"And, I also have a wealth of top-level instant combat power."

"I don't mean to exaggerate myself. It is no exaggeration to say that in about half a year: time."

"These.... commanders in my hands will all have strengths that surpass the top lieutenant generals of the navy."

"I think...you should be very clear about what kind of capabilities the top lieutenant general of the navy has!"

The cadres of the revolutionary army couldn't help but glance at each other and exchanged their eyes.

After dealing with the navy for so many years, they naturally know how terrifying the most top-level existence among vice admirals is.

Skim... Tekken Karp this particular being.

The most top-level Vice Admiral also has the strength to be infinitely close to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

They appeared on the battlefield, and they were undoubtedly a group of characters who decided the direction of the war.

Teri Kildeo nodded and said, "Captain Chris did not exaggerate."

"The squad leaders of the Chris Pirates, any one, are all characters who can stand alone in the new world."

"Including Penzfried, Trafalgaro, and Cariboo...the guys who have long been famous."

"In general, their existing strengths, as well as their respective potentials, are definitely genius-level existences."

The Revolutionary Army's investigation of the Chris Pirates is not particularly exhaustive.

But the basic situation has already been touched for a long time.

They also understand the strength of the squad leaders.

Chris continued: "And your revolutionary army has a mature military system that I don't have!"

"You have been exercising for so many years. Naturally, I can't match the resources and relationships in this area."

"This is also an important reason why I hope to reach a cooperation with you."

"Working with you, I can greatly advance the time to achieve my goals."

All of this has long been in Chris's plan.

He is very clear that if you want to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people, you must start from the root.

The forces of the World Government are spread all over the world, and victory is not something that happens overnight.

For Chris alone, if he wants to lay out a network all over the world, it will take too much time and energy.

Therefore, cooperating with the revolutionary army is undoubtedly the best choice.

Long rubbed his chin lightly, and said lightly: "It seems that Captain Chris has already planned all this."

"This matter, you must not be tempted."

"According to what you said, the two of us can be considered to each get what they need!"

He paused, then looked up at everyone, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Do you think we should cooperate with Captain Chris"

Sabo said softly on the side: "If the two of us can really reach a cooperation, it will undoubtedly be the best result."

"The problem we are facing now is the shortage of war resources."

"And this problem, Captain Chris can just help us solve it."

"In this way, our overall plan will also be able to progress faster."

Bartholomey said with a ruthless face: "I agree very much with this cooperation."

"Over the years, the suppression of our revolutionary army by the world government has become more and more frequent."

"Our development has also been greatly restricted, especially the shortage of various resources, which makes it difficult for some of us to cook without rice!"

"Since there is such an opportunity, why don't we do it?"

Kerla bit her lip and chuckled: "I don't think it's a problem either!"

"Since we have agreed with Mr. Xiong to join the Qiwuhai Alliance, we have already cooperated with Captain Chris."

"Then it's no big deal for us to cooperate to a greater extent."

Axilu's beautiful eyes flowed slightly, and she echoed with a smile: "Yes, our revolutionary army today is huge."

"Just relying on the resources obtained by the Qiwuhai Alliance may not be enough."

"If we can carry out more in-depth cooperation with Captain Chris, the resources we can obtain will also become enough."

"Besides, since Captain Chris is determined to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people, he is not necessarily less prepared than us!"

Banicio shrugged and spread his hands: "I don't have any opinion either."

"Since they are like-minded friends, there is no reason not to cooperate!"

Imazuna shook the red wine glass, took a sip, and said with a smile, "I am also very interested in... this cooperation."

"Let's not say anything else, just an Elbaf is worth our cooperation!"

"Not to mention, there are more countries and other forces behind Captain Chris."

In the eyes of the revolutionary army cadres, Elbaf is indeed a heavyweight bargaining chip.

This is the world's largest power, whether it is combat power or influence, it is a pivotal existence.

And being able to reach a cooperation with Elbaf is what Long and others have always hoped to see.

Now, as long as we can reach a cooperation with Kerry, all this will be realized naturally.

Haku smiled helplessly and said: "Since everyone has any opinions, then I agree to cooperate."

"Anyway... it sounds like, before the collaboration.

Still pretty good."

Chris' remarks, albeit brief.

But it is clear that he has completely subdued the cadres of the revolutionary army.

They are now looking forward to the cooperation between the two forces.

Seeing this scene, Long also chuckled and said, "Captain Chris, you heard it too."

"All of us are in favor of this cooperation."

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Long is also a straightforward person. He doesn't know the benefits of working with Chris, so at this time, there is no need to hesitate.

Hearing the voice from the phone bug, Chris was expressionless, but nodded slightly.

As if he had already expected this result..

"very good!"

"Then from today, the Chris Pirates and the Revolutionary Army will officially reach a cooperation."

"Our goal - to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people!"

Hancock couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, with a look of admiration on his face, and said, "This man has always been so attractive!"

"Even the revolutionary army can't refuse him!"

Bonnie smiled and said sweetly: "I have to say, Chris has been very successful in this step!"

"With the support of the revolutionary army, he has taken a considerable step on the road to achieve his goals!"

In the meeting room of the Revolutionary Army, everyone was also very excited about this cooperation.

They are very much looking forward to the changes brought to each other after the cooperation between the two companies.

Telikir Diotu said: "Since the two sides want to cooperate, there should be a liaison between each other."

"You can't just rely on phone bugs to get in touch. If you do, you will inevitably have trouble."

Ashilo waved her hand and laughed softly: "What liaison are you looking for?"

"Boney is the best liaison between the two of us!"

"With her here, we will be more at ease with each other."

However, Bartholomey shook his head and said, "This is not right!"

"Although Bonnie is my daughter, she is not a member of the Revolutionary Army after all, and cannot represent the Revolutionary Army."

Sabo pondered, nodded and said, "Sir Xiong said there is some truth to it."

"Boney has never been in the Revolutionary Army. She doesn't know anything about the Revolutionary Army."

"Since a liaison officer is to be selected, this person must have a very clear understanding of our situation."

"In this way, a lot of trouble will be avoided."

"A lot of things, even if Chris doesn't call us, he can find out through the liaison."

After listening, the cadres of the revolutionary army nodded one after another.

They very much agreed with Sabo's point of view that the existence of a liaison officer requires efficiency! Long crossed his hands on the table, looked around, and asked, "The task of this liaison officer is also very important."

"I don't know if any of you here are willing to take the initiative to ask Ying to go to the Chris and serve as the liaison between the two parties."

Hearing this, the cadres looked at each other.

A faint smile appeared on Kerla's face, and she said, "Why don't you let me go?"

"All of you here are in important positions and are in charge of one party. No matter who leaves their original positions, it is difficult to find someone to take over."

"I've always stayed at the headquarters and was in charge of all kinds of confidential matters. I'm still very confident about the precious grasp of the revolutionary army."

"And after I leave, Haku can take over my job without disturbing the original balance!"

Kerla can be considered a self-recommendation, after all, there seems to be no more suitable candidate besides... her in the entire conference room.

In addition to these considerations, she naturally has a little selfishness of her own.

She stayed in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army all the year round, and she rarely had the opportunity to go out to perform tasks.

And being with Chris, you can undoubtedly see more things and broaden your horizons.

She also hopes to be closer to Chris.

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