Xia Qi looked at Chris in front of them and said with a smile.

At the same time, he carefully looked at the people behind him.

It seems that the strength is not bad, this should be a relatively powerful pirate group.

"We, we..."

Bassas came to Xia Qi and opened his mouth, but said nothing.

The scene just now was still there: he didn't leave in his mind.

"Why, are you also asking what color I am?"

Xia Qi looked at Bassas in front of her and laughed and laughed.

Hearing Xia Qi's words, Bassas quickly shook his head and retreated behind Chris.

"We neither live in the store nor eat."

Chris looked at Xia Qi opposite and said lightly.

"Then you're here to find something."

Hearing Chris's words, the smile on Xia Qi's face disappeared immediately.

Since it is not a guest who came, there is no need to give a good face.

Hearing Chris's words, in fact, Bassas and the others were also a little confused.

If you come here, you don't want to stay in a restaurant, don't eat or do anything, it's hard to come here looking for something, but looking at Xia Qi's appearance before, she doesn't know Chris either.

"It can also be said that I want to fight Rayleigh to see his strength. Let him come out."

Chris looked at Xia Qi in front of him and nodded seriously.

His purpose this time seems to be really looking for trouble.

But it doesn't matter to Chris, as long as he can achieve his

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255: Shocked!Rayleigh vs Chris, Shinra Tianzheng reappears!

"Invitation to Battle"

Xia Qi frowned subconsciously. She knew Leyle's identity and dared to do this, so she must have some confidence! Then Xia Qi stared at Leleigh with great interest. expect.

"Chris, right, you've been in a lot of limelight lately!"

Reilly said, and filled the glass again on his own.

"It's understandable that the young man is young and energetic, but then... there's no need to come and bully such a bad old man like me."

Rayleigh's face was full of smiles, like a kind old grandfather.

"Hey, did you refuse?"

Xia Qi was a little surprised.

She had seen Rayleigh when he was young, a guy of that level, when has he ever been timid, but looking at Rayleigh, it doesn't seem polite.

Could it be that this young man named Chris has reached the level that Rayleigh dare not easily meet him? Thinking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help looking at Chris more curiously.

"The left and right hand of the legendary One Piece is just a coward!"

Poison let out a mocking laugh.

Bassas on the side wanted to follow the trend and mock him at the moment. He always felt that when Rayleigh came in, his performance was a little embarrassed.

But when he saw Chris' murderous gaze, he couldn't help shuddering, and he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

The poison was frightened and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, knowing that he seemed to have said the wrong thing just now.

If it were someone else, Chris would not be held accountable at all, but he is very fond of Rayleigh.

This is an old senior worthy of respect!! "Senior, don't misunderstand, it's just a discussion. It's rare to meet a strong man of the previous generation. I believe you won't give me this face."

Seeing the fiery fighting intent in Chris's eyes, Rayleigh unconsciously moved a little.

I haven't met such a young man for a long time! "Well, this old man will accompany you through two tricks!"

Rayleigh drank the wine from the glass.

Hearing this, Chris immediately.

Reach out to grab Rayleigh's hand.

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