"This person's combat power is very powerful!"

Marianne held a paintbrush in one hand, and said lightly: "With the two seniors, the green ghost and the red ghost, Elbaf dare not neglect."

"The people they sent this time will naturally not have any problems."

Mikita gently shook the wine glass in her hand and murmured: "With these thirteen giant warriors, the strength of our branch will be improved to a higher level."

"Looking at the first half of the entire great route, there should be no one who can threaten us."

For the strength of the giant warriors, Marian and others are still very relieved.

Don't look at the fact that there are only thirteen giant warriors.

Their combat effectiveness and deterrence are no less than an army of several thousand people.

The Alabasta Kingdom branch of the Chris Pirates is getting better now.

Princess Weiwei sat gracefully on the sofa, holding a coffee cup in one hand, smiled and said, "Their joining is just too timely."

"Our Alabasta branch, now is a good time to take a big step forward, with these...... after the giant warriors."

"No matter what we do in the future, we will not be too constrained."

In the first half of the Great Route, if you want to make a difference.

One's own strength still has to be taken out.

Although this is the branch of the Chris Pirates, it bears the name of Chris.

But if something really happens, the thirst cannot be quenched from afar.

After all, Robin and the others don't want to ask Chris to come back in person if anything happens.

And now with the warriors of the giant clan, the overall strength of the branch will also reach a peak.

Sara's red lips were extremely gorgeous, and she said casually: "In this period of time, things in the branch are on the right track."

"Whether it is an organization or a war, we no longer need to worry too much."

Princess Weiwei's... blue hair was scattered over her shoulders.

She blinked her big pure eyes and said, "Time flies so fast, before you know it, half a year has passed."

"Not only is the branch on track, Alabasta has returned to normal."

"Now the citizens live and work in peace and contentment, and the whole country has radiated new vitality."

"All this, thanks to Chris!"

Saying that, Princess Weiwei's eyes radiated a deep sense of longing.

She was very grateful to Chris in her heart.

If Chris hadn't come here, perhaps the kingdom of Alabasta would have disappeared completely before long.

Completely replaced by the Crocodile Pirates.

Robin's expression was very indifferent, and he turned to look at Mikita and the others.

She opened her mouth and asked: "How is the work of recruiting new people these days?"

"I noticed that there are a lot of newcomers here!"

Robin glanced at the information that Luluan had just sorted out, which were all members of the branch who had recently joined the branch.

Sarah crossed Erlang's legs and lit a cigarette in her hand.

She took a light puff of her cigarette and said casually, "I've recently recruited a lot of new people here."

"There are about five hundred people in total!"

"However, the overall strength is average, and they can do some basic defense and other tasks..."

Sara herself is in charge of the basic operations of the branch, so most of the ones she selects are down-to-earth and hard-working types.

Although his own strength is not very powerful, but the task explained can be completed very well.

Mikita took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and said generously: "The situation here is also very good."

"With the signboard of the Chris Pirates, there are a lot of people who come here."

"They are all newcomers who have just entered the great route, with good strength and good potential."

"It's just that there are not as many as Sarah's side, there are only about a hundred people."

Hearing this, Robin also nodded in satisfaction.

She smiled lightly and said, "The two of you have different divisions of labor, so there will naturally be differences in the new recruits you recruit."

"Sarah is in charge of basic operations, so it's more important to work on numbers."

"You are in charge of external business, and naturally you should pay more attention to strength."

"As long as these people are strong, it doesn't matter if the number is small."

"Better lack than abuse!"

Robin has worked under Crocodile all the year round, so he is quite experienced in management.

When it comes to recruiting new people, she also has a lot of ideas.

She understands more that people make the best use of their talents.

"Marian, how is your situation?"

The automatic subscription dropped another one, now it is 233, and the author is crying.

Not only not much, anyway... keep dropping, alas.

This is the last one today, tomorrow morning, there are two more updates, the author should try his best to code words, Feilu reminds you: three things to read

403: Apu's strength is very strong, and the devil fruit is very special!The branch is recruiting newbies again!

"Marian, among the newly recruited newcomers, is there anything special..."

Robin suddenly set his eyes on Marianne who was painting.

Sarah is more organized, so Robin arranged for her to be in charge of the basic operations of the branch.

Mikita, on the other hand, is bolder and has a great passion for new things.

So Robin placed her in an external development position.

As for Marianne, Robin made her responsible for recruiting core newcomers! Because Marianne itself is a very special existence.

Although she is not a devil fruit person, she can control the emotions of others through different paints.

This is a rare special skill.

And Marianne's character is relatively cold, so she won't be emotional when it comes to important things.

It is precisely because of this that Marianne's eyesight is often more precise.

She has her own precise grasp of each person's character.

Marianne said while smearing color on the drawing paper: "Everything is normal on my side."

"Similarly, because the Chris Pirates' brand name is too attractive, there are many people who want to join."

"But the quality is still uneven!"

"I have recommended a large number of people to Sarah and Mikita."

"During this period of time, it's.... there are indeed some good newcomers,."

Marianne gently put down the paintbrush in her hand, and said lightly, "I remember there was a guy named Rams, who was very good."

"Shortly after going to sea, the bounty has reached [-] million Bailey, and the potential is very large."

"And there's a newcomer, called Pascal, who's recently made a name for himself on the Great Line."

"The bounty has reached [-] million baileys, and it will break through [-] million baileys soon."

Sara raised her eyebrows unconsciously, and said in surprise, "I've heard of this Pascal, and his strength is still very strong."

"It is said that he wiped out an entire pirate group by himself!"

"I think this person can be recommended to them."

Mikita also echoed and said with a smile: "This, it is said that she is just eighteen years old!"

"He's still so young and has a huge potential for development."

"I think at least he can grow into a guy like Apu!"

Sarah and others were very satisfied with this Pascal.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Robin said calmly: "Let him exercise at the branch first!"

"After observing for a while, I will recommend it to... Chris."

Robin is still very cautious when recommending candidates to Chris.

The last time Apu and those people were all after Chris nodded in person before they set off on the road.

Robin didn't want that the ones he sent to the headquarters of the Chris Pirates were mediocre.

Just a few days ago, she just sent a new team, a team, to the new world to join the Chris Pirates.

After Mikita mentioned Apu's name, Robin suddenly thought of something.

She glanced at Luluan and asked, "Apu and where are they now?"

"After walking for so long, why haven't you reunited with the main force?"

Robin counted the time, Apu and the others have entered the new world, and it has been less than a month.

But the latest news has not been received, which makes Robin a little puzzled.

Luluan quickly replied: "The newcomers who entered the new world yesterday sent back news that they had contacted Apu."

"Apu and the others said that they will be able to reach the Kingdom of Pudora tomorrow and officially join with Captain Chris and the others."

Robin's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he suddenly lowered his voice and asked seriously: "Why did they arrive now?"

"At their speed, it shouldn't take so long."

Robin will personally review the new recruits who are recruited.

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