"Building a business empire in the first half of the Great Route is something we can't even imagine."

"But...that must be in Chris's mind."

Hancock has been sitting quietly, with a smile on his face, listening to the conversation between Robin and Baccarat.

This is the first time Hancock has heard of Robin's existence. She didn't even know that before, the Chris Pirates still have such a branch.

But today, Hancock took the name Robin deeply in his heart.

She had never seen a woman with such excellent management skills as Robin.

At this moment, Hancock couldn't help feeling a little pressure.

Her beautiful eyes turned slightly, and she said generously: "This is the first time I have heard of Robin, and the first time I have heard her voice."

"I have to say, the first time we met, it made people feel so amazing!"

"Robin, I'm looking forward to meeting you!"

Robin was also surprised when he heard this.

She smiled a little excitedly: "Is it Hancock?"

"I have admired you for a long time. You are both beautiful and powerful. You are the woman we want to be!"

Hearing that Robin and Hancock started to praise each other, Bonnie shook her head with a tut.

Bonnie looked at it with strange eyes, and then said to the phone: "You two, don't be so polite!"

"Hancock is the daughter of heaven, and she has both strength and beauty. This is known to the world."

"But Robin, you are just as good. One person can support a branch."

"And there is a clear plan for the development of the branch. We all admire you very much!"

Betty also spit out a few breaths of smoke at will, and said lightly: "So, Chris is more discerning than us."

"I was just in the kingdom of Alabasta, and I met Robin once..."

"But he dared to leave the Alabasta Kingdom branch of the Chris Pirates to Robin alone."

"This shows that Chris has seen Robin's management skills since then."

Arrita just finished her practice today and was sitting on the sofa beside her.

With Erlang's legs crossed, she casually praised: "With wisdom and courage, this is an excellent manager."

"The Kingdom of Alabasta and our branch of the Chris Pirates can get on the right track in such a short period of time."

"Most of the credit goes to Robin."

The Queen Sweetheart took a sip of the red wine and smiled sweetly: "Since Robin took the helm of the operation branch, there has been constant good news."

"Not only did it completely revitalize the kingdom of Alabasta, but it also absorbed a lot of talents for our Chris Pirates."

"The complexity of this, I'm afraid I'd already back down."

"But Robin not only... persevered, but also took the branch to a higher level. Few of us can match this ability!"

There are two types of women that Queen Sweetheart admires the most. One is... like Hancock, who is beautiful and powerful.

The other is... a strong woman like Robin.

She believes that a strong woman like Robin is more able to control her own destiny.

On the other end of the phone, Princess Weiwei smiled gracefully and said softly, "Robin is the first woman I admire."

"You all don't know, Robin looks quite charming at work."

"She has amazing control over everything!"

Luluan also nodded, and smiled in agreement: "That's right!"

"Robin is decisive and never sloppy when it comes to handling his work."

"And she has her own ideas and a strong drive for action."

"We all feel very relaxed working under Robin."

Sarah lit a cigarette again and said lightly, "If it wasn't for Robin's suggestion this time, we would never have thought of expanding our business."

"With Robin in charge of the branch, the influence of our Chris Pirates in the first half of the great route will grow!"

Hearing everyone's praise for him, Robin couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

She could only smirk.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first update, and there is another one in the morning.

The time for the next shift is to be determined, anyway... there will be 3 shifts today, and the avatar is also [-] shifts. Marcona will strive for [-] shifts.

Let's subscribe to another one automatically, or 233, please everyone... Feilu reminds you: three things to read

413: All the Qiwuhai arrived in the Kingdom of Pudora, which amazes Robin and admires Chris!

Robin smiled embarrassedly and said, "Everyone thinks of me too much!"

"I've only been under Crocodile for a while, so I have some management experience."

"I can't bear you touting me so much!"

With a smile on her face, Mikita curled her lips and said, "We've all stayed in the Baroque studio."

"Although your position is relatively high, the things you have learned are not so different."

"Robin, don't be humble, your talent in management is indeed top-notch."

In this regard, Robin can only helplessly spread his hands.

She sighed slightly, then said with a smile, "Baccarat, please report this to Chris as soon as possible."

"As long as Chris nods, our branch can immediately put it into action."

"The current situation in the sea is turbulent, and it is a good opportunity for us to take action."

"By the way, while laying out the first half of the great route, we also plan to cover the four seas."

"After all, this matter is very involved, and we still have to listen to Chris's opinion."

Hearing this, Baccara pondered slightly, and replied generously: "Don't worry, I will report to Chris soon."

"I'll be able to give you an answer soon."

"But I don't think Chris will object to your proposal."

"On the contrary, Chris will definitely appreciate your decision."

Reiju's clear eyes waved slightly, and she smiled and said, "Chris naturally wants to see that the Chris Pirates will get better and better."

"And Chris himself really likes the feeling of being in control!"

"If you can really build the business empire of the Chris Pirates in the first half of the great route."

"The various plans used on the New World side will be easier to implement."

A bright smile appeared on Nami's face, and she said, "It's only a matter of time before we win the Kingdom of Pudora."

"Chris wants to build our own country based on the Kingdom of Pudora."

"But after this war, the economy of Pudora Kingdom will definitely be greatly affected."

"If the branch can successfully expand the business.

Enough to help here."

Nami tutted twice and said with a smile, "I have to say, Robin, this is so timely!"

"This will make our plan run more smoothly!"

Princess Weiwei was a little curious, "The battle is imminent, everyone should be ready."

Perona floated in the air and said with a smile: "Now there are cultivators everywhere on the Chris."

"Everyone is practicing hard and preparing for the war!"

"Chris said that this war with Pudora Kingdom is an excellent opportunity to train troops."

"So everyone doesn't want to miss this opportunity!"

Actual combat is very important to the members of the Chris Pirates.

Since the Chris Pirates went to sea, they have not experienced many battles.

And every time, everyone's shot is very limited.

This also leads to a lot of people who basically have not experienced too much actual combat and lack actual combat experience.

And this time the big war, everyone can get a good fighting chance.

Up to the squad leaders headed by Anilu, down to the ordinary crew members such as Kribu, they all hope to seize this opportunity.

The little giant Lili also said casually: "Not only that, we have many helpers."

"Apart from... Hawkeye Mihawk and Hancock who are already on board, other helpers are on their way!"

"Now, the Qiwuhai Alliance has been officially established."

"And this time, they will also fit together and appear in front of the world."

Hearing this, Robin and the others all looked at each other, and they could see the slightest surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't know about the official establishment of the Qiwuhai Alliance.

When they heard the news at this moment, Robin and others were both surprised and excited.

Robin chuckled and sighed: "I didn't expect Chris to move so fast!"

"It's only been a long time, and the Qiwuhai Alliance has been completely established."

"I haven't seen any of them except... I have seen the former King Qiwu Hai Klok Dahl."

"Chris has brought them together in such a short period of time!"

Marianne looked at the drawing board intentionally or unintentionally, and smiled: "Chris has never let us down!"

"And with his strength and ability, it's not surprising to do all this."

"The appearance of the Qiwuhai Alliance will surely shock the whole world."

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