The human body is completely golden, which no one can crack.

Luo Huai cried with a ghost, squinted his eyes and said, "No matter what, it is already very powerful to be able to develop the golden golden fruit to the level of awakening."

"Our enemy should not be on guard against your gold dust."

"So this trick of yours is quite useful in actual combat."

Bartolomeo's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "The ability of this golden fruit is really powerful enough."

"Generally, people who don't know your cards don't think of guarding against your gold powder."

"So since the crow is defeated by you, even if he is negligent, it is his problem."

"Winning is... winning, Chris said, in the battlefield it's all about winning, no matter what the means."

Lindbergh also nodded and said in agreement: "A real strong man will never be afraid of any means."

"I believe that if it were Chris, he would never be fooled."

In this regard, the crow has no objection, he said lightly: "In the final analysis, my vigilance is not enough..."

"You use your strengths, and I don't."

"So this time, I'm convinced that I lost."

The crow is not stingy, lose is... lose, there is no reason to say.

Moreover, he also recognized Tezzolo's strength very much.

Penzfrey looked at Tezolo curiously, didn't he?"

"Awakening my Devil Fruit, what's the best way"

Although Penzfrey just got his own glass fruit, he is not far behind.

He hopes that he can keep up with everyone's footsteps, and will awaken the glass fruit one day in the future.

Hearing this, Tezzolo smiled shyly and said softly, "Ashamed to say it!"

"Actually, I have only just touched the threshold of the awakening of the Devil Fruit. So far, there is only such a method."

"I'm still a long way from Doflamingo!"

Tezzolo has personally experienced what is called the real devil fruit awakening.

After Doflamingo's awakening, the fruit of the thread is absolutely devastating! Tezzolo continued: "If I really awaken the golden fruit, I don't need to catch the crow by surprise."

"If the crow's current strength is used, even if he is waiting, he should be turned into a golden man by me!"

No one objected to .. Tezzolo's statement.

The complete awakening of the Devil Fruit is indeed quite terrifying.

The awakened Devil Fruit ability, and the ability before awakening, are simply equivalent to two different Devil Fruits.

The Golden Golden Fruit is a very special fruit, and its power after awakening is bound to be even more terrifying.

Anilu poked his ears, and said casually, "Even if you just touched the threshold, it's already incredible."

"Now your strength is more than one level higher than before."

"In this war with the Kingdom of Pudola, you will become a surprise soldier of our Chris Pirates!"

As for... the current Tezzolo, Anilu is still quite optimistic about him.

Tezzolo frowned and said, "On the battlefield, once I scatter gold dust, the enemy will surely notice."

"If they dodge deliberately, I'm afraid this trick won't be very effective."

Tezzolo also understands that the enemy is not a fool.

Sprinkling gold powder directly at the start of the war must be deceitful! At this time, Pajalu stepped forward directly and said with a smile: "At this time, you need the cooperation of all of us."

A queer smile appeared on Pajaru's face.

Hawkins said blankly: "Pajalu, what are your thoughts?"

"If you have an idea, just say it directly, don't sell it."

Pajalu smiled and said directly: "As long as we turn the gold dust into an unintentional act, it will be difficult for the enemy to detect it."

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Pajalu could only shrug.

Then he continued: "After the war, we can set up a blindfold."

"During the battle between Tezzolo and the enemy, he kept throwing large gold nuggets into the air."

Hearing this, everyone became even more puzzled.

All you need to complete the operation is gold powder. What's the use of gold nuggets, everyone, this is the third update, today's update, that's all.

3 more tomorrow.

Hope to subscribe automatically and be able to get another one.

The foreshadowing is basically over, and the next is the battle around the Kingdom of Puduola, everyone, please do your best.

432: The development of air pressure fruit is terrifying!This battle can come in handy!

Pajalu pretended to be mysterious and smiled: "Tezolo threw a big gold nugget into the sky, this is the best way to confuse the enemy."

"On the surface, this nugget is... Tezolo's mistake in attacking the enemy."

"For .. chaotic battlefields, this doesn't get much attention."

When the others heard this, they all nodded slightly.

On this point, they can still understand.

Without waiting for the others to ask further questions, Pajalu continued: "Don't underestimate these...big gold nuggets, they are actually very useful!"

"I don't think everyone has ability...what is it?"

Pajalu has very few chances to perform on weekdays, and the number of real shots he takes is pitiful.

Among the many squad leaders, his actual combat experience should be the one with the least.

But despite this, Pajalu will not be ignored by everyone.

Because of Pajalu's efforts in cultivation, everyone can see it with their own eyes.

He is basically following Chris step by step now, carrying out his own training day and night.

If he can also be like Chris, rejecting fatigue, rejecting hunger, etc..., he may be able to do what Chris does.

At least...his willpower has been learned from Chris.

Everyone will not forget that Pajalu is the one who crushes the fruit! Crow pushed his glasses lightly, and smiled lightly: "You turn the big gold nugget into Gold dust."

"Is it right"

Chloe's reaction was very sharp, and he thought of everything immediately.

Pajalu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Tezolo and I cooperate in secret to make the enemy lose their defenses."

"My smashing ability is completely capable of creating overwhelming gold dust in the shortest time!"

Pajalu glanced at Crow with a deep meaning, and smiled strangely: "This matter requires your cooperation!"

Crow shrugged slightly, raised his eyebrows and said, "If you don't say it, I've already guessed it!"

"Using my air pressure fruit ability, I can completely change the air pressure in a local area."

"I can make the gold dust fall on the enemy below in the shortest possible time."

By changing the local air pressure, the gold powder will directly act as a power and eventually come to the enemy's skin.

Al Rita carried the huge wolf tooth and said lightly, "If it's only on the surface, it's useless."

"When Tezzolo was fighting Doflamingo, he used a gold nugget to solidify one of his arms."

"But soon, it was directly cut by Dovergo's thread fruit ability."

"The solidified gold nugget that stays on the surface of the body doesn't play a big role."

"These people in the Kingdom of Puduola are fully capable of breaking gold nuggets in a short period of time."

Perona flew around in the air and echoed: "If you can't enter the enemy's body, you can't start from the inside:."

"But if you want to enter the enemy's body, you must have water!"

"It's a bit unrealistic to transfer water from the sea on a large scale!"

Water and gold dust, which are important factors in the success of Tezzolo.

In the real battle, there is not so much water for him to use! In this regard, Pajaru is still indifferent and calm.

He murmured, "Don't worry!"

"Don't you just need water, we also have people here who can make a lot of water!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, their eyes filled with doubts.

Everyone is familiar with each other's Devil Fruit abilities.

In everyone's impression, there are not many natural devil fruits on the Chris.

And among these people, those related to the element of water do not exist at all! Pajalu smiled lightly, and did not continue to go around in circles.

He looked at Crow, who was on the side, and asked directly, "Crow, have you developed new abilities?"

"I think you are fully capable of... creating a localized downpour for everyone!"

"isn't it"

Hearing Pajaru's words, Crow also smiled noncommittally.

He glanced at Pajelu lightly, a little surprised by this guy's keen insight.

Crow suddenly realized that Pajalu, who has always been low-key, is not a mediocre person.

Pajaru's keen insight and extremely fast reaction speed are unmatched by other squad leaders.

Crow himself didn't know when this new ability of his was discovered by Pajaru.

Crow also smiled generously and said, "Indeed, I just developed a new ability."

"As long as there is enough water vapor in the atmosphere, I can force precipitation by changing the local air pressure."

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