Seeing Smogg’s body, white smoke came out again, and Cavendish couldn’t help but frown his eyebrows, with a depressed expression.

Until now, he didn’t understand why his attacks were always unable to harm Smogg.

No matter how fierce the slash is, no matter how powerful it is, it will be the same result.

So, at this point, he opened his eyes wide and focused on seeing what Chris would do and if he could hurt this guy Smogg.

“If you can defeat this bastard Smogg, then it is not impossible for Young Master Ben to join.”

There are also many people who watch carefully.

Dadi-Masdasen sat up straight, looked seriously at the direction of the execution table, and said with a solemn expression: “If nothing else, Chris will be defeated with one move.” ”

“After all, when it comes to the Nature Department, he has no way at all, and the defeat is decided.”

Lerja knew Smogg, and when she saw the white smoke on his body, she quickly clapped her little hands and said with a grin.

“Uncle Smogg is smoking again, it looks so fun~~”

“Father, is Uncle Smogg going to start catching pirates again?”

Dadi-Masdasen touched the girl’s little head and said gently: “This time it is a sea thief, you Uncle Smogg, you pay great attention to it.” ”

“The bounty of these people adds up to several hundred million, and now your Uncle Smogg, I am afraid that you will be promoted and upgraded.”

“Although he does not obey the orders of the headquarters and goes it alone, this merit will not be erased by the headquarters.”

“Girl, let’s find your uncle and let him treat you to a lot of delicious food.”

As soon as Lerjia heard the food, a sweet smile immediately bloomed on her little face, clapping her little hands, looking very happy, and her voice was childish and crisp.

“Okay, okay, this is really good, hee ~”

In the east, everyone was also watching seriously, very concerned about this battle.

Dezhayamei’s eyes did not blink, her pretty face was full of solemnity, and she said solemnly: “Here, the battle has finally begun.” ”

“Next, let’s see if Chris really has arrogant strength.”

Bartolomeo changed his expression and said very solemnly: “Smogg is so powerful, there is no reason to lose to Chris.” ”

“I just hope the battle is fought fiercely, so that it is interesting, hehehaha…”

Under the execution table.

Seeing that Smog launched an attack, Bassas couldn’t help but raise his arms and said with a loud laugh: “Dare to strike at the captain, Weihahahaha~~”

Poison Q lay on top of Strom and said with a strange smile: “The captain is notoriously ruthless, and no one can disobey him.” ”

“This navy, even if it is not killed, how can it vomit some blood, hehe…”

Akin sneered, and said with disdain on his face: “He is really tired of living, and dares to attack the captain, which is simply looking for death.” ”

Luo carried the demon knife and cried, still so cold, “It’s good that I haven’t seen the captain make a move for a long time, this is a rare opportunity.” ”

Hawkins played cards and said in a low voice: “Judging from the appearance, this Smogg has a bloody disaster today. ”

“Since you made a move on the captain, it is impossible to be kind.”

Van Oka tapped his shoulder with his gun and said expressionlessly: “This is his fate!” ”

Chloe pushed his glasses, looked up at the top of the execution table, looked very reasonable, and said.

“Speaking of which, since joining the team, I haven’t seen the captain make a move.”

“It’s a very rare one, and it’s not easy.”

Lafitte straightened his top hat and said mildly: “At the level of captain, it is indeed very difficult to see him make a move.” ”

“This is the so-called master loneliness, solitude and defeat!”

All the women looked at Smog floating in the air, and their pretty faces showed curiosity, this was the second natural ability they had seen.

Karina blinked her beautiful eyes and said with a look of surprise: “This is the so-called smoke fruit, and it really smokes white, it’s really interesting.” ”

Nami nodded, her smile was pure and sweet, “It looks white and translucent, exactly the same as the smoke in nature, it’s just thick smoke.” ”

“That’s awesome!”

But Yamei’s eyes were shining, and her gaze kept following Smogg’s figure, and her beautiful face showed admiration.

“This devil fruit looks very strong, and it feels very mysterious.”

Carmen shrugged his shoulders, sneered, and said directly: “What’s so powerful.” ”

“With Chris’s personality, it is impossible to let him go easily.”

“There is only one result for him, he will definitely lie on the ground and can’t stand.”

The Sweetheart Queen nodded gently, brushed her light blonde hair, and said with a smile: “I also see it that way.” ”

“Since Chris made a move, it must be a thunderous blow.”

At this time, Smogg had flown higher and higher, white smoke billowing behind him, spiraling forward, getting closer and closer to Chris.

His body turned into white smoke, only his head was exposed, he was holding a cigar, his eyes looked at Chris’s figure coldly, and he said with a disdainful smile.

“Chris little ghost, your indifferent appearance makes me very dissatisfied. I hope you can do this later…”

Before the words were finished, above the execution table, there was a bang, and Chris disappeared directly, unable to find any trace of him at all.



Incredibly impressive.

Smogg’s pupils shrank, and he looked horrified, he didn’t see at all how Chris had disappeared.

Before he could react, a cold voice came from above.

“Where are you looking, Smogg!”


Smog was shocked again, and was about to look up, but unexpectedly a terrifying force came from his back, and a strong and incomparable pain struck.


Smogg’s mournful scream spread throughout the square, making people feel creepy after listening to it.

I saw that he was severely stepped on by Chris on the back, and the person was like a meteorite, cutting through the void and quickly smashing to the ground.


The square shook, the ground cracked, and smoke rose high, shrouding Smogg, unable to see the situation inside.


The entire square suddenly fell silent, without the slightest sound.

Everyone stared blankly at the place where the smoke and dust were raised, their eyes unblinking, wondering how the situation was inside.

Dadi — Masdasen, instantly sat up straight, looked at the center of the square, and his face was full of shock.

His eyesight was so powerful, just now Chris stepped on Smogg’s back, he could see it clearly.

Smog was kicked!!

It really shocked him.

“Armed color domineering…”

Dadi-Masdasen looked surprised, and muttered: “Chris, this young man, can use domineering. ”

“How could he, a newcomer who has not yet entered the Great Seaway, achieve this step?”

“It’s simply unheard of, something that has never happened before.”

Leierjia shook her little feet, looked at him with a curious face, and asked with a smile: “Father, what happened to you, it seems to be shocked.” ”

“Did you find anything interesting, tell me about it~~”

Dadi-Masdasen came back to his senses, touched his girl’s little head, smiled bitterly, and said.

“Fortunately, we didn’t move, otherwise we might have gotten into trouble.”

“Sure enough, being able to be rewarded with 100 million Bailey, the strength is indeed very strong, and it cannot be underestimated.”

(Many people say water, this is the first time Chris has fought with the Navy, and the other party is Smogg.) After playing this time, the bounty was raised again, and the author was paving the way. Well, that’s the end of the next chapter, no more (* ̄) ̄). )

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