Chris pouted and said with a blank face: "Although Brother Doflaming, I will get rid of it sooner or later."

"But now is not the best time."

"The Qiwuhai Alliance has just been formally established, and it will inevitably be targeted by the world government."

"And Doflamingo is close to the world government, so with him, our initial stage will be very comfortable!"

All of this is completely in Chris's plan.

He wants to drain Doflamingo's value completely! Long nodded continuously and sighed: "I have to say, Chris, you are more suitable to be a leader."

"You can not only break people's hearts, but also know how to control people!"

"You are a natural leader!"

Ashilo smiled and said generously: "After talking like this, my understanding of the Qiwuhai Alliance has gone deeper."

"Captain Chris, you really are a reassuring partner!"

"To work with you, we just need to follow your request."

"Anyway...we know you'll definitely make the right choice."

"Also, you will never do anything that will harm our interests."

In the eyes of the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, Chris is... that kind of... unattainable partner.

Working with such people is always very reassuring.

Kerla blinked her big eyes and said sweetly: "It seems that I will definitely have a good time on the Chris."

"By the way, when are we going back to the Chris?"

"The war between the Chris Pirates and the Pudola Kingdom should begin soon."

Hearing this, Chris waved his hand casually and said, "Don't worry, if you want to go back, it will only take a blink of an eye."

"I'm here, and there are still some things that need to be discussed with you."

Long raised his eyebrows and said directly: "What Captain Chris wants to say should be about the cooperation between the two of us."

"I'm also interested in this issue, let's discuss it together."

Chris looked indifferent and said softly: "To be honest, being able to reach a cooperation with the Revolutionary Army is the most important step in my plan."

"Only with your support can I continue with more peace of mind."

"You can rest assured that when the matter in the Pudola Kingdom is over, I will deliver the weapons and resources in my hand to the revolutionary army as soon as possible."

"And the various resources that follow will be continuously supplied."

Hearing Chris' assurance, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army all burst into laughter.

The logistical support can make them more confident in their battles outside.

Long also smiled faintly and said, "Then I will thank Captain Chris first."

"With this batch of materials, our plan in the four seas can be continued to be implemented."

"I don't know what Captain Chris needs us to do"

Since it is cooperation, it is natural to each get what they need.

Once they have reached a negotiating table, there is no need to hide from each other.

Chris also said generously: "What I need the revolutionary army to do is actually very simple."

"That is... continue with your plan to continuously expand the forces of the Revolutionary Army around the world."

Sabo frowned slightly and asked with a little doubt: "Just... these..."

"You don't need us, do something else?"

Chris smiled lightly, and said casually, "When I need you, I will naturally look for you."

"But, not yet."

"When the time is right, it is time for your revolutionary army to really play its role!"

The college entrance examination is over, I wish you all the best of luck in the exam and get into a good university.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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349: Dragon, Sabo and others, comments on Chris!Claire's shock!

Chris's expression was very casual.

But under this casual face, a strange smile flashed in his eyes.

He had already thought about the arrangement of the revolutionary army from the moment he went to sea.

But to accomplish that, the current military strength of the Revolutionary Army is far from enough...! So this is why Chris is willing to spend a lot of resources to finance the development and growth of the Revolutionary Army.

Only if the revolutionary army is strong enough, can Chris's plan be realized.

And at that time, it is time for the whole world to undergo a complete revolution! Long nodded thoughtfully, and said with a soft laugh: "If this is the case, then our revolutionary army will be waiting for you at any time, Chris. news.”

"Whenever you need us, we'll be there!"

Long is not a dull person, how could he not know what calculus is in Chris's heart?

Dragon knew very well that Chris was just...waiting.

He is waiting for the time to come.

And the time for the revolutionary army to play its role must be at the moment when the final decisive battle begins.

Sabo smiled and said generously: "Captain Chris, do you need our help in this battle with the Kingdom of Pudora?"

"We happen to have a group of troops on that sea area. If necessary, I can send them over immediately."

"You don't have to worry about revealing anything, our people are pretty good at disguising too."

"The people of the Navy won't find anything at all!"

Saying that, a confident smile appeared on Sabo's face.

He is also confident about the camouflage technology of the revolutionary army.

After all, the revolutionary army is the key target of the world government, so they are often surrounded and blocked.

In order to avoid paying too much price and time on these matters, the revolutionary army slowly began to disguise itself.

Today, the army of the world government, it is very difficult to find anything.

Banicio also let out a hearty laugh and said, "That's right, and those of us, with a little camouflage, can also mix into your camp."

"Although we're not a top expert, we can definitely help!"

"It's still possible to help you share some of the stress."

Axilu folded her hair, her eyebrows curved: "Yes, since we have reached a cooperation."

"If we don't do something for you, I always feel that it's unreasonable."

"Capturing the Kingdom of Pudora will be of great benefit not only to the Chris Pirates, but also to the Revolutionary Army!"

The cadres of the Revolutionary Army opened their mouths one after another, expressing their willingness to follow Chris to attack the Kingdom of Pudora.

It can be seen that each of them is very sincere and wants to contribute.

However, Chris waved his hand, shook his head and said, "The attack is just a Pudora kingdom, I don't need so many helpers yet."

"Having Hawkeye Mihawk and Empress Boyahan Cook by my side is enough!"

"With the strength of our Chris Pirates, it is not difficult to win the Kingdom of Pudora."

Hearing this, Kerla couldn't help but exclaim: "Captain Chris, it seems that he always has such confidence."

"Sure enough, as long as you are strong enough, you don't have to worry about anything."

Imazuna took a sip of red wine and smiled, "The strength of Captain Chris and the Chris Pirates is obvious to all."

"It is not difficult for them to take the Pudora Kingdom."

"In the face of absolute strength like Captain Chris, what kind of storms can those people from Pudora Kingdom make?"

Haku shrugged and sighed softly: "When will I be able to become as strong as Captain Chris"

"I'm afraid, it's not possible in this life."

The other cadres also shook their heads and smiled.

Wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with Chris is really harder than reaching the sky.

It can only be, just think about it.

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