When he spoke, he was intermittent and weak, as if he was about to die.

  "Okay, just wait here!"

  Bassas laughed and strode forward.

  When he came to the shore, he looked at the workers on the boat and shouted.

  "Listen to the people on the boat, I want this boat, and I want to get it down quickly..."

  When the workers heard the sound, they stopped one by one and looked down.

  They were about to scold, but there was a voice in front of them.

  "You can also give this ship to you, beat me."

  Chris walked over slowly and said calmly, "But if you lose, then be my subordinate."

  After he finished speaking, he also glanced at the poisonous Q on the side, and he really looked like a TB.

  Two days ago, Chris and Baccarat mentioned the next plan.

  Now that Bassas and Poison Q appear, it just confirms the ability of lucky fruit.

  It can really bring you good luck.

  "Captain, this guy is too arrogant, beat him!!"

  "Boss Chris, you are the strongest, come on..."

  "What kind of rubbish, dare to provoke our captain, it's too long."

  "Brothers, there is a good show to watch, come out soon..."

  Basharston became interested at the time. He likes fighting the most, so how could he refuse Chris's request.

  "Boy, your ship, I, Basas, took it."

  "Fall down for Lao Tzu, Wei Hahaha~~"

  As soon as the voice fell, the person was like an arrow from the string, and went directly to Chris.

  The big fist of the sandbag has already been clenched, and his face is full of madness.

  Before Chris put his arms around him, he first glanced at Bassas, then turned to look at Poison Q.

  Very calmly said: "You two are optimistic, now I want to teach you a kind of power, only the strong can have the ability."

  "That's domineering!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Bashas' big fist came towards him.

  "Stop lecturing us, lie down for Lao Tzu!"

  Chris said lightly: "You will hit from my left."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he tilted his head slightly to the right.


  Bashas exclaimed, a look of shock on his face.

  His punch was actually empty.

  How is this going?

  How did this guy dodge?

  A series of questions appeared in his mind.

  Not only him, but even the poisonous Q on the side showed a shocked expression.

  How powerful Bassas is, he is very clear.

  But it turned out to be like this.

  It's unbelievable! !

  Chris ignored the shock of the two of them, and said a calm voice.

  "The power to make people feel the other person's breath more strongly, this is the domineering arrogance of seeing and hearing."

  Bassas did not believe in evil, and roared.

  "I don't believe I can't hit you!"

  The fist, like rain, kept waving towards Chris.

  The speed is extremely fast, and it is extremely ferocious. If it is hit, it will definitely be finished.

  "By increasing this power, you can perceive the location and number of enemies who are not in sight, and even the actions the opponent will take in the next instant."

  Chris was still clasping his hands in front of him, or bowing his head, or turning sideways, making constant adjustments.

  Wandering around in the courtyard, it was like playing home.

  "As far as I know, in some places, this is also called Xingang. Although the name is different, the meaning is the same."

  Looking at the scene in front of him, everyone around was shocked.

  All of them stared blankly.

  "What's going on, it's terrible!"

  "Does the captain have three eyes, or how did he do it??"

  "What three eyes, didn't you listen to Captain Chris, this is called domineering. Hey...what do you call domineering?"

  "Knowing is domineering, boss Chris said so."

  "Too strong captain! My little brother really admires you so much..."

  Baccarat stood quietly on the side, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and there was only the stalwart figure in her eyes.

  Sure enough, her intuition was the most correct.

  The person I have been looking forward to is Chris.

  Poison Q could no longer lie down, so he sat up, with a look of horror on his vicissitudes of life.

  "Knowing and domineering..."

  He thought hard, but he had never heard the word before, and he had no idea that such power existed in the world.

  At this moment, Bassas roared loudly.

  "Why is that?"

  He has stopped attacking.

  He can't hit the young man in front of him at all, so what's the point of throwing a punch.


  Angry to the extreme.

  He wanted to know what was going on.

  "What I just said was the domineering arrogance of seeing and hearing, and now I mention another kind of domineering."

  Chris raised his right hand and instantly turned pitch black, sparkling...

  (Spoiler ahead of time. Since both Bashas and Poison Q have appeared, then Lafitte and Van Oka will definitely not forget. The people on the original Blackbeard ship will appear by Chris. Big bosses , do you like these crew members (* ̄︶ ̄). )

003: Captain Battle! (for flower collection)

  "This is armed domineering."

  "It's like wearing an invisible armor, very solid, ordinary strength, can't break through this defense at all."

  Chris said with a faint smile: "Although your fists are very strong and their attack power is fierce, they are all appearances."


  Bashas threw a punch in anger and said something vicious.

  "Don't hide if you have one, I'll see if I won't kill you."

  "as you wish."

  Facing the big fist of Bashas' sandbag, Chris just punched lightly.

  Boom with him.


  After a blast, there was a scream.


  Bassas was knocked out, fell to the ground, and kept rolling back.


  It was quiet all around.

  A pair of eyes gathered on Chris.

  worship, adore...

  Treat Chris like a god.

  "Follow me, and one day, you will master this power."

  Chris put his arms around him and said with a cold face, "I won't say more nonsense, just follow if you want to become stronger."

  After he finished speaking, he led Baccarat and walked directly to the big ship.


  Bashas stood up, ignoring the pain in his hand, and laughed.

  "Such a powerful force, I don't want to miss it."

  Immediately afterwards, he glanced at Poison Q and said quickly, "Would you like to follow up, make your own decision!"

  Ignoring Poison Q, he quickly followed behind Chris, his face full of excitement.

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