defeat Anilu and lead everyone to prosperity and strength. I heard that right."

Wayipa looked at Chris on the stone statue with a ferocious expression, and said very seriously: "You heard right, he did say so."

"This person, very strong, very strong!!"

"It seems that I was wrong, we were all wrong, or the chief was right."

Wayipa sighed and said with a wry smile: "Judging from his aura, I'm definitely not his opponent, this is inevitable."

"It's terrifying, that kind of... the aura of a wild beast. It's the first time I've seen him. I'm afraid this person's strength is stronger than Enilu."

Braham looked at Wayipa, his face full of horror, and he couldn't believe it: "Really or not, is this Chris that powerful?"

"How old is he, how could he be Enel's opponent? It's impossible!"

Jiebao shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

"Anyway...well, whatever...

No matter how strong he is, we have to pull him into the camp."

"In this way, we will have more confidence in dealing with Enilu."

Camachli nodded and agreed, "Isn't this the task that the chief gave us."

"But don't be in a hurry, let's wait and see what happens, I believe that Anilu must be on his way."

"Let's see the situation and take action later, this is more secure, but it can't be too impulsive, you must calm down."

Laqi held the spear, and her beautiful eyes stared at Chris' stalwart figure, and said secretly in her heart, "Chris, I don't care who you are, where did you come from."

"If you can defeat that bastard in Anilu, then I will persuade the warriors of Shandia to let them all turn to you."

"We must win, Chris..."

Meanwhile, in another building.

There is only one person and one animal here, it is the sky knight Ganfort, and his mount Pierre.

"Did you hear it just now, he's going to defeat that bastard Enel."

Wearing silver-white armor and holding a long spear, Ganfur said in disbelief: "Could it be that the old man's ears are not good, did he hear it wrong?"

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shook his head and responded.

Gan Fu'er's old eyes lit up, and he looked extremely excited, and said very happily: "If this is the case, then our chance has come."

"If Chris defeats Anilu, then the citizens will no longer have to suffer and live happily ever after."

"It doesn't matter who is the master of the kingdom of God.

As long as it is beneficial to the people and does good deeds for the people, nothing else matters."

Ganfort looked at Chris' figure, cheered him on, and said something in an old voice.

"Chris, you must win, this country depends on you!"

"Please, you must defeat Anilu, this is the long-cherished wish of this old man, and it must be successful!"

At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice came from the sky, and spread all over the square in an instant, and everyone could hear it clearly.

"Good, good, really good."

"There are people who dare to rebel against this god, and even make nonsense, to occupy the land of this god."

"It seems that this god hasn't appeared for a long time. You... stupid ants, have forgotten the existence of this god."

"Today, this god will show you, what is the power of ''."

"Open your eyes to this god and welcome the coming of God, yeah hahaha..."


Incredible fear.

Hearing Anilu's voice and knowing that God was about to come, all the residents quickly knelt down without saying a word.

"Welcome to the great God..."

Looking at Chris' figure, Urki looked extremely solemn, and prayed secretly, "We must win, or will something major happen."

"That bastard, Anilu, is cruel by nature, and will definitely kill all the residents, not even one of them will be spared."

"Since the matter was started by you, you must solve it no matter what, and you must not drag others down!"

In the same way, hearing the voice of Anilu, the warriors of Shandia were all furious, with angry expressions on their faces.

La Qiyu held the spear tightly in her hand, her pretty face was sullen, and she said angrily, "Damn Anilu, have you finally appeared?"

"It's all because of you bastard that the warriors of Shandia cannot go home and can't talk about their suffering."

"Bastard, you damned fellow, you will definitely die!"

Wayipa has always been ferocious, like a ghost, and said quickly: "Everyone pay attention, cheer up."

"If there is a chance, you must make a decisive move and kill Enilu directly."

"As long as you kill him, then everything will be done, we can take back our own territory, and no longer have to hide like mice."

Braham nodded and agreed, "That's right, as long as Anilu is dead, then the four 44 priests are not worth mentioning, they can be killed in minutes."

Camachli looked outside and said very seriously: "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on it, as long as there is a chance to shoot, I will definitely rush up."

"For the sake of Shandia's territory, even if I die in battle, I will not hesitate!"

Jiebao waved his hand and reminded, "Okay, don't say more, everyone should focus."

Above the square.

Hearing such arrogant and arrogant voice of Anilu, the squad leaders were not happy, and they laughed at each other one by one, and there was a lot of discussion.

Bassas has always been the most impulsive, raised his arms, laughed, and said something.

"As expected of the god of the empty island, he is so arrogant, Wei Hahahaha..."

Poison Light said with a wicked cough: "Such an arrogant guy, don't let him get on the boat, he'll just be poisoned to death later."

Luo carrying the demon knife and crying, glanced at the residents nearby, as always cold, "It seems that the rule of Enilu is indeed cruel."

"Just hearing his voice, these people didn't hesitate at all, and immediately knelt down."

"And everyone's face is full of panic and fear, very afraid of the god Enel."

Crow pushed his glasses and said calmly: "It's normal for them to be afraid in the face of such an invincible existence as the Thunder Fruit."

"However, this guy is indeed flamboyant enough to hear no one. He deliberately used threats to spread fear in everyone's hearts."

"I have to say that the Thunder Fruit gave him a sense of superiority, making him stand tall, as if in the clouds, stepping on everyone's feet."

Bellamy spread his hands, sneered, and said,"

It is so beautiful now, and it will turn into a dead dog later, and see how long he will run wild."

"Those who dare to be arrogant with the captain will definitely pay the price."

At this moment, the voice of Enilu came from the air again, still so arrogant and arrogant, full of contempt for everything.

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