"Boss, there is a knife and a devil fruit on the table."

  Padong jumped on Chris' shoulders and explained with a smile.

  Baccarat looked at Pa Dong with her beautiful eyes, and said with a sweet smile: "Little guy, how do you know so clearly?"

  Pa Dong grinned, very happy, "There were originally two Devil Fruits here, but I ate one, and of course there is only one left."

  "It's amazing that animals eat devil fruits."

  Betty drank a cigarette and looked up and down Padong, wanting to see it clearly.

  "Sure enough, anything in the sea is possible, Wei Hahahaha..."

  Hearing Paton say this, Chris understood.

  It turned out that the civet cat fruit of the phantom beast species appeared on this island.

  What would the other fruit be?

  The group came to the stone table and stopped to observe.

  A long box with knives in it.Short box, definitely a devil fruit.

  "I hope it's not animal, ahem~"

  Poison Q's vicissitudes of life showed a look of hope.

  Bashas said with a smile: "Nature is too rare, as long as a superhuman is enough."

  Without hesitation, Chris directly opened the small wooden box.The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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  Into the eye, this is a whole blue, apple-shaped devil fruit.

  "Captain, what type is this, is it natural?"

  Bassas had never eaten a devil fruit, so he didn't know anything about it.

  Betty frowned, and said with some doubts: "Blue Devil Fruit, what kind of ability is this?"

  "It should be superhuman."

  Chris threw the fruit to Bassas and opened another wooden box directly.

  Red light flashed.

  A suffocating aura suddenly erupted.

  The temperature of the air seems to have dropped a little.

  "Boss, this knife is so weird that I don't even dare to touch it."

  Padong sat on Chris' shoulders, swiped his tail, and looked terrified.

  Baccarat shook his head gently, and said with emotion: "Such a heavy evil spirit, ordinary people can't use it at all, I'm afraid they will be cursed."

  "I'm curious, what kind of big sword is this."

  Betty looked at the red treasured sword carefully, and said seriously: "The last time is the level of the big quick sword, and it may even be the supreme big quick sword."

  Chris watched silently for a while, then directly grabbed the hilt of the sword.


  The red knife vibrated lightly, suffocating violently, and quickly drilled into Chris.

  Want to control Chris.



  Bashas and the others looked at Chris worriedly, for fear that something would happen to him.

  After all, this red knife is really weird.

  Chris's eyes turned cold, staring at the treasured knife.

  "Submit to me!"

  The domineering look of the overlord radiated out and charged away at the red knife.


  The broadsword vibrated rapidly and seemed to be struggling constantly, trying to get out of Chris's control.

  After a few seconds, the evil spirit recovered and the blade was calm.

  It surrendered.

  Chose Chris as the host.

  "not bad."

  Chris pointed upwards at the big knife, nodded, and praised without hesitation.

  He is very satisfied with this knife! !

  "The captain is amazing, Wei Hahaha..."

  Seeing Chris getting stronger, Bassas was overjoyed.

  Poison Q said with a slight smile: "In this way, the strength of the fleet will be even more terrifying."

  Betty and Baccarat didn't speak, and looked at Chris' figure with color in their eyes.

  The former is appreciation, the latter is love.

  At this time, the following people reported.

  "Captain, the entire palace has been searched, and nothing else has been found."

  Chris turned around and walked outside with a large knife in hand.

  "Children, let's go."

  "Yes, Captain Chris!"

  The group of people walked out of the palace one after another and walked towards the outside of the island...

  Five days later.

  Blue sky and white clouds, bright sun, seagulls chirping.

  What a nice weather.

  On the wide sea, a large ship rowed the sea and moved forward fast.

  Inside the training room.

  "Chris is really working so hard, he doesn't even know how to rest."

  Queen Sweetheart leaned against the chair, with Erlang's legs crossed, Meimei looked at the man in front of her with a sweet smile.

  Two days ago, the Chris entered the West Sea and landed in the town of Canaro.

  It was in that place that the Sweetheart Queen was invited by Chris to board the ship and became a member of the Chris Pirates.

  "I'm used to Chris, a cultivator."

  Betty leaned against the table, holding a cigarette, looking indifferent.

  Baccarat stroked the crimson hair in front of her forehead, showing a gentle and dignified smile on her beautiful and delicate face.

  "The rules of this ship, the strong are respected!"

  "If Chris doesn't work harder, when there are more and more crew members behind, I'm afraid that the captain's position will not be able to be retained."

  Baccarat looked at the two of them and reminded: "If you want to be a squad leader, you have to practice hard, otherwise there is really no chance."

  (Big guys, the above is the picture of the Sweetheart Queen. This one is also from the theatrical version. Maybe you don’t know her very well. It is recommended to watch the theatrical version. I won’t introduce too much here, so as not to be too many words. ︿( ̄︶ ̄) ︿. )

009: Good luck, referring to Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit! (for flower collection)

  "Squad leader?"

  The Queen Sweetheart waved her hand and said with a wry smile, "With my strength, how can I be a squad leader."

  "Seriously, why Chris made such a boat rule, I still haven't figured it out yet."

  Betty flicked the cigarette butt into the sea and said lightly.

  "There is no other reason, Chris believes in his own strength, that's all."

  "No matter how the squad leader rotates, it will not affect his captain position. He is so confident."

  After speaking, look forward, there is a person cultivating.

  I saw Chris posing, holding "Blood Red" in both hands and waving it.

  After Chris's identification, it was a supremely fast knife, and he named the treasured knife - blood red.


  Chris finally swung the knife [-] times to complete today's task.

  Then, the blood red kept getting smaller and smaller, and finally became a small red knife, which was hung by Chris around his neck.

  "Every time I see this knife, I feel so magical."

  Seeing the blood red keep getting smaller, Queen Sweetheart couldn't help but sigh.

  "Weapons can also eat devil fruits. I still can't believe it."

  Betty shrugged her shoulders and said lightly: "There's nothing to feel sorry for, the sea is so mysterious, just get used to it."

  Suddenly, a siren was heard outside.


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