"Although our branch has absolute force, expanding business is not as simple as imagined."

"No matter which link goes wrong, our efforts may be in vain."


Robin's eyes suddenly became sharp, she looked around and met everyone in the office.

Princess Weiwei's expression also became serious, and she said, "We will listen to you in everything, Robin."

"You can arrange a task for us directly!"

Marianne and others also nodded solemnly, and everyone was fully prepared.

Robin looked at Sarah and said, "Sarah, you are in charge of the basic preparations."

"You have a lot of people under your command. Although they are not particularly powerful, they are a very important force when they gather together."

"You have to make reasonable use of the members of our division and divide them into three 3 teams, which are responsible for the business of medical care, arms and casinos."

"Their main task is to... participate in the construction of these three 3 projects."

Sara snuffed out the cigarette butt in her hand, nodded and said, "No problem!"

"I will select a few reliable persons in charge to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

Robin looked at Mikita again, and said lightly: "Mikita is in charge of the tough task."

"The people under you are the mainstay of our branch, with a large number and good strength."

"You will cooperate with Sarah and the others, and if you encounter the obstruction of the local forces, take action directly without showing mercy!"

Robin's tone was full of domineering.

This is the foundation of the Chris Pirates.

Mikita still maintained a smile, nodded and said, "Just leave it to us!"

"If there really are these... ignorant guys, I will let them know that the Chris Pirates are not easy to mess with!"

Ladies and gentlemen, there are still two shifts in the morning, and one shift in the evening. Today is still 3 shifts.

The avatar is also 3 shifts, and Marco is [-] shift.

Automatic subscription is 234.

Come on again, everyone, please break through 235

416: Princess Weiwei takes over the task and uses her identity as a princess to help Chris expand his power!

Robin's eyes turned to Marianne, who had put down her brush.

She raised her eyebrows and said, "Marian, your task may seem simple, but it is quite important."

"You are in charge of solving problems that neither Sara nor Mikita can solve."

"The trouble the two of them can't solve must be some hard stubble."

"You have to continue recruiting strong newcomers during this time, to make sure there are no surprises."

With a dull look on her face, Marianne said casually, "The new recruits under my command are all first-class masters."

"In the first half of this great route, there are very few people who can defeat them."

"And recently I've seen some other newcomers, and I'm trying to win over. It shouldn't be a problem."

Robin nodded very reassuringly, without raising any questions or comments.

Robin is still very at ease with Marianne.

Although Marianne is usually indifferent, she is never ambiguous at work.

Most importantly, Marianne's special abilities are not just capable of affecting enemies.

At the same time, she can also use color to stimulate her own people and inspire them to be more powerful.

Therefore, the strength of ordinary powerhouses can be improved once again when they are under Marian's hands.

Princess Vivi looked at Robin and asked softly, "What do I need to do, Robin?"

Seeing that the other three had their own tasks, Princess Weiwei couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Robin glanced at Princess Weiwei lightly, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

She said directly: "Vivi, your mission is actually the most important!"

"And this matter, only you can do it!"

Hearing this, not only Princess Weiwei, but other people also felt a little puzzled.

In Princess Weiwei's clear water-like eyes, some puzzled colors flashed.

She asked curiously, "What only I can do"

"Is it my princess status?"

"This matter requires the cooperation of the citizens of the Kingdom of Alabasta"

Robin shook his head and smiled: "It is indeed because of your princess status."

"But it's not about the kingdom of Alabasta."

"What I need you to do is to negotiate with the rulers of other countries! Everyone was slightly surprised when this remark came out.

Halicia murmured: "Are the people of the country negotiating the settlement?"

"We opened the business directly, and they didn't dare to say anything."

"If you really want to negotiate, so many countries will take time and effort!"

Luluan also clicked her tongue twice and frowned slightly: "If you want to make good use of the Pudola Kingdom War."

"It's still best for us to have a blitzkrieg."

"If we negotiate...is this really necessary?"

Everyone looked at Robin, waiting for her explanation.

Robin also said directly: "Although we are strong, we don't need to care about the feelings of other countries."

"But strength is just a deterrent, we can't fight with these...all countries, war!"

"Let's not say whether we have... the capital to go to war with all countries, we can't afford to waste time alone."

"As long as one country resists us, other countries may follow suit!"

Robin's words directly woke up Princess Weiwei and others.

Before, they were all immersed in the powerful strength of the branch and the powerful deterrence of Chris.

Instead, it ignores such a simple question.

Although the current branch is powerful, it is still far from being able to cover the sky with one hand.

If all the countries unite against the branch, they will not be able to bear it.

Robin continued: "Of course, the principles of Blitz do not change."

"So we don't want to negotiate with all the countries and forces, just pick five or six of them, and that's it!"

Princess Weiwei understood a little: "You mean to unite the surrounding powerful countries and powerful forces."

"If several of our strong families unite, even if others want to resist, they will not have the strength and courage."

Robin smiled lightly and said, "That's what it means!"

"So I need you to negotiate secretly with several other powerful countries in this sea area."

"We can pay them some money, as well as shelter for the Chris Pirates."

"In addition to the face of the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta, there should be no problem."

Although the kingdom of Alabasta has been occupied by Crocodile over the years, its prestige still exists.

How they say it is also one of the founding countries of the world government.

Therefore, they have a great influence in this sea area and even in the nearby...... sea areas.

That's why Robin said that only Princess Vivi can do this.

Her status as a princess is still very important.

Princess Weiwei smiled confidently and said: "Our royal family still has some friendship with the surrounding powerful countries."

"With the background of the Chris Pirates, they wouldn't disagree!"

Guys, this is the second update, and the next one is the evening.

Automatic subscription is still 23.

I hope to have another one in the evening, please everyone... Feilu reminds you: three things about reading

417: The conversation is over, Robin and Princess Vivi, start to implement the plan and help Chris with all their might!

For this task that Robin explained, Princess Weiwei has considerable self-confidence.

As one of the founders of the world government, the Alabasta royal family voluntarily withdraws from the ranks of the Dragons.

They still have considerable influence in all walks of life around the world.

Especially in the sea area where they are now, many other countries have accepted their help.

Princess Weiwei said indifferently: "I will leave now to lobby these powerful countries."

"Should be able to guarantee that at least four 44 countries will be persuaded before the day after tomorrow, before Chris and the others officially go to war!"

Robin nodded lightly and said expressionlessly: "This matter must be kept strictly confidential."

"The premise of our blitzkrieg is that... no one else knows our plans."

"Once lobbying fails, immediately.

contact us."

Robin's eyes flashed a trace of killing intent, and said coldly: "Marian will cooperate with you at any time to assassinate!"

"This time, we are determined not to be soft-hearted!"

Princess Weiwei also froze, feeling a chill in the air.

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