"His strength is said to be on the same level as the Four Emperors."

"Whether Chris can suppress him is still unknown."

However, Bartholomey curled his lips and spread his hands: "About this, I don't think we need to worry about anything."

"Everyone doesn't know yet, except for me, everyone else has joined the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"Among them, Hawkeye Mihawk is included!"

He paused and continued: "Boney told me just now that there was a fight between Chris and Mihawk."

"And the end result is, on par!"

After speaking, Bartholomey looked at everyone in the conference room with a strange look.

At this time, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

With an inconceivable expression, Imazuna murmured, "Actually... it's a draw with Hawkeye Mihawk."

"That's... the world's greatest swordsman!"

"A man recognized by the outside world as having the strength to rival the Four Emperors!"

Banicio also swallowed a mouthful of saliva involuntarily and exclaimed: "It's okay to be able to defeat Doflamingo..."

"I really didn't expect that Chris's strength would be as high as that of Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"In this case, the so-called Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is definitely not Chris's opponent."

Ashlu shook her head and said in disbelief, "I finally understand why the World Government attaches so much importance to Chris."

"It was definitely a very correct choice when they pulled Chris into the Qiwuhai under the king!"

Back then, the news that Chris became the king of the Qiwuhai spread all over the world.

Suddenly, various voices came out.

Although Chris's record of defeating Crocodile is indeed dazzling.

But at that time, Chris only had such a successful record.

Therefore, the quality of this king's Qiwuhai has also been subject to a lot of controversy.

After all, an unknown newcomer suddenly appeared.

Then, in a very short period of time, he became the king of the Qiwuhai, which inevitably caused a lot of controversy.

And Chris has grown to this stage, but it has proved the vision of the world government at that time.

Now, he has grown into the most top existence in the Seven Martial Seas under the King! Sabo sighed slightly and smiled bitterly: "Half an hour ago, I was thinking of asking Chris for advice."

"Now...I'm still not going to ask for trouble!"

"I want to reach the strength of Hawkeye Mihawk, and there is still a long way to go!"

Sabo has a very clear understanding of himself. He understands that the gap between himself and Chris is not a star! Long smiled indifferently, and exclaimed: "It really is a hero!"

"I didn't expect Chris to have reached such a height at such a young age, and I'm ashamed of myself!"

On the phone bug's side, Chris said indifferently: "Strength doesn't mean everything."

"If I'm alone, there are many things I can't do."

"That's why I proposed to establish the Qiwuhai Alliance and find my first allies."

"Only by cooperation can we gain more voice and resources for further growth in this world."

"I can guarantee that if Bartholomew joins the Shichibukai Alliance, he, or the Revolutionary Army, will be able to get rich resources in return."

"I'm still very confident about it."

Bartholomew also nodded and said: "I think, joining the Qiwuhai Alliance is probably the general trend."

"If I don't join, I will go against the trend!"

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345: Dragon and Chris cooperate to overthrow the rule of the Dragons!

The dragon tapped the table with his fingers and said lightly: "It seems that joining the Qiwuhai Alliance seems to be beneficial and harmless."

"Everyone else, do you have any other questions or comments?"

"If not, I think this Qiwuhai Alliance can join!"

Sabo and the others looked at each other, but no one commented.

After previous understanding, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army also felt that the Qiwuhai Alliance was indeed very good.

With Chris in charge, the future development prospects of this alliance will definitely be very bright.

At this moment, Teriel Dio suddenly said, "I have one last question."

"Although on the surface, Mr. Xiong is the king of the world government under the command of Qiwuhai."

"But at the end of the day, he was always a member of our revolutionary army."

"The seven forces of the Qiwuhai Alliance are entangled with each other, and it is difficult to guarantee that the identity of Mr. Xiong will not be leaked."

"Especially... in the Shichibukai Alliance, there is still this guy Doflamingo."

Sabo also nodded in agreement, thinking thoughtfully: "Doflamingo is indeed the most uncontrollable factor."

"He and the world government have always been very close."

"If he finds out the true identity of Mr. Xiong, it would be really troublesome."

Klar bit his lip and said softly: "Then the problem now is... how to ensure that the identity of Mr. Xiong is not leaked!"

"Once the world government learns that he is a member of the Revolutionary Army, the world government will definitely take...some measures against him."

Klar glanced at the phone bug and asked, "Captain Chris, do you have any solution to our concerns..."

Hearing this, Chris, who was wielding his knife, shook his head casually and said, "I think you've thought a bit too much about this matter."

"As long as your internal secrecy work is done well, the identity of the Bartholomew Revolutionary Army will not be easily revealed."

"At the very least, it will never leak from me or my pirate group..."

Christopher paused and continued: "I understand your concerns very well. After all, it is about the safety of the Bartholomew Bear."

"So in the future, I will hand over all the affairs of the Bartholomey Bear to the person I trust the most."

"The resources you exchange with others will also pass through my hands and be handed over to the revolutionary army."

"In this way, no one else will discover the true identity of the Bartholomew Bear."

Long groaned and said, "We can be relieved with Captain Chris's words."

"After a turning point in the middle, the possibility of exposure is greatly reduced."

Banicio frowned and said worriedly: "I think... this matter shouldn't be so simple!"

"Since the Qiwuhai Alliance has been established, the connection between the seven forces will become complicated."

"We can't guarantee that we can completely hide this guy from Doflamingo!"

Obviously, in the eyes of the revolutionary army, Doflamingo has become a very dangerous guy in this world.

Everything about him is untrustworthy.

Chris said indifferently: "I told the Bartholomew Bear that I have... other arrangements for... Doflamingo."

"His Don Quixote family will not be too entangled in our business."

"I'm also not very worried about him."

"So... let him join the Qiwuhai Alliance, it's only temporary..."

Chris clicked and didn't say anything more.

But he believed that the cadres of the revolutionary army could hear their own voices.

Long crossed his hands on his chest, and said solemnly: "Since this is the case, we don't have too many concerns here."

"I think Xiong can join the Qibukai Alliance!"

In this regard, Bartholomey also nodded, noncommittal.

He said indifferently: "I have no opinion, as long as I can help the revolutionary army get more resources."

"Chris, if there is anything I need to do in the future, I have to trouble you to notify me in time."

Bonnie said with a smile: "Father, believe me, joining the Qiwuhai Alliance is definitely a sure-fire thing."

"I bet that Chris will be able to become the king of this sea in the future!"

Hancock also smiled and said with joy: "In this case, our Qiwuhai Alliance is officially completed!"

"I believe that our Qiwuhai Alliance will become a major factor in changing the world!"

Chris continued to wave his blood red, and said with a blank face: "After I capture the Kingdom of Pudora, our Qiwuhai Alliance can officially operate."

"At that time, I also hope that Bartholomew bears you and can expand your power as soon as possible so that it can be used for resource exchange."

Bartholomew said coldly: "You don't need to worry about this, the resources in the hands of the revolutionary army are far more abundant than you think."

"What we need now is more weapons and equipment."

"In the hands of the revolutionary army, there are sufficient resources in exchange for weapons and equipment."

Hancock chuckled and said lightly: "So good, I happen to have a batch of weapons and equipment in my hand."

"We can start working together when things are over on the Pudola Kingdom side."

Hearing this news, all the cadres of the revolutionary army were foreigners.

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