After speaking, he immediately jumped onto the seahorse and stepped on it.

Uuuu... Haima nodded again and again, with a look of horror on his face, obviously frightened by Padong, he didn't dare to have any resistance.

"Don't say it, although my memory was stolen, I feel a little angry."

Karina looked at the seahorse, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she said with a smile: "But seeing it being abused like this, I feel very happy that it didn't come, hehe."

Betty took a breath, shrugged her shoulders, and said casually: "Okay, if there's anything else, I'll talk about it tomorrow, or go back to sleep quickly."

Without hesitation, he turned around and walked into the room.

"It's all gone, it's still more important to sleep."

Jierxin smiled and said: "staying up late is a woman's natural enemy, hurry up and rest."

Perona let out a crisp laugh and floated into the room, "This princess will go to bed first, and I will cook it well tomorrow, hahahahalie..."

Then, the girls didn't stay here any longer, they went to their rooms one by one, and they all went back to sleep... three days later.

Chris, in the training room.

"It's amazing, Chris's awareness is really admirable!"

Lai Jia leaned on the chair, shook her little feet, held Chris's quote, and wore a pair of glasses, with a look of admiration on her little face, and said something.

"Sure enough, Chris is the one I've been waiting for. I'm going to be his little secretary, specializing in all kinds of things."

"Little genius secretary, it's me - Lai Jia!"

She is 9 years old this year, very smart, has read a lot of books, and has mastered a wealth of knowledge.

Just the day before yesterday, when the fleet was sailing, they met her, and there is no need to say more about the result.

Under the influence of Baccarat's lucky fruit, she can only obediently get on the boat and become a part of this place, and there is absolutely no way to refuse... Big guys, the above is the picture of Lai Jia.

Weakly explain, after Kalifa was defeated by Nami, Bingshan re-recruited a secretary, this little girl.

In the anime, Lai Jia does not appear, this is the content of the comics.

If you have any questions, please leave a message in the book review area. The author will explain it. I won't say more here, and I can't count the words.


242: The superhuman wine fruit appears!Good news, within half a month, enter a new world!

"Yes, you are indeed a genius secretary, we all recognize this."

Nami looked at the map with a sweet and pure smile, praised and said something.

"Ah, it's so smart, it's worth it when you grow up!"

Al Rita stood the big iron rod in front of her, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and said with a smile: "Anyway...well, she is the smartest child I've ever seen."

Leiju leaned against the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, supported her white chin, smiled softly, and echoed.

"Lai Jia's intelligence is indeed extremely terrifying, a proper genius."

"Under the guidance of Chris in the future, her strength will definitely improve very fast, which is inevitable."

Betty stopped practicing, took a puff of cigarette, and said calmly as always: "I am looking forward to her future too."

Mei Di held up the barbell, exercised her arm strength, and smiled sweetly: "She has such great potential, and the devil fruit she will eat in the future must be the best one."

"Unlike me, with average aptitude, there is no hope of becoming a strong man at all, so I can only eat ordinary devil fruits - wine and wine fruit!"

Keya waved the wooden sword, smiled sweetly, and raised her eyebrows, "No way, Sister Meidi, the wine and fruit are also very powerful."

De Zaya leaned against the table, glanced at Meidi, and joked, "If Foxy hears this, I don't know how sad he will be."

It turned out that when they were in Long Chain Island, the Foxy Pirates joined the fleet and also sent a 1 Devil Fruit.

It is the so-called fruit of wine and wine!! "How to say, the best does not mean the most suitable."

Carmen picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said with a faint smile: "You are a bartender. In this world, the most suitable devil fruit for you must be this one."

Laqi stood the spear in front of him, rested for a while, and smiled sweetly: "Didn't Chris say that devil fruit is good or bad, everything depends on the user."

"Jiujiu fruit is a superhuman type. When it is developed to the level of awakening, it can turn everything around it into alcohol, making people directly intoxicated."

"Alcohol poisoning, killing invisibly, this is the most brilliant method."

Just then, an alarm sounded from outside the door.


"The front is... the capital of seven waters, whether to land! The front is..."

Hear "The City of Seven Waters"

With these four words, the women directly changed the subject and started discussing them one after another.

Maya walked to the window, her beautiful eyes looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, a charming smile appeared on her pretty face, and she said something.

"I heard that Christie said about the Seven Waters City, which is a very prosperous island."

"There is a sea train inside, and there will be a mask carnival. It's really interesting to think about it."

Perona floated in the air, and quickly followed: "Not only that, the best shipbuilder in the world is... from the capital of seven waters!"

"And also, the toughest tree, the treasure tree Adam, there are many on this island."

Conis was holding the harp, her fair and beautiful face was full of yearning, she said with a smile, "So, it is really necessary to land in this city of seven waters."

At this moment, Baccarat folded her crimson hair in a graceful manner, looking at the man in front of her with her beautiful eyes, and said something.

"Chris, the Seven Waters is a place and good luck."

Hearing Baccarat say this, the women's department remained silent, looking at each one, waiting for him to give an answer.

Chris did not stop practicing, waving the blood-red sword, and said calmly: "Continue to set off, do not land!"

"I'm going to tell you, sit here."

Karina hurriedly stood up, her beautiful eyes showed a sly color, and she said with a smile: "I just have nothing to do, go out to tease that seahorse, hehe..."

After speaking, he walked straight to the door.

"Wait... ah, this princess is going too"

Perona didn't say a word, and quickly followed.

The Sweetheart Queen shrugged and said helplessly: "Since Chris doesn't plan to land, then we can only miss this place."

Conis waved her jade hand gently, her eyebrows curved, and she smiled, "It's alright, Chris's business is the most important thing."

"Besides, there is still a long way to go, and there are still many islands waiting for us to land, so there is no need to feel sorry at all."

Makino brushed her dark green hair, still so gentle and generous, "For... Chris, entering the new world early is the most important thing."

"Everyone understands this, so there is really nothing to regret, it's okay."

All the girls nodded in unison, and said aloud, all of which put Chris's affairs in the first place, very reasonable and would not make trouble without reason.

.................Two days later.

Chris, in the training room.

"Amazing, Lai Jia, you are really amazing."

Mo Yaqi was wearing black high-heeled shoes and black stockings. She was very slender. She looked very attractive and intoxicated, making it difficult to extricate herself.

She shook her head, and her delicate and fair face showed emotion, "Seeing you practice so fast, I'm really ashamed, elder sister!"

Yesterday afternoon, when the fleet was sailing, it happened to meet her, this gorgeously dressed beauty.

Then, needless to say, her fate was already doomed, and she could only obediently board the ship and become one of the girls.

"I envy you, sister Mo Yaqi."

Keya sat quietly, holding a book, and said with a sweet smile: "The clothes you are wearing look really beautiful!"

Murray sighed and said helplessly: "Unfortunately, I don't like wearing stockings, which makes people speechless."

Yun Yaxin stared at Mo Yaqi, looked up and down, and exclaimed, "Stockings look really beautiful."

"It's really a magical thing to be able to show a woman's body and increase her personal charm."

At this time, Karina leaned in front of Nami, looked at the map on the table, blinked her beautiful eyes, asked with a smile, and said something.

"How about it, how long does it take to enter the new world, this girl is really looking forward to it."

Jierxin stopped cultivating, wiped the sweat on her jade hand, and said with a sweet smile: "It's not that fast, isn't there still four 44 places."

He circled his white fingers and said slowly, "One is Winter Island, the other is Devil's Triangle, and the other two are Chambord Islands and Fishman Island."

"Didn't Chris say it last time, if nothing else, the next voyage is... around these four 44 places."

Pacia nodded lightly, stroked the hair in front of her forehead, and agreed, "Chris's arrangements for...the itinerary are very thoughtful, and it can be said that everything is covered."

"So if we want to enter the new world, we must first land in these four 44 places, which is inevitable."

Nami raised her head, looked at them, smiled and said carelessly: "According to Chris's arrangement, we will soon enter the new world."

"Half a month, I believe it will not exceed this time, we will enter the strongest sea area and start a new journey!"

Cobato's beautiful eyes lit up, and he immediately became interested, "It's so fast, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, you don't have to wait too long."

Leiju was cultivating the ability of swamp fruit, she smiled and said, "Our whale ship is the fastest ship in the world."

"Half a month is actually not too short."

Just then, a siren was heard outside.


"Ahead is... Winter Island, whether to land! Ahead is..."

Guys, the above is a picture of Mo Yaqi.

If you don't know this person, please explain a little.

After Kalifa was defeated by Nami, Iceberg began to recruit secretaries, and many people came to apply, one of them was her.

But in the end, Bingshan did not choose her, but let the little genius Lai Jia act as his secretary.

Still the same, there is no Mo Yaqi in the anime, she is from the comics.

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