You know, what he has always been proud of is his strength and melee attack ability.

Coupled with the domineering bonus of the armed color, the average person will definitely be defeated by his punch.

But now, he only seemed to have a tie with the guy on the opposite side. Moria saw that Bashas on the opposite side seemed to be distracted, smiled strangely, and kicked him directly.

The unsuspecting Bassas was kicked back directly, as if he was about to fall.

But Bashas has a wealth of combat experience, so he quickly stabilized his figure.

"Your strength is good, and you are not a fruit person. I like hehehe."

Moria looked at Bashas opposite and said greedily.

If you can cut out the shadow of Bassas, you will have another powerful zombie under your command.

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been stopped recently, but the author's bacteria have been in: code words, and have been in: save manuscript.

Although it has not been updated, it has actually saved 4.

Not much to say, I feel that my younger brother has no credit, it is useless to say more, let’s try to update Feilu reminds you: three things about reading

Thank you for the 100-point reward of [Buddha in My Heart]!


Thank you [951qazplm] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy....thank you for your are this month...the gave the author a reward...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small notebook..will not forget It's...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


252: The squad leader will do it together, hard steel Moria!

"I don't like men, so you should die."

Bashas squinted his eyes and roared as he looked at Moria who was facing him.


Bashas waved his right arm, and the hole-shaped structure in the elbow of the armor attached to his right arm sent shock waves towards Moria, who was facing him.

Moria's face changed slightly when she saw this scene.

The spear in his hand was thrown straight ahead.

Instead of penetrating the shock wave, the spear was blasted far away by the shock wave.

At this time, the shock wave was about to come to Moriah's side.

Not only that, but the surrounding sea water also set off turbulent waves, even as high as the ship.

"Basas is also quite strong."

Aquino was a little surprised when he saw Bashas' attack.

"That's for sure. Although this guy Bashas has a reckless personality, he still has some strength."

Poisoned, Bassas said gloomily.

Lafitte turned his cane, and with a gentle smile on his white face, he said something.

"Bashas does have a unique talent in physique."

"His armed and domineering cultivation, progress is definitely the first, there is no doubt about this!"

Bartolomeo shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Unfortunately, this guy ate a 1 garbage fruit, or his strength would definitely be more than that."

Pajalu shook his head, "Superman-type sonic fruit, if it were placed in the outside world, it would definitely attract everyone."

"But in our team, this Devil Fruit is really at the bottom of the list."

Crow habitually pushed his glasses and said expressionlessly: "It's all due to Baccarat's lucky fruit, this ability is really unbelievable."

The others didn't say much, and nodded one by one, deeply agreeing.

For the good luck brought by Baccarat, everyone on board is recognized.

This is an indisputable fact!! At this time, Moria was also looking at the shock wave in front of her very seriously.

Then he gathered terrifying power on his fist and slammed the shock wave fiercely.

And Bashas also rushed forward, and the fists of the two collided again.

However, due to the shock wave this time, it was.... Moria suffered a little.

It didn't take long before it was knocked out.

Moriah fell to the ground severely, but soon stood up again.

Although he was knocked into the air, he only suffered a small loss, neither did he harm nor damage his strength.

"Moriya was actually kicked out by him, this guy's strength is really good.

Of course, it's still a little worse than this young master."

Cavendish looked at the situation in front of him and nodded in affirmation.

But at the same time, he praised himself again.

"Boy, you've also completely irritated me. I'm going to put the most disgusting shadow in your body."

Moria looked at Bashas opposite and roared.

He had already transformed into the strongest state, yet he still let the boy on the opposite side knock him flying.

While speaking, Moria rushed directly towards Basas.

Bassas looked at Moria, who was rushing towards him, with a weird smile on his face.

Then he opened his mouth wide.

Seeing Bashas open his mouth, Moria was a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it.

But at this moment, Bassas suddenly roared.

Afterwards, a blue-white light beam appeared in Bashas's mouth, and the outside of the light beam was wrapped with blue-white lightning.

As Bashas growled louder and louder.

The beam shot towards Moriah.

Moriah hurriedly summoned the bat to help him resist.

But he was still hit by the beam, and was knocked far away, fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.

"This bastard, he turned out to be a fruit person, why did he deceive me?"

Moria twitched the corners of her mouth and asked angrily.

His words were full of grievances, as if he had been deceived by others.

"I don't seem to have ever said that I am not a fruit person, Wei Hahaha..."

Bassas looked at Moria's bold smile, and his heart was much more comfortable.

In the past, he was indeed not a fruit person, but since he ate the sonic fruit, it was different.

Hearing what Bassas said, Moria almost vomited blood.

Indeed, this guy never said that he was a fruit person from the beginning to the end.

However, since the beginning, the fruit ability has not been used, but has been fighting in close quarters, and the melee ability is particularly powerful.

Who would have thought that he is a fruit capable person. "If you are weak, you are weak. Don't make excuses for yourself. If this young master goes out in person, he will definitely kill you in seconds."

Cavendish approached them and looked at Moria on the ground and said disdainfully.

Now that Moriah has been knocked to the ground, he can taunt wildly.

"Cavendish, what you said makes sense, I'll leave it to you next, Wei Hahaha"

Bassas raised his arms and laughed.

After he finished speaking, he patted Cavendish on the shoulder encouragingly.

"You nasty guy, don't touch this young master, but leave this trash to this young master to deal with."

Cavendish shook his shoulders with a look of disdain on his face.

Bashas smiled, then walked back to the board and started to fight with the poison.

Cavendish turned his head and wanted to continue mocking Moriah, but found that Moriah had already stood up.

"you, you're alright"

Cavendish looked at Moria and asked in surprise.

He thought that Moriah had been seriously injured, so he took the initiative to show the limelight next.

"Hee hee hee hee, when did I say that I have this little trick that can only scratch my itch."

Moria looked at the opposite Cavendy and said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, the spear in his hand went towards Cavendish.

"No, so Cavendish said exaggeratedly when he saw Moria directly attacked.

Then Durandall in his hand sent out the sword energy and directly knocked the spear to the side.

"That's it, Come on Cavendish, let's see your strength, don't always be the little brother of a tortoise."

Bellamy said with a laugh after seeing Cavendish's actions.

After hearing Bellamy's words, Cavendish gritted his teeth and glanced back, this guy is really a bastard.

After you've solved the guy in front of you, you will have to deal with that... nasty.

A showdown of bastards.

Moria was even more dissatisfied when she saw that Cavendish dared to wander.

These bastards don't see themselves as opponents at all.

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