He was seriously injured by the attack from the group just now.

In other words, the battle is over.

Squad leader Moria, the winner is the former!! "My young master is finally comfortable."

Cavendish glanced at Moria's current situation and let out a soft breath.

Foxy shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Fortunately he is not a natural type, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to attack him."

"Fufufufufu, I've been hit by Lao Tzu's ability to slow down, he's just a little sheep."

Bartolomeo put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, still looking very tugged, and said something.

"Last time I fought Crocodile, too many people would not be armed with domineering, so naturally there was no way to take him down."

"But Moriah is nothing, a mere shadow fruit can't compare to Lao Tzu's barrier fruit, hahaha"

Then, everyone looked at each other and came to Moriah.

Anilu quietly looked at Moria in front of him.

Before the battle, he was full of excitement, but now he is a lot colder.

Because before the battle, he didn't know how strong Moria was in front of him.

After the fight, he was clear.

Although he has some strength, he didn't let himself down, but he still couldn't beat himself.

If that's the case, then it's not worth respecting him too much.

There is absolutely no need for this!! Now the only person he respects and even admires is his captain Chris.

That is an invincible man, the existence that Anilu will look up to all his life! "Hehehe, I lost, I don't know what you bastards want"

Moria looked at the group of people in front of her and said with a sneer.

In fact, he was also very aggrieved in his heart, because this time it was not an incident that he voluntarily provoked.

It was this group of people who appeared here directly and came to trouble him.

Moriah felt that they must not have nothing to fight with themselves, they must have their purpose.

"We really have no purpose in looking for you. We came here just by chance."

Hearing Moriah's words, Anilu frowned and said.

Hearing Anilu's words, Moria was even more excited, if it wasn't for the fact that he had just been defeated, he would have fired at this time.

Just because you're going to come up to find trouble for yourself, you're going to make yourself this miserable. "I'll ask the captain to see if he has anything to say..."

Lafitte thought about it for a while and said to Anilu.

Hearing Lafitte's words, Moriah was completely shocked.

Originally, he always thought that Enilu in front of him was the captain, after all Enilu's strength was so strong.

But after hearing Lafitte's words, he understood that Anilu was not the captain.

But Anilu and others are so strong that they can be their captain. How strong is this person? "No need, I'm already here."

Chris appeared on the deck and calmly looked at Moriah in front of him.

This scene was in his expectation, he had already guessed that Moria would lose.

After all, Anilu is the candidate of the emperor's deputy, and he must be his left and right arms in the future.

And the strength of other people has also improved so much, and they have also improved a lot in the cultivation of domineering.

In this case, if they can't beat Moria, then they can go home and farm.

"You're their captain. You look young."

Moria looked at Chris and said strangely.

He originally thought it would be a powerful middle-aged man, but he did not expect that it would be a young man.

"You've been defeated so badly, how dare you underestimate people"

"Don't talk about this time, have you forgotten the experience of being defeated by Kaido, Moriah"

Chris put his arms around him and looked at Moria in front of him calmly, his voice was still so calm and calm, without any waves.

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254: Arrive at the Chambord Islands and challenge Raleigh, the Hades!

"Damn, who the hell are you and why do you seem to know me so well"

Moriah stared at Chris.

He completely understood, and this was not passing by at all.

This group of people must have just started... for themselves.

Otherwise, their so-called captain would not know himself so well.

"I'm Chris, the captain of this ship!"

Chris put his arms around him and said lightly: "The newest member of Qiwuhai, don't tell me, you haven't received the news."

"Chris you are the Chris who beat the Crocodile guy"

Hearing Chris' words, Moriah was a little surprised.

Although he basically doesn't ask about outside matters here, he still knows a little about Qiwuhai.

For example, the news that Crocodile was defeated.

When it came to Moria, Moria was also surprised for a while.

"That's right, it's me, but I didn't expect you to be so weak that you can't even beat my subordinates."

Chris looked at Moria and said lightly.

Moriah's strength is really not worthy of being called Shichibukai.

After all, the guys under Chris can beat this guy one by one.

Of course, some may not last.

"You guys are going too far to fight with me again."

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