Tristan said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the two of them were actually involved."

"It would be a little troublesome if they joined this battle!"

Tobias smiled strangely and said, "Will Empress Boyahan Cook come too?"

"I've admired her for a long time!"

"If I can take this opportunity to get her in my pocket, I'd rather give up all other rewards!"

Middle Camino and the others all looked at Tobias with contempt.

This guy is not only cruel and bloodthirsty, but also so addicted to women! Luis Caccio narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured: "That guy Mihawk... is he coming too?"

"Counting the time, it's been a long time... I haven't seen him."

Saying that, Luis Caccio unconsciously touched the long knife on his waist.

The last update, the rest will be updated tomorrow, you don't have to wait.

359: Hawkeye Mihawk has the strength of the Four Emperors!Hancock is also very strong!The worries of the Pudora Kingdom!

Louis Caccio couldn't help but think of what happened in those days.

The days when I used to learn kendo with Hawkeye Mihawk are long gone.

After so many years, I heard his name.

Luigi Caccio couldn't help it, and wanted to try again! Middle Camino glanced at Luis Caccio and said lightly: "Why...are you in love?"

"Now you are no longer the opponent of Hawkeye Mihawk. It's better not to make other ideas."

"If nothing happened to you, he shouldn't be your opponent, right?"

Middle Camino and Luis Caccio also had some friendships in private.

So for Louis Caccio's thoughts, Middle Camino can still guess some.

He couldn't help looking at Luigi Caccio curiously and asked, "I'm still curious, what happened to you back then?"

"Who is it that made you what you are now?"

Louis Caccio chuckled like a self-deprecating laugh, and said, "You have asked me this question many times."

"I don't want to talk about the past anymore."

"As for Hawkeye Mihawk, I'm just nostalgic. I haven't overestimated myself yet, so I'll challenge him now!"

Tristan also noticed the whispered conversation between the two, and he sighed softly in his heart.

He felt extraordinarily sorry for the fall of Luis Caccio.

On the other hand, the ministers of the Puduola Kingdom did not notice these things.

They were still in shock.

Ricky Davis frowned worriedly and said, "One Chris is enough to give a headache!"

"Why is there another Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"This guy, but really, has the strength comparable to the four emperors!"

Arenas shrugged helplessly and said, "If Hawkeye Mihawk joins the battle, our odds of winning will be a little less!"

"Now I can only pin my hopes on those guys in the mountains!"

Kyle Pope disagreed with this and said: "What's the panic?"

"Don't forget, we still have the ace of Isa."

"Although it is said that Hawkeye Mihawk's combat power is comparable to that of the Four Emperors.

"But he is not the Four Emperors after all, so what do you think, Captain Isaac, is not his opponent?"

Minister Giannis nodded.

Said: "In contrast, I am more worried about Empress Boyahan Cook."

"She has the ability to make people petrify. This kind of large-scale attack will make us very passive."

"Our greatest reliance is our proudest army!"

Giannis and the others are all too familiar with the fighting style of the Empress Boyahan Cook.

Hawkeye Mihawk's sword attack, their army can still find a way to resist it.

But for .. Hancock's beauty, not necessarily.

Tank Pirate Captain Tobias said with a smile: "If you are at ease, Empress Boyahan Cook will be handed over to me!"

"I naturally have a way to hold her back, so that she won't have any bad influence on the overall battle situation."

When everyone heard the words, they all showed suspicious eyes.

This Tobias is powerful, but the strength of the Empress Boyahan Cook has also grown by leaps and bounds recently.

In the past half a year, she has also defeated many guys who offered rewards of hundreds of millions.

But since Tobias took the initiative, the others didn't say much.

Isaac glanced at him casually, and said blankly, "I have no opinion."

"But to remind you, the current Empress Boyahan Cook is not... before."

"Her strength has already been greatly improved."

Tobias waved his hand indifferently, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry!"

"I'm not a vegetarian, Tobias!"

"Since such a big beauty came to my door, how could I let her go easily?"

Morant West and the others all laughed and shook their heads.

They knew very well that once the guy Tobias got serious, it was really not easy to deal with.

Even a strong man like Middle Camino would have to peel off a layer of skin! Isaac continued: "Whether other people have... Join the Qiwuhai Alliance, we don't need to worry anymore."

"Now the others, did not show up on Chris's boat."

"If they want to come over in a short period of time, it is estimated that it will be very difficult."

"And, if our intelligence is wrong and they all show up, we have no other way."

"Faced with the complete Qiwuhai Alliance, it is almost impossible for us to win."

Isaac's eyes suddenly froze, and he said solemnly: "What I'm worried about now is... some other forces."

"Now that we are besieged by the navy, the number of people we can send out is limited."

"So I can't accurately judge whether there are... other forces in the surrounding seas."

With a bit of doubt in his eyes, Louis Caccio said, "Captain Isaac, except... the Seven Wuhai Alliance."

"Are there any other powerful forces behind the Chris Pirates?"

Today is still 4. Automatic subscriptions will start, and another one. Now it is 228. Try to break through 230 as soon as possible.

Don't worry, the author promises to work hard to code words, I beg everyone to raise your hands, I'm crying!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

360: Elbaf wants to join the war?Germa also joins the war?

Everyone present could see that Isaac had a lot of concerns in his heart.

And it is definitely not an ordinary force that can make Isaac feel a headache.

But even if Middle Camino and the others tried to break their heads, they couldn't figure out who was behind Chris. Tristan quickly pondered what, and murmured: "Before I came to Pudora Kingdom, I received news, The Four Emperor Pirates haven't done anything."

"Apart from...the Four Emperor Pirates, who else can make Isaac so nervous?"

Evil Bradley frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I think it's definitely not the power of a certain pirate group."

"One or two small pirate groups are not enough to pose a big threat to the Kingdom of Puduola."

Tobias shrugged and said with a smile: "Yes, a pirate group like you and me is really nothing."

"Even if our pirate groups add up, I'm afraid Pudora Kingdom will not be able to see it at all."

"If my guess is correct, Captain Isaac is worried about the army of a certain country."

Hearing this, Morantesey pouted and said, "What are you kidding?"

"When did the war between the Chris Pirates and the Pudola Kingdom involve other countries?"

"And as far as I know, the only country that has formed an alliance with the Chris Pirates seems to be the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"The kingdom of Alabasta is far in the first half of the great route, how can it be impossible to reach such a far place!"

Tristan nodded and said indifferently: "Indeed, Chris shouldn't take so much trouble."

"And...the kingdom of Alabasta has been occupied by Crocodile for many years."

"They have just recovered some vitality now. With their military strength, they are far from being able to threaten the Kingdom of Pudora."

As a first-class power in the world, the Kingdom of Pudora is definitely a top-notch military force.

The military strength of one of their countries is enough to match the military strength of other four, five, 45 countries.

So in this regard, it is difficult for other countries to match.

Middle Camino raised his eyebrows, smiled strangely, and said, "It's not impossible to threaten the country of the Kingdom of Pudora!"

"For example, Elbaf, the land of giants, and Germa 66 in the north!"

"Besides, there are several other countries with such strength! Louis Caccio echoed: "The military strength of the Kingdom of Pudora is indeed strong, but it is far from being an absolute hegemon."

"If you really want to say the overlord of the world today, I'm afraid Elbaf, the country of giants, is second to none."

"However...I never seem to have heard that Chris has any connection with these countries..."

Luis Caccio pondered, and he himself was a little unsure.

Judging from Isaac's reaction, he must be worried about some powerful country.

Therefore, in Louis Caccio's heart, there is some doubts.

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