"There's a bartender missing on the boat. Now I don't have to worry about drinking, Wei Hahaha..."

  Poison Q coughed, "There are musicians and bartenders, and the crew is really getting together."

  Lafitte turned his cane and said happily, "You're here at the right time, we really need such a person on board."

  "Captain, what do you think?"

  Chris put his arms around him and spit out two words, "Yes!"

  Hearing Chris say this, Meidi showed a gentle and sweet smile on her pretty face, and said happily, "Thank you, Captain, and please take care of everyone in the future."

  The guests saw this beautiful woman and really joined the pirate group.

  One by one very depressed, heart broken! !

  How could such a beautiful woman fall into such a dirty place, it's a pity.

  At this time, Queen Sweetheart looked at Meidi, waved her hand, and said with a smile, "Come and sit here, let's have a good chat."

  "Meidi, Betty, and the old lady's names are only one word apart. It's too coincidental."

  Betty leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, took a breath, and her pretty face seemed a little dissatisfied.

  Baccarat folded her crimson hair, and said with a smile, "It's really a coincidence, but it's nothing, we won't call it wrong."

  "Okay, everyone is very talkative, and it just so happens that I also want to chat with the sisters."

  Mei Di raised her eyebrows, smiled, and walked towards Queen Sweetheart...

  (Guys, the above is a picture of Meidi. This Bharati restaurant in the anime is a dragon character, do you still have any impressions︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿. )

062: Sanji, do you remember the parting message your sister gave you? (for flower collection)

  Bharati Sea Restaurant, somewhere on the outskirts.

  "Sanji, how have you been all these years?"

  Leijiu looked at this younger brother with concern in her beautiful eyes, and said in a very gentle tone.

  Sanji took a breath, looked at the sea level in front of him, and said coldly, "Thanks to you, I can't die."

  Reiju was very clear about the tone of his younger brother's words, and knew that he still hated the Vinsmoke family.

  Also, Sanji was bullied by his brothers when he was young, and he was often beaten by them.

  And Gage doesn't like him, hates him very much.

  What Germa left him was only deep pain, which he definitely didn't want to think about.

  "Sanji, have you forgotten what my sister did to you before?"

  Leiju rubbed her fair forehead and said with a wry smile, "My sister doesn't say much about family matters."

  "But what elder sister treats you, you must know very well in your heart, please don't talk to elder sister in this tone."

  Hearing Reiju's words, Sanji fell into silence, recalling Reiju's parting words in his mind.

  "The sea is so wide, one day, you will meet gentle people."

  Thinking back to the past, Sanji finally spit out the smoke from his mouth and turned to look at Reiju with an apologetic look.

  "Seeing you brings back bad memories, please forgive me Leiju, sorry!"

  Seeing him like this, Leijiu was very happy, and she couldn't help showing a gentle smile on her face.

  "You don't blame me, my sister is really happy, very happy."

  At this time, Sanji took a breath, asked his doubts, and said, "Leiju, you are not in Beihai, why did you come here?"


  Thinking it was not good to mention this, Leijiu gathered her pink hair and smiled lightly, "The young man who was in the lead just now, wearing black clothes and black pants, his name is Chris."

  "Now at home, I'm cooperating with him. So I was assigned to supervise and be responsible for the cooperation between the two sides."

  "That's really good. Fortunately, I followed him to the East China Sea. Otherwise, my sister wouldn't even know you were here."

  Sanji frowned and said incredulously, "How could that cold-blooded guy cooperate with Chris? Is there something wrong here?"

  Reiju knew very well who the person Sanji was referring to was.

  She didn't care, she blinked her beautiful eyes, and said gently and generously, "Because Chris is too strong, the family considered cooperating with him, and there is no other reason."

  "By the way, Sanji, leave here with your sister, and let's go to the Great Channel together."

  Leiju said with a smile: "Chris is very talkative, if you can join, he must be very..."

  Before he could finish speaking, Sanji interrupted him directly.

  "You don't need to say, I can't leave here."

  Sanji flicked the cigarette butt into the sea, looked at Reiju and said seriously, "You should have seen that old guy just now."

  "His name is Zapp, and if it weren't for him, I would have been buried in the sea long ago."

  "So, no matter what, I will be here with him, it is impossible to leave."

  Reiju frowned her beautiful eyebrows and wanted to continue to persuade, but she could see Sanji's decisive appearance.

  She can only give up! !


  Derry Road Nord - Saberu.

  "I suddenly discovered that this is really shabby compared to our ship."

  Karina looked at the main ship and shook her head with a look of disgust.

  Perona floated in the air and said with a smile: "It goes without saying that our ship is the pirate ship of the overlord of the North Sea."

  "How can a small place like the East China Sea compare to us?"

  At this time, Karina's beautiful eyes lit up, a smile appeared on her pretty face, and she said excitedly, "I found it, I finally see the storage room, hee hee~~"

  Perona was also interested, and said quickly, "Then let's hurry over, halie halie halie..."

  Then, the two quickly walked forward, full of interest, and stepped in.

  When I entered my eyes, I saw a woman in front of me, who was packing gold and silver jewelry.

  Nami heard the voice and looked towards the door, just in time to meet the two of them.

  The air seemed to quiet down.

  "Hey, why is there a person here?"

  Perona was flying in the air with a curious look on her face, "Could it be the survivors of this ship, probably not."

  Karina looked at Nami with a sly look in her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "This is a person of the same kind."

  "She, like me, is a fan of petty wealth, and I can see it at a glance."

  Nami looked at Karina and laughed, "You're here to steal too, what a coincidence."

  "There is a lot of treasure here, I can't finish it, you can steal it."

  "This girl is in a hurry, so I'm not worthy of you, so I will withdraw first."

  After that, I tied the package and planned to leave here.

  Karina waved her hand, giggling and said, "I'm sorry, although we're the same people, we're not here to steal things."

  "The things on this ship are all the spoils of our Chris Pirates. You are stealing our treasure."

  "But seeing that you like me very much, this girl will spare you."

  Perona looked at the big package full of joy, with a happy look on her face, "With these treasures, I can buy a lot of delicious food again, halie ha ha ha hae~~"

  Nami's eyes kept flashing, she thought quickly, and said with a smile, "Haha, so these things belong to you."

  "Well, if that's the case, then I shouldn't take it and return it to the original owner."

  "By the way, should we cooperate or not, let's have a big fight, how about it."

  For the woman in front of her, Nami's impression of her is really very good.

  The personalities of the two people are very similar, and they both like money.

  The most important thing is that both of them are very clever, and both are quite witty.

  It would be a pity if we didn't cooperate...

  (This guy Sanji is too lustful, he must not be allowed to board the boat, there is no doubt about this. So readers who like Sanji, the author can only say sorry (* ̄︶ ̄). )

063: Nami, Chris is very strong and can help you kill the dragon! (for flower collection)

  "No, I still like it this way."

  Karina shook her head slightly and said with a smile, "I used to do it alone, and it was very interesting."

  "But now I've discovered that following Chris's words, the treasures that can be grabbed are much more than before."

  "Like some time ago, after we killed the White Ghost Pirates, the overlord of the North Sea."

  "Stain, there are too many treasures, they are all piled up into a hill. This is the first time I have seen so many treasures."

  Karina looked at Nami with sincerity in her eyes, and invited, "You come with us, when Chris takes down the pirate group, we will be responsible for the sweep, hee hee~~"

  Perona floated in the air, and quickly said, "And me and me..."

  Nami rubbed her forehead and smiled wryly, showing a lack of interest.

  "Forget it, I'll do it alone and withdraw first."

  After speaking, he was ready to turn around and leave.

  Karina frowned, her eyes flashed with wisdom, and asked doubtfully, "Have you encountered any difficulties?"

  "Tell us about it, maybe we can help you."

  "It's rare to meet someone who likes me so much. Everyone should help each other, shouldn't they?"

  Perona nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I also like her very much, you should join us, halie ha ha ha..."

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