"It was Chris' appearance that pulled him out of the quagmire of the Devil's Triangle!"

There was a faint smile on Jinbei's face.

He also has many friends within the world government, and it is not difficult to get this information.

Eagle-eyed Mihawk said calmly: "Chris' appearance has changed the fate of one or two people more than that..."

"Without him, the Qiwuhai Alliance may never have appeared!"

"The situation in this world will not change so much.

Hawkeye Mihawk 3, have a clear understanding of the changes that Chris has brought to the world and the whole world.

This is also a very important reason why they are willing to help.

Chris just...has a magical power that can change everything around him.

While speaking, the Dread Barque had come to the opposite side of the Chris.

Two pirate ships are close at hand.

Baccarat couldn't help sighing: "As expected of the rumored terrifying three-masted sailboat, the speed is really fast enough!"

"With another ship, I'm afraid the war here is over before we can get here."

It didn't take long for Moonlight Moria to leave the Devil's Triangle and arrive at Puduola Kingdom.

For such a long journey, the average person needs at least four or five months.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared on the bow of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

This man was unusually tall, with a fiery-like hairstyle and double horns on both sides of his forehead.

The outline of the whole person is like a devil! And if you can see his true face - that is a real devil! The sutures all over the head and neck show the strangeness of this person.

"Hee hee hee hee! Chris, here I come!"

A familiar laughter came from this figure.

The people of the Chris Pirates suddenly couldn't help laughing, this was the laughter they had heard before.

Moonlight Moria jumped and came directly in front of Chris.

He grinned with a wide mouth, showing a mouthful of fangs, and said with a smile: "Chris, we finally meet again!"

"It turns out that Jinpei and Mihawk are also here!"

Moonlight Moria was not too surprised by the appearance of Empress Boyahan Cook.

Because he had long heard that Empress Boya Hancook fell in love with Chris.

So she came to help Chris, as it should be.

The existence of Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinbei made him feel a little surprised.

Because of this look, both Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinbei came earlier, and their relationship seems to be much more harmonious.

Although I know that Chris has been in the formation of the Qiwuhai Alliance, it is still a little difficult to get these two people to come to help.

Jinping stepped on his clogs, put his arms around him, and smiled faintly: "You are finally willing to come to the new world, Moriah!"

"How about it, the new world now has undergone earth-shaking changes!"

Moonlight Moria shrugged and said, "Indeed, the scene on the sea is very different from before."

"I have to say, these guys in the new world are really powerful."

"If this were put in the past, they would all be world-famous pirates!"

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468: Moriah returns to the new world, full of ambition, making Hawkeyes impress!

Moonlight Moriah has been dormant all year round, and in the Devil's Triangle, he has not cared much about the outside world for a long time.

At most, he knows some big events in the outside world, and some things in the first half of the great route.

But for the new world, the information he knows is very limited.

On the one hand, this is due to the mysterious nature of the New World. Many people have not been to the New World and have no idea what kind of place it is.

On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that Moonlight Moriah itself is very resistant to the new world.

Therefore, his subordinates generally only report some major events to him.

And a lot of news about the new world, try not to report.

Moonlight Moria kept shaking her head and said, "Thanks to Chris's help, otherwise, I wouldn't come back."

"In a few years, I will really be completely out of date!"

For..now these new world......Pirates, Moonlight Moria can only be described as amazement.

After entering the new world, he saw many pirates along the way.

The strength of these people cannot be underestimated.

If placed in an era long ago, these people could be considered strong.

After all, with the departure of Roger, Locks, Golden Lion and others, the pirate world experienced a brief withering.

At that time, Whitebeard, Kaido and others were already considered the strongest among pirates.

But it is still far from the achievements of Roger and others.

That's why Moonlight Moria was able to make a name for herself in the new world.

However, within a few years, the era of the Great Pirate officially came.

And it was during this interval that Moonlight Moria quietly retreated and missed the opportunity for so many years.

So now Moonlight Moria, I am very grateful to Chris.

If it wasn't for Chris, he might never be able to adapt to the new world! Jinbei waved his hand and said with a hearty smile, "Even if you come back now, it's not too late."

"With your strength, you can still win a place in the world!"

"In this place, there are people who are really stronger than you, but also"

Although there is some comfort in this statement, it is not exaggerated.

Although he has not seen Moonlight Moriah's strength with his own eyes for a long time, Shiping still believes in him very much.

Chris glanced at Moonlight Moriah, his face still indifferent.

He noticed that compared to the last time, Moonlight Moria had indeed changed a lot.

At this time, Moonlight Moria's body was not as fat as that time, but became: much stronger.

Moreover, the squad leaders also noticed that Moonlight Moria's overall aura is much stronger than before! This is enough to show that the once... extremely confident Moonlight Moria is back! Anilu floated cross-legged in the air In the middle, he tilted his head and muttered: "I can feel that Moonlight Moriah is different."

"Now he is much stronger than when he was in the Devil's Triangle."

This is a kind of keenness unique to Enel, he can often feel the subtle changes in a person's strength.

Cavendish held his sword hilt and said indifferently: "The king goes down to the Seven Martial Seas, and it is still the king under the Seven Martial Seas."

"The talent of these people is really not comparable to ordinary people."

"The same is true for Empress Boyahan Cook. After entering the new world, her strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time!"

Hearing this, Bartolomeo also shrugged and said helplessly: "A strong person like them is only temporarily weak to play."

"When they show their due strength, they are destined to surprise everyone!"

Squad leaders are very envious and admirable for the changes before and after the female emperor Boyahan Cook and Moonlight Moria.

Lafayette pressed his hat and smiled lightly: "That's why Chris believed in these two people so much back then."

"It turns out that Chris's vision is still not wrong."

Bashas bumped his fists together and laughed loudly: "Weihahahaha..."

"It seems that Moonlight Moriah is indeed stronger!"

"If I have a chance, I really want to have a discussion with him alone."

"I don't know if the current me has the strength to fight against the king's Qiwuhai."

Luo Huai stood aside with Guikuu in his arms, and said lightly, "It's not that easy to fight against the king's Qiwuhai."

"Even if Moonlight Moria's strength is at the end of the Qiwuhai under the king."

"But he...still has unimaginable super strength."

"Especially...now he seems to have been reborn."

All the squad leaders could see that this Moonlight Moriah, the one they defeated together with them, was completely different! Hawkins' eyelids were drooping, and he looked like a dead man, and said without emotion: "However, the current Bassas, too, has changed."

"He's not the...Bashas he used to be!"

"If you face Moonlight Moria, you might have a chance."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!

469: Shichibukai's dialogue, I admire Chris very much!

In Hawkins' eyes, Bashas' strength has improved rapidly.

The last time he was able to defeat Lindbergh, he had already proved his strength.

Moreover, Hawkins didn't think that Moonlight Moriah was so powerful.

After all, the squad leaders once joined forces to defeat him, and Hawkins inevitably gave him a low look.

However, Du smiled disdainfully and sneered: "When I was able to defeat Moonlight Moria, I still relied on Anilu in the end."

"At that time, Anilu already possessed the strength of the king's Qiwuhai."

"So...that time, it can't be used as a reference..."

Po looked at Bassas with interest, and smiled slyly: "Since Chris dares to call Moonlight Moriah, it has explained a lot of problems."

"At least.... In terms of strength, Chris recognizes Moonlight Moriah."

"If you want to learn from him, be careful to be beaten by him!"

When the squad leaders heard the poisonous words, they couldn't help but look surprised.

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