In the ring, Lindbergh's trio of 3 are not...sluggish.

They all felt it keenly, and a gaze locked on them secretly.

The three of them all looked at the Chris Pirates and they quickly found the guy who locked them.

The crow stared at Anilu with deep eyes, and said to himself: "This dead fish-eyed guy looks very arrogant."

"A guy who can survive in the Chris Pirates should be pretty good."

When Morrie saw Penzfrey, a warlike spirit immediately struck him.

burn up.

The warriors of the giant family have always liked to use martial arts to make friends.

"That guy, is... Panzfry?"

"It's said to be pretty awesome!"

Panzfry's reputation in the New World is still very big, after all, people who dare to offend both pirates and navy in the New World.

He is also alone.

The hairy giant Murray has also paid attention to Panzfry for a long time, but he never thought that he would meet here.

What surprised Morrie even more was that Panzfrey actually joined the Chris Pirates.

Lindbergh, who was targeted by Bassas, was still sitting cross-legged on the ring at this moment.

He looked up and down Bassas and couldn't help shaking his head: "What's wrong with this big guy?"

"Looking at his appearance, I'm going to eat it raw."

Lindbergh thought: "If this guy dares to challenge me, I have to show him what real power is!"

Chris and his party walked slowly to the bottom of the ring, they were... the focus of the entire fighting town.

The people around them are always watching their every move.

When they saw the Chris Pirates, they all looked at the three of Lindbergh strangely.

The audience immediately.

Talking about it: "What exactly do the Chris Pirates want to do?"

"They have been staring at the champions in the ring, do they also want to fight in the ring?"

"If this is the case, then today will be too lively, and some of them look good."

A red-haired woman, with a pair of eyes secretly looking at Chris's back, shyly said: "Is Chris going to fight in the ring?"

"I've only seen him in newspapers, but today I'm fortunate enough to see him do it in person?"

This is clearly an admirer of Chris.

In addition... a swordsman said expectantly: "If only Hawkeye Mihawk could also shoot."

"How strong is the swordsmanship of the world's greatest swordsman?"

Suddenly, a man sneered and said disdainfully, "How could these two take action so easily?"

"The two of them are the well-known kings of the Seven Martial Seas, and the existence of the top strength of pirates."

"Who is here worthy of their own hands?"

"I'm afraid those three people in the ring are not qualified enough!"

The man's remarks sparked a debate.

Supporters of the Lindbergh Trio 3 believe that even if Chris and Hawkeye Mihawk shot.

It may not necessarily be possible to defeat the three of Lindbergh.

The others were full of disdain and said, "These three people are indeed powerful, but if you compare them to Chris..."

"It's really far away!"

When the audience were arguing, the two of them, who were talking about, glanced at the stage lightly.

Mihawk put his arms around his arms, and said lightly: "These three guys are still a little interesting."

"Especially the . . . bald crow, which gives a mysterious feeling."

Chris put his hands in his pockets and smiled indifferently: "Heroes see the same thing!"

"The strength of this bald crow is even better among the three."

"But overall, the strength of these three people is not much different."

Chris looked at the eagerness of Anilu and the others, and then said softly, "If you want to do it, feel free."

Mihawk also chuckled: "This is Da Lei Town, as long as you want to do it, you can just jump on the ring, there are no rules."

Hearing this, the three of them who couldn't hold back for a long time, all smiled knowingly.

Just listen to rub rub! A few sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and the three figures jumped in place and landed on the ring.

The audience only heard the exclamations from the audience, and the audience looked at the three people in amazement.

"Are you going to start?"

"The people of the Chris Pirates are really decisive, and they are about to challenge!"

"Hehe, although Chris didn't do it himself, it shouldn't be easy for someone who can stay under Chris's hands."

"Yeah, we've come to the right place today, we have a good show to watch!"

Luo Huai stood under the stage with Guikuu in his arms, looking at the top with a calm expression: "After Anilu came to the new world, he seemed to be quite eager to fight."

"Hope this bald crow won't disappoint."

Hawkins, who was beside him, said with an expressionless face and an unwavering voice: "Mihawk said that it's not easy for the guy who can win the champion in the town of Daying."

"What's more, listening to these... The audience said that these three people have been fighting for more than a week, and their strength should still be quite impressive."

Crow pushed his glasses slightly, with some anticipation in his eyes: "After Panzfrey got the glass fruit, this is the first time to fight against someone."

"I don't know how powerful this glass fruit is during the battle."

Lafitte played with the salute in his hand and said casually: "The captain said that the glass fruit is also very powerful, and it is excellent in offense and defense!"

"With Penzfrey's ability, it should be developed quite well. After a while... It will definitely open our eyes."

Du Qing coughed, Jie Jie smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to that guy... Lindbergh."

"He's not just as simple as a fur tribe. I'm afraid Bashas has encountered a hard stubble."

The ghost man Ajin had a cold expression, nodded and said, "The equipment on him should be high-tech products."

"These things are sometimes more difficult than Devil Fruits."

Tezzolo's expression was solemn, and he frowned slightly: "I once fought with the fur tribe, and it's really hard to deal with."

"The skin of these guys is extremely hard, and they are no less domineering than armed."

"More importantly, these guys have electric currents on their bodies, and if they are not careful, they will stumble."

Bartolomeo fiddled with his cockscomb head and said nonchalantly: "Basas' strength, what are you worried about?"

"Although he looks reckless, he is very careful and cautious."

"This kind of mistake that shouldn't be made will never happen to him."

Bartolomeo was not worried at all, he knew Bassas very well.

It would be a big mistake to be deceived by Bassas' appearance into thinking he is a man of intrepidness.

Bassas was the first to go to sea with Chris, and one of the first to master two-color domineering on the ship.

Although he usually does not show the mountains and waters, Bartolomeo knows it.

Bashas' strength has always been: constantly improving, and his armed domineering has reached a very strong point.

Bellamy smiled slyly: "Basas is also considered rough-skinned and thick-skinned, these two guys touching each other, I am afraid it will be a fierce hand-to-hand fight!"

"This is in line with Bassas' expectations."

Caribou stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: "I noticed it just now, that... the crow is a devil fruit person."

"It seems to be able to call crows to fight, the method is a bit weird."

"Eineluo must cheer up, if you lose in front of so many people, it will be interesting!"

Urki still had a bit of a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Any strange means will be vanished in front of Anilu."

"How can it be so easy to defeat Anilu"

Cavendish touched the long sword on his waist and smiled faintly: "I'm looking forward to their battle."

"Among these three people, it is very likely that our future partners will appear. I don't know how strong they are."

The crew of the Chris Pirates were also very happy at the moment.

They are naturally overjoyed when it comes to fighting in the arena like this.

"Hey, it's time for our Chris Pirates to become famous again!"

"As soon as the three squad leaders make a move, they will definitely be able to scare all four of them and completely scare everyone!"

A little scoundrel shouted loudly: "Kill those three guys and let them see the strength of the Chris Pirates!"

"Brother Anilu, killed that guy in one move!"

"Captain Bassas, let that... little one know how big the real fist is!"

"Captain Penzfrey, shoot down that guy in the... skirt!"

One by one, the little hooligans cheered and cheered for the three of Ai Nilu.

On the stage, there was no nonsense among the three groups of people.

Don't even have any dialogue, just get started.

As a defender, the crow took the lead, ready to take the lead.

Because the other party is a member of the Chris Pirates, he has to be more cautious and dare not have any support.

"Three kill crows kill!"

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