"Just now, maybe some sea king swam past!"

However, Lafitte smiled indifferently, shook his head and said, "No."

"What Anilu and the others noticed, is still: a place far away!"

"You have not yet reached the level of power as theirs, so you haven't sensed it yet."

Chris also said casually: "It's coming soon!"

Seeing this, the rest of the people could only shrug and accept the fact.

At this moment, everyone in the Chris Pirates stared at the sea level, motionless.

If the garrison in the port of Pudola Kingdom notices this scene, I am afraid it will cause a lot of panic! Soon, a rapid sound came from the bottom of the water.

Everyone can hear clearly! Perona floated in the air and said with interest: "Come here!"

"Going out of the water!"

Before Perona could speak, the sea around the Chris suddenly splashed with splashes of water! Nami suddenly opened her eyes wide and shouted with joy, "It's Boss Shiping!"

"He came with a lot of murlocs!"

At this time, everyone discovered that it was Shi Ping and his party who arrived here.

Baccara gathered her hair and smiled generously: "No wonder Shiping doesn't need our people to respond."

"It turns out that they came from the bottom of the sea!"

Perona's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "It's amazing!"

"They actually came out of the water!"

"It's incredible!"

Jinbei jumped out of the water and came into the air.

With a slight shake, the moisture on his body immediately.

Disappeared! "Chris, stay safe!"

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462: Jinbei arrives, Hawkeye welcomes it!

A lot of water splashed around the Chris, like a lotus flower in full bloom.

As Jinbei jumped up, Aladdin and others also jumped out of the water unhurriedly.

The water droplets sputtered from the bodies of the murlocs radiated dazzling rays of light under the sunlight.

Against the backdrop of these splendid water droplets refracting the sun, Jin Pingman seemed to be radiating light all over his body.

"Chris, stay safe!"

A powerful and powerful voice pierced through the sky and reached the ears of everyone in the Chris Pirates.

Jinbei grinned, and then lightly landed on the deck of the Chris.

Behind Jinbei, Aladdin and others also boarded the Chris with bright smiles.

Jinbei looked at Chris and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be approaching the port of Pudora Kingdom!"

"I almost thought that you had already started a war!"

Chris smiled lightly and said casually, "I can't wait for you guys, how can I start the war in advance?"

"However, your way of appearing really surprised me."

Aladdin, who was standing beside him, smiled and said, "Our murlocs are the best at navigating in the sea."

"Our speed in the sea is much faster than a pirate ship!"

"Boss Jinping is afraid of delaying time on the road and missing this war."

"That's why we all choose such a way!"

Hearing this, everyone clicked their tongues twice, expressing their amazement.

Everyone admires the speed of the murloc in the sea.

Lafitte pressed his hat and said very politely: "The Fishman Island is so far away from the Kingdom of Pudora."

"It's really troublesome for Boss Jinping to bring people to come to help!"

Jinbei immediately waved his hand, looking indifferent: "What's the trouble with this?"

"Such a distance is nothing to us at all!"

"Besides, as a loyal Chris, how can I sit back and watch...

Woolen cloth"

Jinbei, the nickname of the sea warrior, is not... casual.

He treats his friends, always worthy of... the word chivalrous.

Knowing him is more clear, if he is in danger, he will definitely sacrifice himself, and also save Chris and others! Aladdin on the side also laughed and said: "Captain Chris solved our murlocs. Big trouble on the island, he is our benefactor!"

"Right now, the matter between the Chris Pirates and the Pudola Kingdom is raging, and the whole world is paying attention here."

"At this time, we will not stand idly by."

"We people from Fishman Island are naturally here to help Captain Chris!"

Another... An octopus man held a long sword and said excitedly: "It is our honor to have the opportunity to do things for Captain Chris!"

"If there was no Captain Chris, our Fishman Island would be in chaos now!"

The conspiracy of Hody Jones and others has long been spread in Fishman Island.

Everyone on Fishman Island knows that if Hoddy Jones and his plot succeed, Fishman Island will fall into a time of doom.

It was Chris who appeared with the Chris Pirates and successfully prevented all this from happening! The tuna fish-man also nodded and said gratefully: "And since the Chris Pirates have been hung on the fish-man island The flag of the regiment!"

"Now those who come to Fishman Island, whether they are pirates or other human beings, will no longer dare to...do bad things!"

A young starfish murloc also smiled indifferently and said, "Not only that, but now there are no murlocs in the auction house on the Chambord Islands!"

"Those... hateful mermaid dealers have long been scared away by Captain Chris's prestige!"

"The changes that Captain Chris brought to us on Fishman Island are simply too many!"

The other murlocs also spoke up one after another, expressing their gratitude and admiration for Chris.

Due to the appearance of Chris, they are full of hope again for the future of Fishman Island.

They began to believe that Fishman Island will one day live in peace with humans! Hawk-Eyed Mihawk, carrying a big black knife, walked to Jinping: "Long time no see, Jinping!"

"After many years, we can fight side by side again!"

Jin Ping smiled and said lightly: "The last time we fought side by side, we were still young!"

"At that time, you and I haven't become kings under the Seven Martial Seas!"

"Now, you and I have become members of the Qiwuhai Alliance. The changes in the world are always so elusive."

Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinpei are considered to be old friends reunited.

When the two of them were young, they had faced a common enemy at sea.

In the end, the two joined forces and defeated the enemy.

After that, when the two of them meet again, it's time to become a king under the Seven Martial Seas.

But for so many years, Jinpei and Hawkeye Mihawk have not joined forces! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!

463: Shichibukai, 4 people have gathered!Eagle Eye's recognition of Jinping!

Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinpei have been kings under Qiwuhai for many years, but they don't have much interaction.

Every time the World Government sends out a mission, the seven of them will hardly be dispatched at the same time.

A character that can make them work together to deal with has not yet appeared.

But this time, they were finally able to fight side by side again.

Moreover, it is still with several other kings to go down to the Qiwuhai! This is something that the two of them have never experienced before! Hawkeye Mihawk said indifferently: "But this time, you and I will still be divided between the two. a battlefield."

"Tomorrow, my mission is... to stop Polsalino for the Chris Pirates... and those navies!"

Hearing this, Jinbei frowned slightly and murmured: "Sengoku and the others, are they really going to do something to Chris?"

"It's a lot earlier than I expected!"

For this news, Jinbei didn't show too much surprise.

Because he has dealt with the World Government and the Navy Headquarters too many times, he already knows their style of conduct very well.

Chris has risen rapidly in just one year! Not only is he powerful, but he has also gained a lot of powerful allies.

What's more, Chris has also gained an extremely powerful prestige in less than a year! All of this is unacceptable to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

So Jinbei thought for a long time that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters would sooner or later take action against Chris.

They won't let Chris continue to grow! It's just that this time is too early.

This also indirectly shows that Chris's threat to the World Government is already unbearable for them.

Chris sneered and said disdainfully, "It will be a matter of time before you break up with the World Government."

"However, I have used the identity of the king's Qiwuhai to get everything I want!"

"If they want to deal with me in the Warring States period, just come!"

Although Chris's tone was cold, it had a light air.

With him, these things have never been put on the table.

Jinbei squinted his eyes, and made a voice: "Sengoku wants to be right, Chris should be the only one."

"I think if Mihawk comes forward, Polsalino and the others will never dare to act rashly."

"They don't know that this time... all seven of us are going to be there!"

"Given the courage of the Warring States, he would not dare to fight with all the kings of the Seven Martial Seas at the same time!"

Jinbei's idea coincides with Hawkeye Mihawk.

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