Rivers nodded lightly and said slowly: "My news, about the King's Seven Wu Hai Chris."

Hearing this name, Morgans' eyes quivered a little more obviously.

"Chris is a big man this year, and he is also a hottest figure in the sea."

"I am somewhat interested in his news."

Hearing this, Rivers smiled complacently and continued: "My friends at the Navy Headquarters have a big news coming out."

"He told me that the Chris Pirates are going to attack the Kingdom of Pudora!"

"And according to the news he got, once the Chris Pirates successfully captured the Kingdom of Pudora, the world government will recognize his kingship!"

Gutled sneered: "Hehe, what friends do you have in the Navy Headquarters?"

"It's probably fake news this time!"

Rivers was not angry, and slowly took out a stack of photos and showed them to everyone.

"This is the photo we took. In order to cooperate with the Chris Pirates, the Navy headquarters also sent a unit."

"You can see that there are Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Lieutenant Spider, and Lieutenant General Dauberman at the head."

"The three lieutenant generals set off together. The importance of the situation does not require me to say more."

Gutled was speechless at this time, and his face was blushing.

Looking at these photos, everyone whispered.

They naturally understood that when the three vice admirals set off together, there must be some major mission.

Ordinary tasks often only require a lieutenant general.

What's more, these three lieutenant generals are all outstanding among the lieutenant generals.

Rivers went on to add: "There's more to the Navy this time around."

"The leader of this operation is the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters-Polusalino!"

Before he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the entire conference room.

The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, as the highest combat power of the Navy, will not be dispatched easily.

If they do, it means something big is going to happen.

This news is enough to prove the accuracy of Rivers' news.

Morgans groaned and said in surprise: "Chris Pirates, are they really going to attack the Kingdom of Pudora?"

"That country, but it's not easy to mess with at all!"

Bellina nodded lightly and said, "The combat power of this Pudola Kingdom is terrifying."

"The fact that the world government has not been able to conquer it for so many years has already explained the problem."

Rivers shrugged and said with a smile: "Now that Chris, the new king, is under the Seven Martial Seas, the world government will naturally make good use of it."

"With the strength of the Chris Pirates, it is not impossible to conquer the Kingdom of Pudora."

At this moment, Morgans' face was full of smiles.

He took a sip of coffee leisurely and said with a smile: "The Chris Pirates attacked the Kingdom of Pudora, and the Navy Headquarters strongly supports it."

"As one of the most concerned pirates in the world today, this news of Chris will definitely cause a sensation!"

Morgans looked at Rivers and gave him an admiring look: "Rivers, well done!"

"Tomorrow's headline is this news."

"We must do our best to exaggerate, promote vigorously, and strive to create a sensation in the whole world."

Rivers nodded heavily, and looked at Pulido and Gutlid without a trace, with a bit of sarcasm.

...........The next day, on the Chris.

The newsbird just flew by, leaving behind some of the latest papers.

"Big event! The Chris Pirates unite with the naval headquarters to attack the Kingdom of Pudora!"

Huge news headlines, immediately.

Attracted the attention of Nami and others.

Nami Liu frowned slightly and said, "The news from these news agencies is really well-informed."

"We are going to attack the Kingdom of Pudora, not many people know about it, they can actually inquire so clearly!"

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and smiled: "Those guys are... relying on this to eat."

"Sometimes, journalists are more powerful than the intelligence agencies of the world governments!"

After Makino browsed the newspaper, he said softly, "So it turns out that the Navy headquarters actually dispatched Polsalino this time!"

"Chris said there was a mysterious figure, and it turned out to be... him."

Betty spit out a few smoke rings, and said calmly: "They sent the admiral, just to prevent Chris."

"Look, when the fight really starts, no matter whether the navy admiral or the lieutenant admiral will take action."

Arrita nodded, her face indifferent: "Haha, the Chris Pirates unite with the World Government, it sounds nice!"

"It's just a gimmick after all."

Keya blinked her clear eyes and murmured: "Look, there is an introduction to the Kingdom of Pudora here!"

"Their history, geographic location, and current military strength are really detailed!"

Lei Jiu's beautiful eyes flowed, her red lips slightly parted: "Although this newspaper has a lot of rhetoric elements, but these... are still useful to us."

"The newspapers produced by Morgans, these data are generally more real and can be used for reference..."

"Although there is no exact number, we can roughly understand the military strength of the Kingdom of Puduola."

Perona finally looked at the newspaper quietly: "Speaking of which, this country is worthy of being carefully selected by the world government."

"Look at what it says above!"

Guys, the automatic subscription is still 210, can't it be increased by one, even if it is one, the little brother is crying and fainting in the toilet, crying and chirping.


Thank you [Glasses Brother] for the reward!

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Thank you [Fan] for the monthly pass!

Big guy..Thank you for your monthly ticket...you are this month...the eighteenth..to vote for the author's bacteria...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book...will not forget.. !Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


320: Whitebeard's shock!Redhead shock!Molly's shock!All shocked!

Perona opened the newspaper and read word by word: "The rate of martial arts practice in the Kingdom of Pudola is about [-]%."

"The military enlistment rate is about [-]%."

She shook her head slightly and raised her eyebrows: "Looking at this, this Pudora Kingdom is indeed a fighting nation."

"The world government has really picked us a good opponent."

Leijiu's beautiful face showed a faint smile: "No way, this also shows that the world government is afraid of us."

"But these...it doesn't matter. The stronger the Pudora Kingdom is, the higher our ultimate benefit will be."

Everyone on the Chris was discussing the news, with different opinions.

On the deck of the Chris, Hawkeye Mihawk was lying on a wicker chair.

Just yesterday, Hawkeye Mihawk agreed to Chris' invitation and boarded the Chris.

And his own boat was also pulled aboard the Chris.

Mihawk held a newspaper in his hand and watched the headlines carefully.

"To see it in the newspapers so quickly, it's really making a lot of noise."

"In this way, our actions will definitely be watched by the world."

"The Chris Pirates will finally be fully exposed to the eyes of the entire world, which should cause quite a stir!"

Mihawk glanced at the photo of Chris in the newspaper.

He murmured in his mouth: "The eyes of this world will soon fall on you."

"Whether you can become famous in the first battle and become the focus and leader of the times, depends on this time!"

He unconsciously glanced at Chris in the training room, and already had his own answer in his heart.

...........New World, Moby Dick.

The ship of the Whitebeard Pirates is moored somewhere on the sea.

At this time, they have also seen the newspaper.

The captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix, smiled softly after reading the newspaper: "Chris has made the headlines again."

"During this period of time, he has made more headlines than Daddy and Shanks!"

Diamond Joze smiled and tsk tsk: "I didn't expect that this Chris would make such a big noise when he came to the new world!"

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