Hearing Violet repeat what he had just said again, the women couldn’t help but glance at each other, and shook their heads gently one by one.

They can see that this Violet does not understand Chris’s personality and character at all.

“She feels too good about herself.”

Karina shrugged her shoulders, her beautiful eyes flowed, showing a cunning color, and said with a smile: “If Chris answers the phone, he will definitely hang up directly.” ”

Perona floated in the air, nodded her little head, and said in an affirmative tone: “Then you need to say it.” ”

“Our captain has always said that she can say it directly, then you have to say it immediately, you can’t wait a second.”

The Sweetheart Queen brushed her light blonde hair, looked at the man in front of her with beautiful eyes, and smiled bitterly.

Chris spoke, never a second time. Qian Gang is arbitrary, no one wants to change him, he is so strong and domineering. ”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette and said calmly as always: “The strong are like this, when they speak, the person who listens must pay enough attention, that’s all.” ”

Carmen shook her head, her pretty face showed helplessness, and sighed, “It’s not good to be too strong, it will appear cold-blooded and ruthless.” ”

Lei Jiu looked at Bakara, her jade hand supporting her white chin, and said with a gentle smile: “This kind of thing, there is no need to ask Chris at all.” ”

“His answer is definitely to hang up, there is no other possibility.”

Bakara smiled at Lei Jiu and nodded in agreement.

Among these people, she was the first to follow Chris. If anyone knows this man best, it must be her.

In Baccarat’s view, Chris is the strongest and domineering man in the world, and there is no one.

“Violet, so be it, I’ll be blunt.”

Bakara pulled his crimson hair, his eyebrows were curved, his pretty face showed a dignified and elegant appearance, and said with a slight smile: “You don’t know Chris’s person.” ”

“What he says is never said once, not a second time.”

“Yes, you think things are very important, you need to talk to him alone, and no outsiders can observe.”

“But this is just your personal thought, you feel that it is too important, nothing more.”

Bakara glanced at the man in front of him and said with a smile: “Chris has a special phone bug, and those are what he values.” ”

“As for me here, all I receive are small things, all of which are irrelevant.”

“Do you understand what I mean now, no matter how important your affairs are, in Chris’s eyes, it is not a big deal.”

Bakara shook his head lightly, and said generously: “So, if there is something, just say it, Chris will not answer your call.” ”

“Although the words are ugly, Violet, this is the truth, you see for yourself.”

The other side fell silent again, the good-looking Xiu’s eyebrows furrowed, and the pretty face showed an extremely distressed look.

Violet never imagined that Chris would be such a person, so cold-blooded and ruthless.

He said that there were very important things to discuss, but he didn’t care at all.

Violet felt so hurt!!

I was full of blood and worked hard to call for help, but in exchange for such cold treatment.

She was so aggrieved that she was about to cry.

Finally, sighing, she confessed.

After all, he is asking Chris for help, people put on faces, and respond indifferently, which is Chris’s right.

“Then I’ll get blunt.”

Violet perked up, threw all negative emotions out of her mind, and began to tell in detail with a serious look on her pretty face.

“I am the princess of Dressrosa, a cadre under Doflamingo.”

“My country has been taken over by Doflamingo, a bastard, and I can’t wait to kill him with my own hands to avenge my citizens.”

Violet gritted her teeth, and her beautiful and delicate face showed indignation, and said: “My mother, as well as many relatives of the family, were brutally killed. ”

“In order to take revenge, I joined the Don Quixote family and became an undercover agent to find out about them.”

“Some time ago, Doflamingo met Lord Chris, and the two fought a battle, and the result was that Lord Chris won.”

Violet blinked her beautiful eyes and said with emotion: “When I heard Doflamingo mention this, I was shocked, it was really incredible.” ”

“In an instant, in my head, I thought of a way.”

“That is to contact Lord Chris and ask him to help me and solve Doflamingo for me.”

Violet paused, brushed the black hair in front of her forehead, her beautiful eyes were lowered, and she said embarrassedly: “If Lord Chris is willing to help me, I…”

“I can be his woman, give everything for him, and listen to him in everything!”

“Lord Chris, please help me and save my country, Dressrosa.”


After speaking, he bowed deeply, and his attitude was extremely sincere, which made people very moved after listening to it.

Hearing her sincere tone and extremely tragic experience, the women fell silent one by one.

I feel sorry for her and feel very sympathetic to her!!

Keya was the most innocent and kind, looking at Magino, her beautiful eyes were full of sadness, and her voice was low: “Sister Violet is too difficult.” ”

“Her family was brutally killed, and she still has to do things under the enemy, alas~~”

“Sister Violet’s heart must be very painful, very sad.”

Marcino gently touched Keya’s little head, she liked Keya very much, and had already regarded her as her own sister.

Shaking his head slightly, sighing, and said with emotion: “Everyone has their own life opportunities, and they can’t all live so happily. ”

“Let’s not say anything more, let Chris make his own decisions.”

Karina frowned her slender willow eyebrows, looked at Perona, and wondered, “Isn’t Doflamingo our partner?” ”

Perona nodded her little head, also very puzzled, “I don’t understand, how can she let Chris deal with partners, this can’t work.” ”

Noki looked at Nami and said with a complicated expression: “She is just like us, her relatives were brutally killed, and she has to do things for her enemies.” ”

“yes, it’s really too similar.”

Nami sighed, couldn’t help but recall her past experiences, extremely sad, “My mother was killed by the dragon, and I couldn’t do anything, but I did things under him.” ”

“It’s so similar, we and Violet are so miserable.”

The Sweetheart Queen looked at Chris and saw that he was still cultivating, as if he hadn’t heard Violet’s request.

“She wants to be Chris’s woman, and this condition is really not attractive at all.”

The Sweetheart Queen turned to look at Betty and smiled bitterly, “I don’t have to say, Chris will definitely not help for this.” ”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette, still so calm, and said in an affirmative tone: “Our plan has long been formulated.” ”

“Become the Seven Wuhai, and then start the Seven Wuhai Alliance, sharing resources and information.”

“Therefore, Chris can’t change his decision for such a woman.”

Baccarat knew exactly what Chris’s attitude towards women was like.

Seeing that he was still cultivating and not saying anything, this was the best answer.

Because he was really not interested and didn’t even bother to speak.

“Chris, my gut tells me that her country has what we want.”

Bakara brushed her crimson hair, her beautiful eyes looked at Chris carefully, and said with a smile: “Although I don’t know what it is, I feel very important to us and indispensable.” ”

Bakara’s words made everyone stunned.

Violet stood in front of the window, her beautiful eyes shining with doubt, completely unaware of what the woman on the other side was talking about.

Own country, what is there?

Does Chris want to take the country and occupy it?

“Sister Bakara feels lucky again, what will it be this time, I look forward to it.”

Perona floated to Bakara’s side, her beautiful eyes shining, and her pretty face was full of interest.

Karina pondered, and said in an extremely affirmative tone: “Sister Bakara can have such a deep intuition. ”

“It seems that this thing is extraordinary, precious.”

Carmen shrugged his shoulders and said casually, “Treasure is certainly impossible.” That would be all that remained, weapons and devil fruits. ”

“But I don’t think so, these things are not so important to us.”

Keya looked at Marcino, her pure and elegant face showed admiration, and muttered: “Sister Bakara’s ability is really amazing.” ”

Marcino nodded slightly, and her tone was very gentle, “Yes, she is the goddess of luck on our ship.” ”

At this time, Chris stopped practicing and thought seriously.

After all, this matter was really too important, affecting the overall plan, so that he had to pay attention to it…

(Guys, spoiler in advance, what Chris needs, not weapons, nor devil fruits.) What would that be, and would you be looking forward to it? )

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