The weapons and gold and silver treasures of this treasure house were all carried on the ship by the Chris Pirates.

Holding two small wooden boxes in his hands, Bartolomeo walked quickly to Chris.

With a smile on his face: "Captain, as we guessed, look what we found!"

With that said, Bartolomeo opened the small wooden box to reveal the contents.

I saw that there was a 1 devil fruit in each! The left one, 1, was in the shape of a pineapple, and the whole body showed a light blue color.

And the one on the right is a relatively rare tail shape, the whole body is orange-yellow, and it looks a bit strange.

Seeing this, Perona exclaimed: "There are actually two Devil Fruits here!"

"If you don't eat two Devil Fruits, the Sylde Guild is a waste!"

With two small dimples on Nami's face, she said with a soft laugh, "I'm really lucky, and I got two Devil Fruits with ease."

"This tail-shaped fruit looks strange!"

Al Rita frowned slightly while carrying the wolf tooth: "Such a strange shape and color is really rare."

"I don't know what kind of fruit this is. Could it be a rare ancient species?"

Everyone shook their heads, not sure.

After all, in the Chris Pirates, no ancient devil fruit has appeared.

Baccarat took out the devil fruit illustration and flipped it quickly.

After a few minutes, Baccarat said with a smile: "Finally found it!"

She pointed to everyone with the Devil Fruit Illustration: "This cyan devil fruit is a superhuman glass fruit."

"Those who are capable can transform their bodies into glass, which is an ability that is excellent in both offense and defense."

Caribou asked curiously, "What is this strange devil fruit?"

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Baccarat's face, and she quickly flipped the Devil Fruits illustration in her hand.

"Look, the introduction to this Devil Fruit is here!"

Saying that, Baccarat pointed to the crowd with her fingers.

I saw a few big characters written on it: "Eudemons Devil Fruit!"

Luo Huai hugged the ghost and cried, and a trace of waves gradually appeared in his calm eyes.

"It's actually a mythical beast species, which may be even rarer than ancient species!"

"Moreover, the general phantom beasts have extremely strong attack power and vitality, which can be called the best among devil fruits."

Crow pushed his glasses slightly, and said in surprise: "It is said that Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, is... the phantom phoenix fruit!"

"I didn't expect that we could also get such a phantom beast devil fruit!"

Baccarat had a look of joy on his face, and said slowly: "This is the form of a phantom beast, a cat, a cat, a fruit, and a mongoose."

"The attack power is extremely strong, and the speed is abnormally fast!"

Betty spit out a few smoke rings and asked, "Chris, who are you going to assign these two devil fruits to?"

Hearing this, Chris said lightly: "It's still the same as before, adopting the principle of... voluntary."

"Who among you who doesn't eat Devil Fruits wants these two Devil Fruits?"

As soon as Chris finished speaking, Panzfrey smiled and said, "Captain, give me that glass fruit!"

"I feel that this devil fruit is very interesting. If it is developed, it should have some great effects on me."

Chris didn't say much, nodded lightly, and threw the glass fruit to Panzfried.

Panzfrey, who got the devil fruit, swallowed it without any pretentiousness! For a giant family like him, the devil fruit is not enough for him to bite.

Everyone looked at Panzefly in anticipation, wanting to see the ability of the glass fruit.

Panzfrey smiled, then with a flick of his right hand, a giant glass appeared in front of him.

This piece of glass is very thick, unlike ordinary glass, it looks very hard.

Bartolomeo looked at the glass and said thoughtfully: "It looks a bit like my barrier fruit."

"Although it can't reach my defense ability, it's not bad to be able to provide myself with a certain defense ability when fighting."

Panz Fry nodded lightly, then punched down, smashing the glass directly.

Under the eyes of the public, a small glass fragment of 1 and 1 floated in the air.

As Penzefrey's fingers twitched, shards also changed form.

They can be transformed into various forms, and with their sharp features, they can attack the enemy.

Chris looked indifferent and said calmly: "This fruit has yet to be developed, this is just a basic ability."

"If developed properly, this glass fruit can explode with amazing power."

Hearing Chris say that, the squad leaders were secretly surprised.

They never questioned Chris's vision, since he said so.

It shows that this seemingly ordinary glass fruit has huge development potential.

Anilu yawned and asked casually, "What about this phantom beast?"

"Is no one interested?"

The squad leaders all shrugged, with a somewhat helpless expression on their faces.

They all have a devil fruit, and they have no relationship with this phantom beast.

Otherwise, this phantom beast devil fruit would have already been robbed by the squad leaders.

Everyone's eyes turned to Nami and the others.

Among them, there are some people who did not eat Devil Fruits.

Makino smiled indifferently, and then took a step forward: "If that's the case, I'll take my part in this Devil Fruit!"

"I also want to experience what it's like to experience the legendary devil fruit of the mythical beast."

Everyone has no opinion on this.

Chris also nodded lightly, and handed the phantom beast civet cat fruit to Makino.

Makino didn't hesitate and ate the Devil Fruit in a few bites, his face was not very good-looking.

Obviously, this phantom devil fruit looks more special than other devil fruits.

After eating the cat fruit, Makino suddenly felt a burning sensation all over his body.

Moreover, the inside of the body was also itchy, and the expression became a little ugly.

Chris patted her shoulder lightly and said calmly, "Don't be nervous, now you're going to change shape."

"Don't resist, just relax and let it go."

With the help of Chris, Makino gradually relaxed his body and let a scorching breath roam in his body.

Suddenly, she suddenly opened a pair of jade arms, and a flame was released from her body! Everyone saw that Makino's appearance had changed a little at this time.

Makino in the form of a meerkat has a pair of small furry ears, which looks very cute.

The most prominent feature is the long tail behind Makino.

This tail is like a cat's tail, but it is wider and also furry.

However, everyone found that there was a terrifying aura on this tail.

Lafitte's eyes were solemn, and he couldn't help shaking his head and praised: "Is this the animal-type phantom beast?"

"Sure enough, the flame on this tail, I can feel the danger in it just by looking at it like this!"

Bashas also nodded and said: "I also feel this way, even if I have an armed and domineering defense."

"I can still feel that now, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the attack of this flame!"

Hearing this, Urki folded his hands together and said with a big smile, "A terrifying flame that can't even defend against a domineering armed look!"

"This kind of attack ability is really unimaginable!"

Crow pushed his glasses slightly and smiled indifferently: "In the rumors, the attack methods of the phantom beasts are all kinds of strange."

"And this kind of attack is very difficult to defend, I finally saw it today."

"If Makino were to develop it, her strength would definitely be terrifying!"

Perona looked envious: "This devil fruit is too fun!"

"It's so cute, and you can set fire to it!"

"See who is not pleasing to the eye, just burn it with a fire, just think about it and it will be exciting!"


Hearing this, Caribou, who was deeply oppressed by Perona, couldn't help trembling slightly, recalling the day he was arranged for.

Makino felt the power in his body, with a look of joy on his face: "I can feel it now, there is a power in my body."

"This power makes me feel like I am a very powerful being!"

Chris nodded calmly and said, "Animal-type phantom beasts are... an enhancement to their physique."

"Now you have a very strong fighting power."

Eagle-eyed Mihawk on the side couldn't help but click his tongue twice: "Chris, the luck of your pirate group is a little too good!"

"I noticed that you have Thunder Fruit, Clone Fruit, Speed ​​Fruit, etc., all of which are first-class Devil Fruits!"

"It's unimaginable that I've actually gotten an Eudemons species now!"

Mihawk would never have imagined it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

It is hard to find a 1 Devil Fruit in the outside world, but the Chris Pirates can easily get it.

And I got two at a time.

What's even more surprising is that there is still a phantom beast species among them! Everyone, can you subscribe to 1 automatically, can you get another one! Recently, the automatic subscription has not increased, and the author has no power to code words! And it's about to fight, really Exciting content is coming soon, come and subscribe to one or two automatically!

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