The two ships are approaching each other, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer.

Marigold looked at the increasingly clear Chris, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately we caught up!"

Hancock murmured, "Chris, here comes the concubine!"

Ladies and gentlemen, today is still an update. Next, the Empress will meet the woman next to Chris, and she will definitely be angry. Are you looking forward to it?

Let’s subscribe to another one automatically, it’s still 223 now, it hasn’t changed, so it’s alright to have another one”.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

335: Hancock was furious when he saw the woman beside Chris!

Under Hancock's earnest gaze, the Chris and the Hydra slowly met.

At this moment, Chris has already come to the deck.

Hawk-Eyed Mihawk stood side by side with him, and the squad leaders were now behind them to the right.

As for Nami and other female relatives, they are habitually standing behind Chris on the left.

Mihawk turned his head and glanced at Chris, and said lightly: "The Nine Snake Pirates have recently increased their strength, and their arrival is a great reinforcement!"

"The World Government and the Kingdom of Pudora never thought that this time it would be the two kings, the Shichibu Pirates, and go hand in hand!"

Hearing this, Chris chuckled and said plainly: "I didn't need them to come, but since they are here, it is naturally better."

"Furthermore, this time, it's not just the two kings who go down to the Seven Martial Sea Pirates. Although you are alone, you can reach tens of millions of people!"

Chris looked at Mihawk meaningfully, who also smiled indifferently.

Nami watched the two boats get closer and closer, and when the two boats were getting close to a certain distance, she waved at the helmsman.


The helmsman immediately.

Understanding it, the Chris immediately stopped in place.

Since the Chris is also a... living whale, the helmsman needs little to do, just give orders.

Upon hearing the order, the Chris immediately stopped and did not move forward for half a minute.

This is a braking effect that other pirate ships cannot achieve.

At the same time, Margaret also gave an order: "Stop the boat!"

The female warriors of Nine Snake Island immediately began to operate, and the Nine Snakes also quietly stopped after sliding slowly.

The Chris Pirates and the Nine Snake Pirates looked at each other like this.

The eyes of both sides were completely focused on the captain of the other side.

The moment Mrs. Charlie first saw Hancock, her cold eyes trembled slightly.

There was a hint of surprise on her delicate face: "This is the legend, Empress Boyahan Cook"

"The world's number one beauty pirate!"

"The appearance of such a dazzling country and city is no less than that of Princess Baixing!"

Baccarat folded her crimson hair, smiled and said, "The Empress Boya Hancook and Princess White Star are... the two beauties in the world today according to the legends of the world."

"It's true that each has its own merits."

"Princess White Star is pure and kind, with a pure heart and Hancock's frown and smile, they are all touching and charming all beings!"

Perona flew happily in the air and said with a smile: "Hancock himself is really a thousand times more beautiful than the photos!"

"Does such a beautiful woman really exist?"

Arrita put the mace under her feet, stared at Hancock, and said lightly: "The skin is like fat, and the body is exquisite."

"With such a graceful figure, even a woman can't help but be tempted."

"Her white and red skin is a thousand times more delicate than me who ate the slippery fruit!"

Two charming little dimples gradually appeared on Nami's face, and she said sweetly, "No wonder they say that Empress Boyahan Cook is the most beautiful pirate in the world!"

"When I saw it today, I just realized what true beauty is."

"Compared to her, we are all inferior!"

Nami turned her head to look at the people around her, and shook her head unconsciously.

The Queen Sweetheart opened her mouth in surprise and couldn't help but exclaimed: "With such a beautiful face, even without makeup, it is enough to stir people's hearts."

"Standing in front of her, I feel a little ashamed of myself."

"I dress up on weekdays, but it's not still less than one-thousandth of a percent, %!"

Leijiu's eyes were as clear as water, and she smiled indifferently: "Although what you said is a bit exaggerated, it is not without reason."

"Hancock's stunning appearance really makes people unable to take their eyes off."

"It's really hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful woman in the world without seeing her with my own eyes."

"Compared to Princess Baixing, I think she is more obsessed."

Makino's eyes rolled, and she smiled softly: "I really like her eyes, the faint blue color makes people fall in love at first sight."

"I feel like I'm already in love with her!"

Keya blinked her big eyes and said excitedly, "I finally saw Hancock!"

"It really looks like a fairy sister!"

The girls of the Chris Pirates praised Hancock's beauty without hesitation.

They have been completely conquered by Hancock! The female family members have already been like this, not to mention the squad leader and the rest of the crowd.

When they saw Hancock's face clearly, they were completely boiling.

Krib's eyes flashed: Starlight: "That is the legendary Queen Boyahan Cook, who is really as beautiful as the legend!"

All the little fellows also nodded.

"This is absolutely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

"It's over, I can't take my eyes off her at all, the Empress Boya Hancook is so attractive!"

"When I met Princess White Star on Fishman Island, there was no such situation!"

"Hancock's beauty has a unique flavor, mature and intellectual, and even more attractive!"

"Hancock is so pretty, it's an understatement to say she is!"

"Such a beautiful face should not appear in this world!"

The crew couldn't help but admire again and again, all of them were attracted by Hancock's appearance.

Lafitte took off his hat and bowed politely to Hancock.

He exclaimed with moving admiration: "Hancock's appearance is absolutely unmatched in the past and present!"

"Any beautiful flower will lose its color in front of her!"

Bartolomeo was shocked and said in surprise: "I never thought that there would be such a beautiful woman in the world!"

"Her beauty is beyond words to describe."

The ghost man Ajin looked indifferent and said calmly: "I have to admit that Hancock is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Although I don't care much about looks, but seeing her, I can't help but want to take a second look."

Cavendish clicked his tongue twice and sighed: "My appearance is among the men, and I should be the top existence!"

"And this Hancock's appearance, among women, is also one of the best."

"Only Princess White Star can compete with her in this world!"

Du Jie smiled and said: "Even a woman can be conquered by a face, that man will not be tempted."

"Just looking at it makes me feel better!"

"Sure enough, a beautiful face is sometimes more effective than a good medicine."

Lindbergh laughed softly: "Finally, I am fortunate to meet the Empress Boyahan Cook. I am very lucky to meet a woman as beautiful as her in my life."

The crow was wearing a mask and couldn't see the changes on his face, but his eyes had moved slightly.

He sighed lightly: "It is always said that some kings of countries give up their whole country because of women."

"I didn't quite understand it at first, but after seeing Hancock, I suddenly understood."

"Under such a beautiful appearance, no one can resist."

Caribou smiled and said with a smile: "You are wrong!"

"The captain is... in this world, there are very few existences who can resist such a face."

"To be able to make such a beautiful woman fall in love, the captain is indeed quite powerful."

Anilu looked at Hancock lightly, and said in a lazy tone: "Okay, I take back what I said before!"

"Faced with looks like Hancock, strength or anything seems to be irrelevant!"

Bashas smiled and patted Anilu on the shoulder, hehe said with a smile: "I can make you Anilu say something like this..."

"It seems that Hancock's appearance really gave you a great shock!"

Anilu shrugged, noncommittal.

Luo Huai stood aside with Guixiu in his arms, his usual indifference had long since turned into surprise.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hancock's appearance is rare in the world."

"As her opponent, if you don't have some determination, you'll be all soft when you see her."

"What's more, let's fight it with all our strength"

Crow smiled and pushed his glasses and said, "So since Hancock went to sea, he has basically been smooth sailing and invincible."

"That's why the captain values ​​her so much."

Tezzolo smacked his lips and glanced at Chris: "Faced with such a fairy face, he still keeps his face unchanged."

"The captain really is very determined!"

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