"You are called beautiful, I can't compare to you."

  Leijiu rolled her eyes at the two of them, and there was a gentle and pleasant smile on her face, like a sister next door.

  At this time, Chris put his hands in his trouser pockets and said calmly, "Give you a minute to solve them."

  "Yes, Captain!"

  Lafitte turned his cane and respectfully agreed.

  Hawkins was melancholy as always, and said in a low voice, "Since we landed on the island, their fate has been doomed."

  "Okay, don't talk nonsense. When I hate fighting the most, I grind there."

  Bassas kicked the ground, and the man rushed forward like a cannonball.

  Then, bang bang bang, screams came one after another, and they were killed one by one.

  In the end, there was only one person still standing, and that was Oliver.


  Looking at such a terrifying scene, he trembled and said, "Forgive me... I will give you all my treasure..."

  "I'm sorry, these things belonged to us originally."

  Lafitte looked like a gentleman, and with a wave of his cane, he launched an attack directly.


  After a scream, everyone in the White Ghost Pirates was wiped out.

  "What the hell, the overlord of the North Sea is just stinky shit."

  Bashas kicked a corpse away and cursed.

  Poison Q smiled, "It's been a long time since I killed someone, it feels so good."

  Lafitte turned his cane and said gently, "I can't blame them for being too weak, we are really too strong."

  "From now on, there will be no overlord in Beihai." Hawkins suddenly said such a sentence.

  At this time, Baccarat looked at the stalwart figure and said with a smile: "Chris, the smell of blood is too strong here, let's go back to the boat!"

  Karina waved her hands again and again, her beautiful eyes were shining, and she quickly said, "You guys go first, I want to see what good treasures there are."

  As soon as the voice fell, he hurriedly walked towards the pile of treasures, looking like a small money fan.

  "This guy really sees money."

  The Sweetheart Queen glanced at Karina, dumbfounded.

  "Little ones, clean up the battlefield and bring everything back."

  After Chris finished speaking, he turned and left.

  "Yes, Captain Chris!"

  The crew members were very excited one by one, rushing to the golden mountain, very excited...

  Above the New Chris.

  "It's very good, the more I look at it, the more satisfied I get."

  The Queen Sweetheart looked at the new ship and nodded, with a happy look on her pretty face.

  Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth and said lightly: "It is indeed better than the previous one."

  Perona flew around in the air, grinning, "This ship is so big, this princess can fly farther in the future, hahahahalie~~"

  "Miss Baccarat, have you found it, what kind of devil fruit is this?"

  Bassas looked at Baccarat and asked curiously.

  Lafitte turned his cane and said politely, "Pineapple-shaped, it must be a natural devil fruit."

  "But this color, what kind of thing in nature would it be?"

  Baccarat stopped flipping the page, her beautiful eyes lit up, gentle and dignified, "I found it, it's really natural."

  Leiju touched her delicate chin, and said generously: "Naturally, it is a miasma fruit, which can use miasma, and it is also corrosive."

  "Looks like we've got an amazing devil fruit."

  Luo nodded, as indifferent as always, "The miasma is poisonous, coupled with corrosive properties."

  "This devil fruit, if developed well, is absolutely powerful."

  Hawkins said in a low voice: "Poison is the most troublesome. If there is no antidote, then you can only wait to die."

  Poison Q rarely showed an excited look, and looked at Chris and said a quick sentence.

  "Captain, this fruit is very suitable for me, let me eat it."

  Bassas shrugged his shoulders, laughed and said, "You are poisonous, and this fruit is poisonous, so it is indeed the best for you."

  "what ever."

  After Chris finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the training room.

  Poison Q looked at his figure with a grateful expression on his face, "Captain, you really are the best, hehehe..."

  Perona floated in the air and urged: "Don't talk about it, just eat it, it's from nature."

  "This princess has grown up so big, and I have never seen a person with the ability of the nature department. Eat it quickly."

  (Guys, how do you feel about this Devil Fruit? Is it strong? Also, what is recorded in that notebook? I’m looking forward to it ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿. )

052: Looking for the sea overlord Lox, the shocking treasure left behind! (for flower collection)

  "I went to see Chris practice, how about you?"

  Queen Sweetheart's impression of Poison Q is very bad. She doesn't like this person, so she is not interested in his affairs at all.

  "Let's go." Betty said the same, and then walked away directly.

  Seeing that all the girls were leaving, Perona snorted and said, "This princess is also gone, so don't look at it."

  Bashas looked at Poison Q and laughed, "I see, everyone doesn't like you very much, Wei Hahahaha..."

  Luo nodded and said, "This is indeed the case."

  Hawkins was very direct, "It's normal for women to dislike a young man with such an old face."

  "The other things are not important. Now I should eat the devil fruit quickly, and I will become stronger."

  Poison Q said nothing, just started eating.


  Even Poison Q, a person with a weird personality, can't stand the smell of devil fruit.

  The old face became more and more ugly.

  The others didn't speak, and looked at Poison Q silently, eager to see what the magic of the so-called nature-type devil fruit was.

  "Hey hey, so strong, I feel that none of you are my opponents."

  Poison Q raised his hand and looked down, only to see his right hand gradually disappear, turning into a light green mist.

  "Damn, don't mess around."

  Several people quickly backed away, for fear of inhaling the miasma and causing poisoning.

  Poison Q laughed and said strangely: "Next, let you see how powerful it is."


  He swung his right hand towards a chair next to him, and the miasma hit him as soon as he touched the chair.


  There was a crisp sound on the chair, the color on it kept falling off, and soon the whole chair was corroded.

  Completely disappeared! !

  "Very corrosive."

  Luo hugged the ghost and cried, calmly analyzed and said: "If you don't have armed sex domineering, then fighting against the poisonous Q will be very dangerous."

  Hawkins said in a low voice, "Now, the position of the captain of the first team can be determined."

  "Poison Q, you always encouraged me to start a war before."

  Bassas laughed and said: "Now it's your turn, fight Lafitte, you will definitely win."

  Lafitte adjusted his top hat, and the gentleman said, "Anyone who has the strength can challenge me."

  "However, it's unavoidable to get hurt a little bit. After all, there will always be some blood in the fight."

  Poison Q took the miasma back and said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry for now. When I develop the fruit proficiently, your position will be mine at that time."

  Inside the training room.

  "It's a lot more spacious here, and the air is better."

  Queen Sweetheart looked around and was very satisfied with this new venue.

  Leiju glanced at the notebook on the table, then turned to look at the constantly busy figure, smiled and asked, "Chris, have you read the notebook?"

  "It's over." Chris wielded a big knife, and a faint voice came over.

  Baccarat opened the book and said with a smile, "Let's take a look together."

  Time passed slowly, and soon everyone read the notebook, but there was a puzzled expression on their faces.

  "Who is Rox, he seems to be very powerful."

  Karina frowned her beautiful eyebrows and kept thinking about it in her mind, but she had never heard the name of this person.

  Betty spit out the smoke from her mouth and said lightly, "I've never heard of this person. He was a big man from a long time ago."

  The Sweetheart Queen smiled slightly, "This notebook is so old, so the person who recorded it must be old."

  "Ask Chris, he'll know for sure."

  Leiju supported her delicate chin, was gentle and dignified, smiled and said, "Chris, tell us about the contents of the book, we are all curious."

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