The crow came back to his senses and took a deep breath: "Is this the real power of the fruit of natural disasters...?"

"It's worthy of this title, it's really amazing!"

But the crow's eyes narrowed immediately, and he said solemnly: "Although I am indeed not your opponent, but I am not a soft persimmon!"

"It's hard to come across a master like you, if you can't do your best, you will regret it after all!"

Saying that, the crow seems to have a kind of spirit that sees death as if at home.

He knew that he was not Enel's opponent, but he still wanted to touch it.

Anilu watched the crow's change with interest, and put his arms around his chest with a smile on his face.

He saw the crow take a step forward gently, and the whole body fell forward: keeping a forward leaning state.

Anilu pouted slightly and said lightly, "It looks like a bird."

"You're not really a crow are you?"

At this moment, the crow opened its arms.

The black feathers that were shot down by Anilu before... the crow army, turned into black feathers, flew to the crows piece by piece.

These... feathers were recovered by the crow, and then came back to life behind the crow! The crow army was given new life again, lined up on the left and right of the crow:.

At this moment, the army of crows who were fighting against the god thunderbird in the air also left the battlefield and came behind the crow.

The crow army regrouped, held its breath, and suspended beside the crow.

"Since you are a god, then let my evil spirit meet your god for a while!"

"Evil Spirit - Fallen Angel!"

The bald crow snorted softly and waved his hands violently.

The crow army beside him, immediately.

Towards the sky above him, converged away.

Soon, these... raven army, gathered together! Mihawk raised his head slightly in the distance, and said with a chuckle: "Oh, the ability of this crow, it's... ......It's kind of interesting."

"Looks like witchcraft!"

Chris said indifferently, "It's a bit weird to actually be able to make crows merge with each other."

"It's still a bit of a skill, and it didn't disappoint me!"

This time, I came to Da Lei Town to find new partners and strengthen the power of the Chris Pirates.

If the crow is too weak, Chris has to consider whether to let him on board.

But at present, it seems that the strength shown by the crow has not disappointed Chris.

On the ring, thousands of crows gathered together.

They are very strange, fused together, flesh and blood with each other.

The whole scene looked a little weird.

Anilu slowly frowned: "Although it looks a bit disgusting, but I can feel that a powerful force is condensing and forming!"

In front of Anilu, a huge crow was slowly taking shape.

This made Enilu unable to relax his vigilance.

The crow's face was expressionless, but there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.


Only a loud noise was heard, and a huge crow condensed into shape.

This crow and the Thunderbird of Anilu looked at each other with their wings flapping, and there was almost no difference in body size.

Watching the battle area, Nami frowned slightly and said softly, "This crow...why has the sound even changed?"

"It's dark and autumn, and it looks weird."

Perona floated in midair and curled her lips: "No wonder it is called a fallen angel, it does seem to have an evil feeling."

She opened her eyes again and muttered in a low voice, "But... this guy named Crow is really interesting."

"Did he eat a crow devil fruit?"

"To be able to produce a steady stream of crows is like conjuring a trick."

Arrita carried the giant mace, and said indifferently: "His Devil Fruit is probably also an phantom beast in the animal system."

"It's more difficult than the average person."

Makino, who had just obtained the civet cat fruit, nodded lightly: "If you say that, it' is indeed somewhat similar."

"I'm afraid the general animal system can't do it to his level."

Betty gently spit out a few smoke rings, her expression indifferent: "Anyway, the strength of this crow is indeed very strong."

"If other squad leaders took the stage to challenge, it wouldn't be as easy as Anilu."

"The crow's fighting moves are difficult to deal with!"

Leiju stroked her hair, and said generously: "In this way, this crow is the person we are looking for this time."

"With his strength, he is fully qualified to be our partner."

Saying that, Reju looked at Baccarat.

Baccarat smiled slightly, and her beautiful eyes swept across the other two arenas.

"I think the other two are not weak either!"

"This time the good luck is very strong, maybe these three people will become our new partners!"

At this time, the god Thunderbird of Anilu and the evil spirit of the crow, the fallen angel, were already entangled together.

The two were unexpectedly evenly divided.

It is not yet clear which side is more dominant.

At the same time, on the other two arenas, wonderful battles have also broken out.

Compared to the fighting between Anilu and the crow, Bassas and Lindbergh are... pure fight! Bassas quickly deceives himself as soon as he comes up, and does not give Lindberg any room to retreat.

In desperation, Lindbergh could only choose close combat.

"Wei Hahaha! Sure enough, as they said, your melee combat strength is indeed very strong!"

Bassas was very excited at this time. Although Lindbergh was small in stature, his burst of energy was amazing.

This is exactly what Bashas is looking for, and the way he likes to fight.

Lindberg's face was flat, calmly responding to Basas' attack.

"I didn't expect a big man like you to be so fast!"

"Are all of you Chris Pirates so perverted?"

Lindbergh loves to invent, and many of his inventions are used in his own battles.

The instrument behind him is... an invention that Lindbergh is most satisfied with.

This can give him motivation and make him go faster.

Lindbergh originally thought that with his speed, he would be able to consume Bassas.

However, it turned out that he was completely miscalculated.

Bassas looks clumsy, but in fact, his speed is far beyond human beings.

"Am I fast enough?"

"Turn your head to look at that... in the arena, the speed of Anilu is fast, Wei Hahahaha..."

The corners of Lindbergh's mouth twitched slightly, and he muttered: "Those who have the ability to ring the thunder fruit have the speed of light!"

"How can ordinary people compare!"

Bassas smiled excitedly, and his fists slammed into the middle.

Lindbergh also sensed this danger through the domineering and domineering, and immediately leaned back and retreated to the rear.

Dodging this time also created a relatively safe distance for him.

Lindbergh snorted coldly, and then took out a long gun from behind! Everyone, automatically subscribed to 221, it has already exceeded 220, and the author is so happy.

Originally wanted to update more, but the author is not good at writing battles, and his head is about to explode.

Not much to say, continue coding, and strive to write the next chapter as soon as possible!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [6757...5419] for the monthly pass!


Thank you for the monthly pass of 【Leaves Falling with the Wind】!

Big guy..Thank you for your monthly are this month...the voted for the author's bacteria..the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book...will not forget. .! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thanks for the monthly pass of 【Power Bank】!


Thank you [951qazplm] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy..thank you for your are this month....the third reward the author fungus...the author fungus is all recorded in the small book...will not be forgotten. .! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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