"Sister Baccarat is amazing. Every time I hear this, this princess is very excited, halie halie halie~~"

  Perona flew to Baccarat with a look of anticipation on her face.

  Leiju took elegant steps, nodded, and said with a smile: "Baccarat's fruit ability is indeed too powerful."

  "With her here and Chris' strength, no matter what you do, you will succeed immediately, and there will be no problem."

  (I have read all your comments about the next Devil Fruit Chris ate. Then this chapter mentions these Devil Fruits, which one do you think is more suitable, please continue to leave a message in the comment area (* ̄︶ ̄). )

044: Another newcomer, Basil-Hawkins! (for flower collection)

  on the deck.

  "The captain has appeared again. I hope this newcomer is a belligerent. I have been waiting to be the captain of the first team, Wei Hahaha..."

  Bassas raised his arms high, his face full of excitement.

  Poison Q coughed and said, "Don't be like Trafalgar-Ro, everything else is acceptable."

  Lafitte turned his cane, still very polite.

  "Rona is not interested in the squad leader, or based on his strength, even if he is not the captain of the first squad, there is no problem in being the second squad."

  Luo cried with the demon sword in his arms, and said coldly, "There are still too few people. When we gather six or seven, we can just fight one game at that time."

  The Queen Sweetheart glanced at them, she was really speechless, "Every time good luck comes, I always think about the battle for the squad leader, is it interesting?"

  "Men, all advocate force and like to solve things with fists."

  Leiju looked at Queen Sweetheart and said with a smile: "This is the commonality of all men, but it is understandable."

  She actually agrees with the ship rules set by Chris.

  With absolute strength, Chris intimidated the entire ship and made them rationalize the competition.

  In this way, the strength of the crew will definitely increase very quickly.

  Really very good practice! !

  "lets go!"

  Chris didn't talk nonsense, just jumped down and landed in Carlette Town.

  Padong didn't follow Chris this time, and jumped directly on Bebo's shoulder.

  These two animals, who have recently been called brothers, are too close to each other.

  Soon, everyone jumped to the shore and headed towards the town...

  In the town, on a certain street.

  This is a very prosperous road. On both sides of the street, there are various shops, makeup shops, clothing shops...

  At the end of the street, there are many people setting up street stalls here, selling small accessories and seafood. There are many things and a dazzling array.

  Among them, there is a stall with the word "fortune-telling" hanging on it.

  "Excuse me, how much Bailey does it take for a fortune-telling?"

  Passersby looked at the stall owner and asked curiously.

  Hawkins played cards and said calmly, "Fortune-telling, it depends on the person."

  "You don't have anything special, so I won't help you predict the future."

  The passerby was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

  What does this mean, money can't be fortune-telling?

  At this time, a stall owner next to him laughed and said, "It's very strange for this young man to set up a stall. It's not for making money, it's just an interest."

  "He's always been like this, we're all used to it, there's nothing we can do about him."

  When the other stall owners heard it, they laughed, and the laughter was somewhat sarcastic.

  They've known Hawkins for a while, and the guy is always tugging, so cold, and doesn't talk to them at all.

  When fortune-telling, he often offends guests, making him look like a fool.

  They are ashamed to be with him! !


  Hearing the words of the other stall owners, the passerby cursed in a low voice, then turned and walked away.

  Hawkins ignored the surrounding situation at all, lowered his head, and played cards to himself.

  At this moment, the sound of noisy footsteps came, accompanied by the sound of conversation.

  "Is that him?"

  The Sweetheart Queen looked at the man in front of her, frowned, shook her head and said, "Strange eyebrows, special eyes and nose, how can I say it?"

  "This person seems to have a problem, very melancholy, there is a gloomy feeling, so uncomfortable."

  Betty took a breath, calmly as always, "Appearance is not important, strength is enough."

  Perona was flying in the air, wrinkled her face, and said directly: "So ugly, this princess doesn't like him."

  Reiju touched her delicate chin and analyzed it.

  "His appearance does look like a fortune teller. Could it be that his ability is to predict the future?"

  "If that's the case, then it's pretty awesome."

  Bashas shrugged his shoulders and said a little depressedly: "There is no hope, this guy can't be strong at first glance."

  Lafitte adjusted his top hat and said gently, "Being able to be selected by Sister Baccarat, this person's strength will definitely not be too bad."

  Luo frowned and said coldly, "This person makes me feel very strange."

  Hearing a bunch of people commenting on himself, Hawkins stopped playing cards, slowly raised his head, and looked at the new customer.

  The first person, in black clothes and black trousers, looked calm and composed, exuding a unique temperament.

  As for the others, there are men and women, all of them are very powerful.

  At this moment, the black-clothed man spoke, expressionless and calm.

  "Introduce myself, I'm the captain of the Chris Pirates, Chris."

  "I passed by here by chance, and I think you have good strength and are qualified to join my fleet."

  Chris looked at Hawkins and said lightly: "Since you are good at predicting the future, then you can count on your next destiny."

  The others did not speak, watching Hawkins silently, waiting for him to answer.

  Hawkins ignored Chris and the others and moved his hands quickly to shuffle the cards.

  "Battle, the defeat rate is 100%!"

  Hawkins drew a card, glanced at it, and said something to himself.

  After that, he put the cards aside and continued to draw.

  "Escape, the success rate is 0%!"

  Seeing Hawkins predict the future like this made everyone feel very interesting.

  Queen Sweetheart looked at Hawkins with a curious look on her pretty face, and said with a slight smile, "It turns out that his so-called prediction is like this!"

  "However, it seems to be quite accurate."

  (Guys, the author has read all your comments in the book review area. I will think about which Devil Fruit to choose next. You can continue to comment and let’s discuss it (* ̄︶ ̄). )

045: Reverse Repulsion, Vientiane Tianyin! (for flower collection)

  "Is this magic? It looks like a lot of fun, hahahahaha..."

  Perona's little face is full of interest, she has always liked this kind of new things.

  Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth and said lightly: "In front of Chris, he has no other choice at all, and his fate is already doomed."

  Leiju looked at Baccarat, blinked her beautiful eyes, and smiled, "A very calm person, his strength should be very good."

  Baccarat nodded and said gently: "It's the first time I've seen a magician, and I don't know much about such people."

  "But if Chris can send an invitation, it will definitely not be too weak to prove his strength."

  Bassas has always been direct, and he is a very straightforward person. Seeing Hawkins like this, I feel particularly uncomfortable.

  "A big man, can't be decisive, and predict something."

  Poison Q looked at Bassas, showed a mysterious smile, and coaxed and said, "Otherwise, beat him directly and see if he dares to agree."

  Lafitte turned his cane, still politely, "Poison Q, don't always destroy the team's feelings, it's very dangerous for you to do this."

  "I don't think Bassas is necessarily his opponent, even if he fights."

  Luo looked at Hawkins, this man was really weird, and being able to be so calm showed his strength to himself.

  Very confident! !

  At this moment, Hawkins' calm voice rang again.

  "Defense, evasion rate 0%!"


  "Join, the success rate is 100%!"

  After reading a lot, Hawkins put away the cards and said calmly, "I have predicted the future, Captain!"

  The Queen Sweetheart stroked her golden hair and said casually, "This result is actually already doomed."

  "There's another newcomer here, and this time the team is even stronger." Betty took a breath and said lightly.

  Leiju looked at Chris' back and smiled sweetly, "This is a good thing, the probability of the plan being successful is getting bigger and bigger."

  "Let's go."

  After Chris finished speaking, he turned around without saying anything to Hawkins.

  Seeing these people leave, the stall owners on the side quickly started talking.

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