Torrepol murmured: "We will be contacted now, it should be from Kaido's side."

"Do they want to take this opportunity to do something?"

However, Torrepol noticed that Doflamingo's expression changed slightly.

Doflamingo's expression suddenly became a little nervous.

There was a hint of worry and worry in his eyes.

This made Torrepol frowned, and he was also muttering in his heart.

Doflamingo knew very well in his heart that the phone bug would be called at this time... There is only one person - Chris! "It should come, after all, I can't hide."

"I've been having a bad feeling for the past two days."

"Now... this hunch is about to come true!"

Doflamingo sighed slightly, then directly picked up the phone bug.

After answering the phone, it was exactly as Doflamingo thought.

There was an indifferent voice over the phone: "Doflamingo, it's me."

This familiar voice, apart from...Chris, who else can Doflamingo frowned and said softly, "Chris, call me at this time, what's the matter?"

"Aren't you supposed to be at war with Pudora Kingdom now?"

Chris looked indifferent and said casually, "We're ready to fight right away."

"Now, I need you to come over here!"

"At this time the day after tomorrow, the war officially begins, and then... you must appear!"

Chris's tone was cold and tough, with a hint of irresistibility.

When Doflamingo heard the words, his face suddenly changed: very ugly.

What he was most worried about finally happened.

Chris still spoke up and let him participate in the war.

However, what made him even more unexpected was Kerry's directness.

Moreover, his tone and attitude were completely... an orderly gesture.

This made Doflamingo a little sullen.

He gritted his teeth and said coldly: Reese, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"This is your own business, the Chris Pirates. I have no reason to appear in Pudora Kingdom."

"Moreover, the business of our Don Quixote family has been very prosperous recently."

"As the head of the family, it is impossible for me to leave Dressrosa!"

It could be seen that Doflamingo was really very angry this time.

His tone was also extremely strong, and he was firmly opposed to Chris's request.

The last time he escaped from Chris, he had been avoiding Chris, intentionally or not.

This time, his sudden attitude was so strong, which showed the resistance in his heart.

However, Chris completely ignored these.... and said coldly: "I ask you, you must appear!"

"do you understand"

Doflamingo's complexion was ashen, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Chris, I said, I won't get involved in this matter."

"I also have very important things here, and I can't live without it!"

Doflamingo insisted on his attitude and sternly refused.

Although his heart was indeed a little flustered, he would not show it at all.

After all, in front of so many family officials, Doflamingo would never give in to Chris.

Otherwise, he would be too embarrassed.

Looking at Doflamingo's expression, the officials of the Don Quixote family were also curious.

They talked in low voices.

The sugar shoved a purple grape into his mouth, pouted and said, "This Chris, what the hell are you doing?"

"To make the young master so angry!"

In Violet's beautiful eyes, there was a hint of joy, and he said softly: "It seems that the young master has rejected his request."

"Ever since the last defeat, the young master has always been very jealous of Chris."

"Today is unexpectedly uncharacteristic, with such a tough attitude."

Torrepol snorted coldly and said unhappily, "Before the young master, he didn't want to cause trouble."

"Do you really think that the young master is really afraid of that... Chris?"

"If it's really going to be a firefight, it's not enough to see what Chris has accumulated over the year!"

He expressed some dissatisfaction with Violet Violet's attitude.

Pika said with a shrill voice: "However, the young master is really tough this time."

"I just don't know what Chris said to make the young master so angry."

A glimmer of light flashed in Vergo's eyes: "Chris is now in the quagmire of war."

"He called at this time, presumably to seek our help."

"It's not unreasonable for the young master to reject him sternly."

"At this time, we may go to the muddy waters!"

Guys, this is the last update, it has been updated 3 to 4 today.

The new book asks for support, but it seems that not many people read the new book, so sad.

There is no other way, I will continue to write a new book in a few days, open another one, and cry!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

393: Chris strongly orders Doflamingo!Dover was furious, and blue veins burst out on his forehead!

The officials of the Don Quixote family were all whispering and discussing.

Violet Violet folded her hair casually and said softly, "Now we have joined the Qiwuhai Alliance."

"The purpose of the Qiwuhai Alliance help each other."

"If we retreat at this time, I am afraid we will be rejected by everyone!"

There was a cold smile on Violet's face.

There is only one purpose in her heart - that is... let Doflamingo go to help Chris.

Violet knew that when Chris called at this time, there was no other reason other than... looking for help.

However, her own strength is limited, so she can't help much.

So I can only slap on the side and let Doflamingo do something for him.

Diamante spread his hands and said casually: "They were rejected by them... so what?"

"For so many years, our Don Quixote family has relied on ourselves."

“Isn’t it still very good now”

Qiao La also nodded and said disdainfully: "Looking at the entire Qiwuhai under the king, who is better than us?"

"The big deal is not to cooperate with them!"

"Anyway... After this war, the Chris Pirates still don't know if they can continue to exist."

Torrepol pondered for a moment and murmured, "Anyway, the Chris Pirates have a pretty good chance of winning."

"Unless there is an accident, the ultimate winner must be the Chris Pirates."

"It's not a wise choice to offend Chris at this time."

Gradius wore a mask, crossed his hands on his chest, and said coldly: "It is also very uncomfortable to be targeted by the other six people."

"The best thing to do now is to find a suitable reason and politely reject Chris."

Vergo pushed his sunglasses and said softly: "It is naturally the best choice to not be involved."

"I just don't know if the young master can reject Chris..."

Everyone was whispering, constantly exchanging their thoughts.

At the same time, everyone's attitude towards Chris is somewhat uncertain.

If Chris's attitude is very tough, it will be very difficult to refuse.

Doflamingo's face was ashen, and he said coldly, "Chris, I won't go to Pudora Kingdom."

"Now the business of our Don Quixote family is tight."

"How did you let me leave"

Doflamingo once again stressed that he has something to do.

Can't walk away.

His implication—no, you Chris Pirates have something important to do.

However, Chris didn't care about these at all.... He still said indifferently: "At this time the day after tomorrow, we are going to start a war."

"If you don't come - at your own risk!"

After speaking, Chris hung up the phone directly.

Do not give Doflamingo any chance to speak.

Looking at the phone bug with his eyes closed, Doflamingo had blue veins on his forehead! His eyes were full of angry flames.

How could he not hear it, Chris is now... threatening himself blatantly.

Doflamingo felt the humiliation of being ignored by others.

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