"Hey, these two guys... just disappeared like this."

"This is Morrie's Devil Fruit ability, which can move freely underground."

"At this time, they are probably already fighting underground."

"It's the first time I've seen it in the ring!"

The audience groaned and expressed their great helplessness.

Perona tilted her small head and stared at the empty ring.

"I really want to go underground and have a look!"

"This big devil fruit ability is also very interesting!"

Nami couldn't help sighing and said with a smile, "I don't know what they are doing down there."

"I really didn't expect that such a situation would happen."

Keya blinked a pair of big eyes and said with a little worry: "Since the following is that... Morrie's territory, Panzfly will not suffer."

"After all, with such a big body, he may not be able to spread it out below."

The little giant Lili didn't worry about this. Instead, she smiled and said, "After my father got the glass fruit, his overall agility has been greatly improved."

"Even if it's underground, Morrie won't be able to take advantage of it."

Al Rita stood quietly on the spot, and then said softly: "You can feel it carefully, the ground is shaking."

"The two of them are below, there must be a fierce battle."

Everyone also noticed that there was a slight vibration below the ground.

This vibration continued for quite a long time.

Suddenly, folds appeared on the ground on the ring.

Bang! There was only a loud bang, and the ground of the ring exploded! The figures of the two giants suddenly rose from below, and the weapons of the two were facing each other.


"Alas, their fight below must be very exciting, but unfortunately I can't see it anymore."

"It's actually the first time this has happened in history."

"Hahahahaha! This ring is probably going to be scrapped for a while!"

"Being able to hit it directly from Morrie's men, this Penzfrey really has two hits!"

Audiences who are familiar with Morrie are well aware that Penzfrey can sneak deep underground.

If it wasn't for him taking the initiative to bring people out, it would be very difficult for him to be alone.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to penetrate the surrounding rocky soil with absolute force.

"Your ability is really strange enough, you can actually open up a small world underground."

"It would be really uncomfortable if you were trapped below."

Panzfrey let out a long sigh of relief, this short trip to the underground world was a bit laborious.

Just below, the two fought fiercely.

The surrounding rocks were all shattered! At this moment, there were many wounds on Mori's body.

He looked at Panzefly with fear: "I lost!"

"When I was below, if it wasn't for your mercy, I'd be in a different place."

He couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "I really underestimated your glass fruit ability!"

During the battle between the two, Panzfrey kept using the debris to transfer.

This made Morrie unable to lock his position and could only be beaten passively.

Coupled with the power of glass bombs, Morrie really suffered a lot.

Even if he was armed, he was inevitably injured.

And on a crucial occasion, Penz Fryburn had a chance to hit Morrie in the head with a single blow, but he stopped in time.

Morrie knew very well that with the strength of Panzfry, he was completely capable of killing himself just now.

Morrie's abruptly conceded defeat, immediately.

It caused an uproar from the audience.

"This... this is a throw-in"

"The two of them are down there, what happened?"

"Judging from the wound on Morrie's body, he is indeed the one who suffers."

"I didn't expect that Morrie's winning streak was interrupted today."

"The Chris Pirates really live up to their name. Their members are stronger than each other."

Panzfrey smiled softly, then looked into Morrie's eyes, and said solemnly: "Morrie, join us!"

"Join our Chris Pirates and create a world together in the new world!"

As soon as you say this, immediately.

Shocked everyone below.

"Inviting Morrie to join the Chris Pirates"

"Murray is such a powerful person, if you join them, wouldn't the Chris Pirates be even more powerful?"

"The Chris Pirates are full of talented people. They can invite Mori to join, which shows that they value Mori's potential very much."

"Will Morrie agree?"

"It's hard to say, although the Chris Pirates are in the limelight at this time, they are also on the cusp of the storm."

Mori was also taken aback when he heard the words.

He frowned and looked at Panzfrey, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said solemnly: "Okay!"

"I join you!"

Mori agreed very readily and successfully joined the Chris Pirates.

For .. this result, it is also completely expected by Panz Fry.

As soon as Mori agreed to join the Chris Pirates, Perona happily danced in the air.

"Great! Great!"

"Such an interesting guy, finally joined our Chris Pirates!"

"Now I can go to the underground world to play!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

There was also a sweet smile on Nami's face: "The strength of our pirate group has grown again!"

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and said generously: "The battle with Pudora Kingdom is imminent."

"Any force joining in is good news for us."

Betty spit out a few smoke rings, and said lightly: "Compared to the giant Morrie, I look forward to Lindbergh's joining."

"This guy may be able to become our ship - Vega Punk!"

In the ring next to him, Bashas and Lindbergh were still fighting.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see that from just now, Lindbergh's momentum is gradually declining.

Bassas is getting more and more energetic! His two arms are completely black.

Cavendish tutted twice and exclaimed: "This color is already comparable to Lafitte and Anilu!"

"Bashas's armament is domineering, and he has improved a lot."

Bellamy Jie Jie smiled: "He really has talent, and after a battle, the harvest is quite rich."

"It's also thanks to his opponent!"

The ghost man Ajin nodded and said without emotion: "I have to say, Lindbergh's strength is very strong!"

"Excellent physical skills, combined with his bizarre inventions, are indeed overwhelming."

Lafitte smiled lightly: "I hope Lindbergh can join our Chris Pirates!"

"In this way, the overall strength of our Chris Pirates can be greatly improved."

Duhe smiled and said with interest: "If these inventions of Lindbergh can be promoted in our pirate group."

"The younger brothers below, the strength can rise to a level."

"At that time, it may not be comparable to the army of Puduola Kingdom!"

Hawkins was still expressionless, and said coldly: "Bashas is about to end the battle!"

"He's already starting to build up!"

Everyone noticed that Bassas had been in: rapid movement.

And his right fist has been clenched quietly.

Lindbergh used the speed of light thruster to continuously consume Bashas' energy.

The battle had been going on long enough that he didn't want to entangle any more.

"End the battle once and for all!"

Lindbergh shouted, and then suddenly shot, his fists were charged with electricity, and they attacked Bashas.

Bassas smiled and said loudly: "It's exactly what I want!"

He also threw a punch, bringing a burst of fist wind.

The two fists slammed together violently.

Afterwards, the audience clearly heard a crisp cracking sound! It seems that the final blow of these two people directly shattered the space! A violent shock wave swept the entire audience, and everyone stretched out their hands to block it.

With the smoke and dust on the ring dissipating, the two figures were separated.

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