471: The banquet, the dialogue of Qiwuhai, it was fun!

Following Chris's order, the entire Chris Pirates immediately.

Entered into a state of banquet.

Caribou stretched out his tongue and smiled: "As expected of the captain, he can still stay relaxed at this time."

"Holding a banquet before the war, this kind of treatment is really nice!"

Bartolomeo wore a green cockscomb head and said with a smile: "This is the captain's behavior!"

"If he lifts weight lightly, he can maintain such a light-hearted state at any time."

"This is also an expression of strength!"

Tezzolo raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Anyway... Following the captain, you never need to have too much pressure."

"No matter how difficult the situation, as long as the captain is there, everything will be easy: very easy."

"We now, just have to enjoy it all!"

Since joining the Chris Pirates, Tezzolo quickly understood this truth.

As a squad leader, he just does his own thing and obeys Chris's command.

As long as he can complete the task Chris sent, that's enough.

As for everything else, it's not something he needs to consider.

Chris will solve all the tough problems! Except...Tezolo, the other squad leaders also understand the truth.

They all knew that Chris was a clear-headed and planned captain.

Following Chris, you don't need to spend too much energy at all to think about some things.

Apu made a hip-hop gesture and said with a smile: "It's really good!"

"Just arrived on the ship, just in time for such a banquet!"

"Sure enough, joining the Chris Pirates is definitely not wrong."

It was because of Chris' name that Apu took the initiative to go to the Alabasta Kingdom branch.

And now, he doesn't regret his original choice.

Saying that, Apu revealed his big die, and in front of everyone's eyes, it instantly turned into a keyboard! Apu's long arms wrapped around the keys and played a cheerful tune.

At the same time, his abdomen turned into a drum.

For a time, the sound of the piano and the drums brought everyone into a very cheerful rhythm.

Perona's eyes lit up when she saw this scene.

She immediately.

He happily flew to Apu's side, kept wrapping around his head, looking up and down... Apu.

Perona said with a smile: "Apu is really fun!"

"Teeth can be turned into piano keys, and belly can be turned into drums!"

"Other places, must also be able to become a variety of musical instruments!"

As if hearing Perona's expectations, Apu straightened his ears.

In the surprised eyes of Perona and the others, his ear turned into a trumpet! Apu picked up the trumpet with a very calm expression, and blew it for himself.

And Perona and the others couldn't help but tut their tongues in amazement, and let out one after another sigh.

Baccarat tucked her hair together and couldn't help laughing and said, "This Apu is really an interesting guy."

"It's the first time I've seen such a strange ability of him!"

Nami also had two small dimples on her face, and she smiled sweetly and said, "I didn't expect that Apu is not only outstanding in strength, but also first-class in musical instrument performance!"

"We, the Chris Pirates, have another musician!"

Karina smiled and clapped her hands excitedly: "When you are bored in the future, you can let Apu play music for us."

"He must be able to change all kinds of instruments."

As Apu's music sounded, the atmosphere of the banquet of the Chris Pirates came up immediately.

The squad leaders took action one after another, preparing tables, chairs, benches, and various foods.

Chef Carmen is even more busy today, cooks by himself and wants to cook all kinds of food for everyone.

At the same time, the bartender Meidi is also busy.

Usually, she just mixes drinks for Nami and others for everyone to taste during leisure and entertainment.

And Chris has been cultivating on weekdays, and she has no chance at all to mix drinks for Chris.

Today, she finally waited for this, a great opportunity to mix drinks for Chris! Seeing that Meidi was mixing drinks, Makino smiled softly: "Except...special drinks, other The wine is also indispensable!"

With that said, Makino took some people to the wine cellar to take out the fine wine that the Chris Pirates treasured.

In a blink of an eye, the deck of the Chris Pirates was already filled with all kinds of food and wine.

A wide variety of desserts are naturally indispensable.

Everyone performed their duties, and soon everything needed for the banquet was ready.

Moonlight Moria was stunned for a while, and murmured: "This speed is too fast."

"Chris, how many chefs and pastry chefs do you have in stock?"

Jinpei has already held up a glass of wine at this moment, and said with a smile: "It's really surprising!"

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473: The arrogant Doflamingo is disgusting!

The appearance of Moonlight Moria was what surprised Doflamingo the most.

Although over the years, Doflamingo has seen Moonlight Moria several times.

But... Moonlight Moria's previous state had already made Doflamingo look down on him.

And this time, Moonlight Moria returned to the new world, which is unprecedented news.

Doflamingo murmured: "Moonlight Moriah, this guy has finally gathered up his courage and returned to the new world!"

"It's a pity that the current new world is no longer the... new world it used to be."

"Moonlight Moria's state, it is estimated that it has already plummeted."

Doflamingo's tone was full of ridicule and disdain.

He then said to himself: "The current Moonlight Moria has nothing to offer except... the identity of the king under the Qiwuhai!"

"I don't know why Chris called him over"

"Is it possible that he still has the power to fight?"

Doflamingo obviously didn't quite believe it.

He has been in contact with many pirates all the year round, and he knows how deep the water in the new world is.

It's really hard to get a foothold in the new world without two brushes.

What's more, the war between the Chris Pirates and the Pudola Kingdom must be a dialogue between the strong.

Doflamingo didn't think that Moonlight Moria could play any role.

He smiled strangely: "But it's really not easy for Chris to call him to the new world!"

"After all, this place is like a purgatory on earth to Moonlight Moriah!"

A cruel smile appeared on Doflamingo's face.

He knew that all of Moonlight Moria's former partners died in the new world.

Therefore, Moonlight Moria has always been very afraid of the new world.

But Chris is still able to let him break through the psychological barrier. Not everyone has such an ability.

The appearance of Doflamingo was not only noticed by the Chris Pirates.

He has always been more arrogant, so he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Among them, of course, also included the soldiers at the port of Pudora Kingdom.

But this time, the reaction of these soldiers seemed very numb.

Soldier A looked up and said, "In a blink of an eye, another one came."

"Looking at the pink figure, this kind of dress can only be Doflamingo"

Soldier B was expressionless, and nodded numbly: "This should have come today, the third king has descended into the Qiwuhai."

"Do the math, and now only the Bartholomew bears have not come."

Soldier Ding smiled casually, and said casually: "If nothing else happens, the Bartholomew Bear will appear soon."

"Anyway... Chris this time, is to let all the kings go to the Qiwuhai and all participate in this war."

"With his reputation and ability, I believe no one will deny him this face."

Soldier A nodded and glanced back at LeVert and Grant's room.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Forget it, there's no need to report anything to the top."

"Anyway... everything that should have happened has already happened."

"And the people above must know these things."

The constant arrival of reinforcements from the Chris Pirates has completely numbed these soldiers.

They seem to have accepted this fact.

Soldier Ding sighed slightly and murmured: "The strength of the Chris Pirates has become stronger and stronger."

"If the Bartholomew bear comes back again, the lineup of the whole king going to the Shichibukai is really scary!"

"This kind of Chris Pirates, our Pudora Kingdom... can really withstand it."

Soldier B also had a worried look on his face, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Such a terrifying lineup is not... just talking about it."

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