Lieutenant General Taotu paused deliberately, then slowly said, "Fortunately, Staff Officer He is relatively close to me."

"So she told me more about the situation."

Chris shrugged slightly, and asked lightly, "It seems that Staff Officer Crane has a lot of trust in you."

"Tell me, what kind of conditions did the Warring States offer to finally attract Polsalino."

"'s not the temptation of official position, Polsalino should not eat this kind of thing."

Taotu couldn't help sighing inwardly: Chris knows too much about the internal situation of the Navy.

At times, Admiral Momoto suspects that Chris has been in the Navy Headquarters for a long time.

Otherwise, how could he have such a clear understanding of the tactics and temperament of the naval generals? This issue has always been a mystery in Lieutenant General Taotu's mind.

But since Chris didn't say it, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit was not interested in exploring the answer.

She respects Chris' secret.

Lieutenant General Taotu looked around vigilantly from time to time to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on him.

She said indifferently: "It's really not such an old-fashioned way to seduce the official position."

"It was the two-year sabbatical that finally attracted Polusalino to change his mind!"

"This is the most deadly condition that Warring States gave Polsalino!"

Chris murmurs: "Two years off"

Peach Rabbit immediately.

Explained: "That is to say, after this mission is over."

"Polusalino can do it right away.

take a vacation!"

Everyone, today is still 3 updates, and will continue to update later.

Two to three shifts of the clone, Marko should be able to shift two shifts depending on the situation.

The automatic subscription is still 234. I’m not too embarrassed to speak. Everyone, let’s have another one, I’m crying!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

421: The yellow monkey is cunning and cunning, and will be lazy!Once he gets serious, the three generals will be the strongest!

"A two-year sabbatical is probably Polusalino's greatest dream."

"Over the years, the three admirals of the Navy have never had a rest, not even a day."

"It's hard to imagine how someone like Porusalino has persevered after so many years!"

Lieutenant General Taotu couldn't help but pouted, feeling a little unreal.

She continued: "The three admirals of the navy are the most powerful forces in the navy headquarters, and they are not allowed to take vacations."

"So, it is unprecedented that the Warring States period can take a two-year vacation this time."

"During the two-year vacation period, Porusalino has the right not to participate in any action on the side of the Navy!"

"In other words, as long as Polsalino is unwilling to take part in the operation, no one can force him."

There was a hint of envy in Lieutenant General Taotu's tone.

This kind of vacation opportunity is what most admirals want to have.

Hearing this, Chris also smiled softly and said, "This sounds like Polusalino's usual style."

"You can get two years of free time in exchange for just one shot at full strength...and it's a good deal!"

At this time, Chris finally understood why Polsalino accepted the mission this time.

Chris murmured: "This guy Polsalino does have great wisdom!"

Hearing Chris say this, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit couldn't help showing a very strange expression.

She curled her lips and said, "Doing it really great wisdom?"

"The object he wants to get rid of, but you Chris."

"How difficult you are to deal with, the whole world probably knows it very well."

"In my opinion, Polsalino has also caused himself a big trouble!"

Lieutenant General Taotu is very aware of Chris' strength and how powerful and difficult he is.

If it were Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit herself, she would definitely not accept this extremely difficult task.

Even if there is a five-year vacation period, she will not risk her life.

It is almost impossible to complete the task of getting rid of Chris! However, Chris shook his head and said, "You are wrong!"

"Polusalino has been cautious for many years, how can he not know what you can do?"

"But he's still taking a two-year break. You know, why is that?"

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Taotu became interested for a while.

She was also inexplicably curious at the moment, wanting to know those things she had not seen.

"Could it be that there are other plans behind Porusalino's acceptance of the mission?"

"Is his scheming really that important?"

With a calm expression on his face, Chris said casually, "Being able to sit between Aokiji and Sakaski like an old dog until now."

"Do you really think that Polsalino is just relying on his own character of not fighting or robbing?"

"He is still very smart, he knows how to judge the situation, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Hearing Chris say that, Momo Rabbit also nodded.

It was only now that she realized how difficult it was for Polusalino to level a bowl of water.

Chris then said: "The reason why he is willing to accept the task this time is because he sees something more profound."

"Now the situation in the whole world is slowly changing, and in the past two years, there will be earth-shaking changes."

"At that time, there will inevitably be more wars between the navy and the pirates."

"That's why the two-year sabbatical is so attractive to Polusalino."

"Away from the troubles and quagmire of the big changes in the world situation, that is the real purpose of Polusalino."

Chris's tone was rather flat, but it showed Polsalino's precautions thoroughly.

In Lieutenant General Taotu's eyes, a hint of surprise slowly appeared.

Christopher paused, then said: "No matter...

Whether he can complete the task this time, he can take a back seat perfectly."

"He succeeded in killing me and could get two years off."

"He failed to kill me. He could take this opportunity to be injured by me, and then pretend to be seriously injured, and he could also get a vacation."

"That's where I say, Polusalino is so cunning!"

After listening to this...., Lieutenant General Taotu suddenly felt that his realm was far from enough...

Compared with the old rivers and lakes like Polsalino, she is still too young.

If Chris wasn't there, she would never have discovered that there were so many secrets hidden in it.

Lieutenant General Taotu kept shaking his head, with a surprised expression on his face, and said, "I really didn't expect such a simple thing..."

"It's so complicated behind the scenes!"

"No wonder Staff Crane had such a... weird expression on her face when she told me."

"It seems that Polsalino's plan will probably cause the Warring States and the Crane staff, they will be very headache."

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the second update, and there will be another update later.

Let's have two updates today.

Marco will update later.

Automatic subscription Sorry to mention again, let's figure it out, cover your face and cry

422: Chris, an opponent has been arranged for Kizaru!Even if Kizaru goes all out, he will still have a headache!

Chris narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Polusalino is also the most helpless choice for them in the Warring States period."

"I sent Polsalino here before, but I didn't plan to ask him to help me."

"I need someone to deal with me now, and Polsalino has become that...the only option."

Lieutenant General Taotu also tutted: "Sakaski and Aokiji are both at the naval headquarters, and they can't catch up."

"I'm afraid this is called, self-inflicted!"

"But Polsalino can't be underestimated either. His true strength will never be weaker than Sakaski and Aokiji!"

Lieutenant General Taotu's tone was somewhat solemn, and she had to warn Chris very seriously.

In the hearts of the admirals in the navy, no one dared to underestimate Polsalino.

Although this guy is usually lazy and condescending, once he gets serious, it's still quite scary! Chris didn't care about it, he spread his hands and said, "Let him use whatever means he has."

"If you want to kill me with Polsalino's performance, Sengoku and the others must have thought too well."

"I'm not a soft persimmon, you can let them knead!"

Chris's tone was full of disdain.

He does have such qualifications now that he can ignore the admiral of the navy.

With the current strength of Chris, he will never be afraid of any admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Lieutenant General Taotu muttered: "If it's just a single soldier, I naturally won't worry."

"But from the meaning of the crane staff, Polsalino should join forces with the Kingdom of Pudora to deal with you together!"

"I heard... in the Puduola Kingdom, there are experts who are comparable to the Four Emperors."

"If Polsalino joins forces with that person, the power should not be underestimated!"

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