And now, these... worries of his have begun to come true.

Lieutenant General Maynard chuckled and said, "The Seven Wuhais under our control are never all of them."

"Except... Sea Hero Jinping and Empress Boyahan Cook, we have no real control over others."

"In the final analysis, it's because we haven't caught their weakness."

"Sea Hero Jinping and Empress Boya Hancook have their own country and people, so they will be afraid of us."

"But this Chris doesn't seem to care about anything."

"Shark Chopping"

Lieutenant General Bastille, also participated in this internal naval meeting.

The last time he was out on a mission, he failed to participate in the discussion about the Chris Pirates.

After he knew the final decision, he also questioned that decision.

Lieutenant General Bastille gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Chris is alone, and there is only one Chris Pirates."

"The national forces behind him are all countries that are members of the World Government. It is impossible for us to move them at will."

"Moreover, Chris's strength has obviously become a huge threat now."

"How many of our navy can suppress him?"

All the admirals looked at Lieutenant General Garp and the Warring States of Buddha unconsciously.

If it is said that among the navy today, it is the strongest combat power.

It depends on these two people! Although the strength of the three naval admirals has long been recognized by the outside world.

But the admirals knew very well that Lieutenant General Garp and the Warring States of Buddha were still young.

Especially Lieutenant General Garp, but a naval hero.

The pirates he had defeated were all at the same level as Rox and Roger.

Capturing everyone's eyes, Garp shrugged helplessly.

He said with a smile: "Now Chris has indeed become a huge variable."

"Our perception of his strength is not necessarily... the most accurate!"

This new plot is completely different from the previous analysis, please rest assured to read down, the author will not repeat the same content.

That..., the automatic subscription is still 227, let's get another one, begging!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

366: Hawkeye Mihawk is exposed, and the Navy finally realizes the seriousness of the problem!

Karp squinted his eyes slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his slightly cloudy eyes.

He smiled and said: "Since this Chris came into our sight, he has brought us a steady stream of surprises."

"Of course, many times, this kind of surprise is actually a kind of fright."

"But it is undeniable that we have never really known him since we knew him until now."

Garp looked at everyone strangely, and then said: "I have studied him for so long, and I just learned that he has the strength comparable to the four emperors."

"But... who can guarantee that what we know now is his full strength?"

As soon as Karp's point of view was raised, the entire naval conference room was in an uproar.

This is something that no one else has thought about.

After all, in their cognition, the Four Emperors are already considered the highest combat power in this world! They never imagined that there would be an existence beyond the Four Emperors.

What's more, Chris is only a young man under twenty years old.

It is impossible for anyone to think in that direction.

Lieutenant General Dalmatin said thoughtfully: "Chris's personal strength is indeed elusive."

"However, I think that he has not yet reached the strength level of the Four Emperors."

"At best, Chris has just touched the threshold of the Four Emperors, that's all."

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin looked at Dalmating with a half-smile, and shook his head: "Dalmatian, why do you make such a judgment?"

"Even if you don't know Chris, don't you know Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"Back then, Hawkeye Mihawk was as famous as the red-haired Shanks."

"The strength of the two of them, until now...but they are similar!"

When Dalmatian heard this, he shrugged slightly and said, "If you want to talk about real strength, there is still a big difference between these two people."

"Hawkeye Mihawk is indeed very strong. I have no objection to saying that he has the strength of the Four Emperors."

"However, compared with the real Four Emperors, his quality is still not enough."

"That's why I said that Chris has only touched the threshold of the Four Emperors."

Tea dolphin was about to continue to refute, but Lieutenant General Mir suddenly killed him halfway.

Gumir frowned tightly and complained: "It's not me, it's been so many years!"

"The coffee at the headquarters is still unpleasant to drink!"

The eyes of the rest of the generals all focused on Gumir for a while.

In such a serious meeting, he still had the mind to taste coffee.

However, everyone was also full of helplessness, and shook their heads gently.

They all know that Gumir is a man who is very obsessed with coffee.

Almost no one noticed, the eyes of tea dolphin and Gumir quickly made a communication.

The latter looked indifferent and said loudly: "It doesn't make much sense to talk about Chris' strength now."

"At least.... Until now, he already has the strength comparable to the four emperors."

"in spite of....

His quality is good enough, or he is insufficient, and there are very few people who can suppress him."

Gumir sees very clearly, no matter...

Did Chris...reach the true Four Emperor level.

For the .. navy, he is a formidable existence.

Even the generals of the navy headquarters are not necessarily able to match him.

Aokiji, who had been silent for a long time, finally took off his blindfold at this moment.

He curled his lips and chuckled: "At least, it's impossible for me to suppress him."

"I have played against Hawkeye Mihawk, and in his hands, I didn't get anything cheap!"

"So with Chris, it's even more impossible."

Aokiji is also very casual and generous, directly admitting this fact.

When he said this, the rest of the admirals also began to whisper.

It was also at this time that everyone realized that Chris was indeed not easy to deal with.

The admiral who is known as the navy's highest combat power has spoken. What is there to doubt about this?

"If you really want to make a move, it's not certain what the facts will be!"

"After all, real battles change rapidly, and anything can happen."

"It's not uncommon for someone with relatively weak strength to fight back against someone with higher strength!"

Many admirals also nodded heavily, agreeing with Sakaski's point of view.

They have dealt with different pirates all the year round, and they have also seen many incidents.

Due to the existence of Devil Fruit, there are often many accidents in the battle between the strong.

Warring States coughed lightly and said lightly: "Okay, today is not about Chris's personal strength."

"Brano, you go on!"

Guys, there will be another update later.

The automatic subscription is still 228, I’m really crying, can you get another one, is it so difficult to break through the 230 custom subscriptions, please everyone!

367: Xiong also joined the Qiwuhai camp, and all Qiwuhai joined the alliance!

Due to Sengoku's forcible intervention, the discussion about Chris's personal strength was also forced to stop.

But everyone knows that Chris's personal strength has become a difficult problem for them to solve.

The world government is not afraid of the so-called four emperors, but wants to suppress or solve a person with the strength of the four emperors.

For them, it still takes a lot of work.

Seeing that the conference room was finally quiet, Branu continued: "Chris's personal strength does pose a threat to us."

"But what we need to pay more attention to is the forces behind him."

Lieutenant General Gumir held a coffee cup and stirred gently: "Didn't the forces behind Chris have already been analyzed last time?"

"Why do you say that the information from the last time was inaccurate?"

Brilliant smiled bitterly and said, "The information from last time was indeed not very accurate."

"Our latest investigation found that Fishman Island and the Chris Pirates have reached a deep level of cooperation."

"In a sense, the relationship between these two forces seems to have become one!"

Lieutenant General Maynard murmured: "We should have thought of this long ago."

"The Chris Pirates solved a big problem for Fishman Island, and this kind of cooperation between them is completely predictable."

"The overall strength of Fishman Island, as well as their influence at sea, is very powerful."

"The integration and cooperation of these two forces is really quite troublesome."

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