"If we can win him over, our chances of winning will naturally be a little better."

In Chris's eyes, a flash of ruthlessness suddenly flashed: "However, if he is determined to stand on the opposite side of me..."

"I don't mind, send him to meet his Captain Rocks in advance!"

This sudden coldness made Hancock shudder uncontrollably.

She gathered her loose hair and said softly, "I think, besides... Wang Zhi, there should be many similar people in the Puduola Kingdom."

"Let me handle these people!"

"If you are willing to join us, let them live."

"If you don't want to join us and are our enemies, I will deal with them one by one!"

After having known each other for so long, Hancock and Chris still have a very tacit understanding.

This is exactly what Chris planned for Hancock and her Nine Snakes.

These...the people who live in seclusion in the Kingdom of Puduola, most of them are not bad.

It would be a shame to kill them all.

As Chris cultivated, he said lightly: "When the time comes, I will send some squad leaders to act with you."

"In this way, even if you encounter some difficult guys, you don't have to worry about anything."

The water in the Kingdom of Puduola is indeed very deep.

Even Chris couldn't fully grasp the specific situation in the Pudora Kingdom.

Maybe besides...Wang Zhi, there may be other masters hidden.

So to be on the safe side, he couldn't let the Nine Snake Pirates act alone.

Hancock couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart at this time.

Chris's arrangement undoubtedly warmed her heart.

At least...it means that in Chris's heart, he is still very important.

Hancock took a casual sip of his cocktail and asked, "Chris, when are we going?"

"When you reach the vicinity of Pudora Kingdom, do you want to do it directly?"

After pondering for a while, Chris shook his head and replied, "Don't worry, wait until the navy arrives."

"The world government wants to use my hand to destroy the Pudola Kingdom, and at the same time, it also wants to use the Pudola Kingdom's hand to weaken my power."

"That can be so cheap for them"

Saying that, Chris smiled coldly.

He snorted softly and said, "It's not that simple to want us to compete with snipe and mussels and let them profit."

"This time, I will let the navy go first and find the way for us!"

Hancock frowned slightly, pouted and said, "Hehe, Navy!"

"These guys, that's pretty cunning!"

"I have dealt with them for so many years, and I have never seen them suffer a loss."

She looked up at Chris and said, "Chris, are you sure the navy will listen to you and take the initiative to explore the way first?"

Hancock never had a good impression of the Navy.

And this time, the world government has spent so much effort just to calculate the Chris Pirates.

How could they be at the mercy of Chris, but Chris smiled disdainfully: "Hehe, it's not up to them!"

"The person leading the team this time is Admiral Porusalino."

"According to the information I got, this old boy is very resistant to this arrangement."

"So there is a high probability that he will strike passively!"

A contemptuous smile suddenly appeared on Chris' face: "Without Polsalino's navy, it's just... a mob."

"If they are disobedient, I will let them disappear silently above this sea area."

Hearing this, Hancock couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really you, Chris!"

"Besides you, I'm afraid no one dares to do this!"

Destroying so many navies at one time is a big deal.

And the end of doing so is undoubtedly to declare war on the world government.

Even the Four Emperors Pirates have to weigh themselves carefully.

But these....for ..Chris, it's not a problem.

For... all of this, he had already planned it.

Several warships sent by the navy, the Chris Pirates are fully capable of destroying them all.

After dealing with it, put all the blame on the Kingdom of Pudora, without knowing it! Chris said lightly: "The only thing to pay attention to is... Polusalino."

"I hope he can join us, if not, I don't mind killing him!"

All of this, coming out of Chris's mouth, seemed so bland.

If it were someone else, he said that he would kill Polsalino, one of the admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Hancock would definitely think that this guy is a lunatic.

But from what Chris said, she didn't have the slightest doubt.

Because she believes that Chris has such strength! Hancock smiled softly and said: "In my impression, Polusalino seems to be not very concerned about the world government."

"This guy has a weird personality and is usually lazy, so no one considers him when discussing the next admiral."

"Perhaps, we can successfully win over him."

Chris nodded indifferently: "It doesn't matter...

No matter what the situation is, he can't stop what I'm going to do."

"The best choice for the Navy is... follow my arrangement!"

Immediately, Chris remembered something and continued: "We still have a team of people on the way."

"If you count the time, they should be there soon."

Some time ago, Apu and the others contacted Baccarat again and reported their location.

After Apu and his party entered the new world, they also traveled day and night.

With the life card, the distance with the Chris Pirates is constantly shortened.

And now, they have also reached this sea area.

If nothing else, the official rendezvous with the Chris Pirates should be in these two days.

"Wait for Apu and the others to start, it's not too late!"

In just a few words, Chris had already planned what happened next.

The next thing they have to do is... go to the Kingdom of Puduola.

Guys, you should have noticed that I have been writing about Hancock recently.

That's because, after conquering the Kingdom of Pudora, Hancock and Chris will stay together and will not be separated, so I wrote more.

Thanks for the monthly pass of 【Power Bank】!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass...you are this month...the thirty-second one..the author has voted for the monthly ticket..the author is all recorded in the small book...will not forget it .

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338: Chris summons Bonnie to discuss something!

Chris, in the living room.

Nami, Margaret and others had a great conversation.

Baccara glanced at the training room and smiled generously: "It seems that there is a lot to be said between Chris and Hancock!"

"On weekdays, Chris doesn't have so many words."

Betty spit out a few smoke rings, and said lightly: "Hancock and Chris, it is rare to see each other once."

"Naturally there are many things that need to be communicated well."

Leijiu's beautiful eyes flowed, swept across the training room, and said with a small smile, "They should have something important to discuss."

"If it wasn't something important, Chris would never have said so much!"

When everyone heard the words, they all smiled knowingly and nodded their heads.

Nami and others know Chris too well, he never wastes too much time on useless things.

Seeing this, Sandasonia couldn't help but ask, "Is Chris a taciturn person?"

They only know some basic information about Chris, as for his character, they naturally know nothing.

Margaret, Bonnie and the others also looked at Nami and the others with anticipation.

Nami raised her eyebrows and nodded noncommittally: "Chris' character is of the cold type."

"He only speaks about things that interest him."

"The rest of the time, I stay in the training room alone, there is nothing important, and basically I won't come out."

A faint smile appeared on Al Rita's delicate face: "Don't look at us staying by Chris's side for so long."

"Actually, we probably haven't had as much conversation with him as Hancock has spoken to him."

Sandasonia and the others glanced at their mouths unconsciously, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Marigold smiled and said, "No wonder Chris was able to achieve so much at such a young age!"

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