Perimeter of the square.

Looking at Smogg’s tragic situation, Dadi Masdasen couldn’t help but frown, put his right hand in his pocket, and wanted to take out the gun.

After all, he is also a righteous person with a different kind of feelings for the navy, and naturally cannot accept the scene in front of him.

However, looking at Lerjia on the side, he shook his head, sighed, and did not dare to make any moves.

“This group of people is very difficult to deal with, if they really do it, I am afraid that it will hurt the girl.”

Dadi-Masdasen gently picked up Lerja, afraid of waking her up, and stood up directly and walked forward.

Since he can’t help Smogg, what are he doing here, looking at his miserable appearance?

Soon, the two left the square and disappeared without a trace…

“The captain is ruthless enough, he won’t kick people to death, Weihahahaha~~”

Bassas raised his arms and laughed, his voice resounding throughout the square.

Poison Q lay on top of Strone, his smile was still so ugly, and he coughed and said: “If you weren’t so ruthless, you wouldn’t be a captain, hehe…”

Akin looked at Chris’s back and said with great adoration: “It’s worthy of being a captain, fast and ruthless, one kick, more trouble.” ”

“Looking at this situation, the internal organs must be injured, and it will not be better without ten days and a half month.”

Luo carried the demon knife and cried, as always cold, and said.

Hawkins nodded, put away the card, and said in a low voice: “He didn’t show his death face, it’s just a bloody disaster, and it will be fine.” ”

Van Oka looked at the perimeter of the square, tapped his gun on the shoulder, and said expressionlessly: “There was a gunman just now, and it seems that he wants to do something to us.” ”

“I know the man.”

Chloe habitually pushed his glasses with his palm, and reason spoke up, “He is a bounty hunter, Dadi with children.” ”

“As a gunman, his eyesight must be very good, and he must know that he is not the captain’s opponent and will never dare to draw a gun.”

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and said: “It’s like the captain said, if you want to attack us, send at least one warship over.” ”

“This time the captain hit the colonel of the headquarters, and the strength was shown, and the bounty was only afraid that it would rise to 150 million.”

After speaking, he walked directly to Cavendish and prepared to rescue him.

As the deputy captain, he did a very good job in this area, and there was no need for Chris to say anything.

It’s a very competent co-captain!!

“Sure enough, I was beaten and vomited blood, I deserved it!”

Karina rolled her beautiful eyes, showing a cunning color, and said with a smile: “People who dare to make a move with Chris do not exist yet, this is simply death.” ”

Perona nodded repeatedly, incomparably agreeing, “I really think that if you are a natural ability, you can be lawless, dream.” ”

“Speaking of which, Chris didn’t hit hard, it’s already very good.” The Sweetheart Queen brushed her light blonde hair, and said with a smile.

“It has not been many days since we became the Seven Martial Seas, and at this time, more is better than less, this is his fate.”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette and said lightly: “It doesn’t have much to do with this.” The main thing is that he did not challenge Chris’s bottom line, otherwise he would definitely die. ”

Yarlita smiled, her eyebrows curved, and she was extremely charming, “After this time, our Chris Pirate Group will definitely be famous all over the world.” ”


Near the execution table, a simple private house.

Knock knock~~

Outside the door, there was a crisp knock on the door, and at the same time the voices of Bartolomeo and Dezaya sounded.

“Master Po, open the door quickly, find you something.”

With a crunch, the wooden door was slowly opened, and out came a woman with an old face, the so-called grandmother.

She held a newspaper in her hand, smiled kindly and asked, “You two little guys, have you caused something again?” ”

“Talk about it, as long as you say it, Grandma will forgive you.”

Dezaya ruffled his red and yellow hair, and a sweet and cute smile appeared on his beautiful and beautiful face, and he quickly said.

“No, Master Po.”

“We came to you for something else.”

At this time, Bartolomeo saw the newspaper in Po’s hand, his eyes lit up, and he quickly explained.

“Grandma, the thing we want to say is this Chris in the newspaper.”

“Just now, he came to Rogue Town, where he was at the execution table, and fought with Smogg.”

Shaking his head, he continued: “No, no, this is simply a one-sided battle, and it didn’t start. ”

“Smogg was directly killed by Chris’s kick, and he didn’t even have the strength to resist, lying on the ground like a dead dog.”

“By the way, Grandma, that Chris said, he will go to the Great Passage next, and then he will kill the Seven Wuhai Klockdar and become the Seven Wuhai himself.”

“Now that he’s hiring new people at the execution table, we want to join his team, do you think it’s okay?”

Hearing this, the grandmother, who had always held the Zhizhu in her hand, showed surprise on her face, and said in disbelief: “You just said that Smog was defeated by him. ”

Wrinkled his sparse white eyebrows, his old face was full of doubts, and he said to himself.

“Smogg is a natural ability, and he was defeated by Chris, it seems that this young man’s strength is much stronger than I thought.”

“I haven’t entered the Great Passage yet, but I have learned that special ability, and I am really a young man with potential.”

“No wonder the Navy wants to offer a reward of 100 million Baileys, so it is.”

Po looked at Bartolomeo and Dezaya and said with an amiable smile: “Since he is recruiting new members, if you are interested, then go to sea.” ”

“Stay in Rogue Town all the time, you can’t grow up, it’s better to go to the Great Passage and learn more.”

“And, if my guess is correct, Chris, this little guy, will definitely become a Nanabukai.”

“Following him, your future is still very good.”

Dezhaya’s beautiful eyes lit up, and her pretty face showed joy, and said with a smile: “Master Po, you think so too.” ”

“I am also optimistic about Chris, and I think he will definitely become a big man in the future, and there will definitely be a head with him.”

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, his smile was very ugly, like a devil, and said.

“Since Master Po does not object, then we will follow him to the sea.”

“Master Grandma, when we have a problem, we will call you and ask you for help.”

“After all, you are the wisest old man in town, and you know the most.”

Grandma waved her hand and said gently: “Okay, go quickly, don’t let them wait too long.” ”

“Grandma is waiting for your triumphant return here, and when the time comes, remember to tell Grandma all kinds of interesting facts about the journey.”

Dezaya and Bartolomeo quickly nodded, bowed to Grandma, and said in unison, respectfully: “Then let’s go, goodbye Grandma.” ”

After speaking, the two did not hesitate, quickly turned around, and walked in the direction of the execution table.

Grandma stood quietly, watching them leave, and the vicissitudes of her face showed a look of memory, and she spoke to herself.

“Roger, you are right, the era of great navigation has really come.”

“Now the sea is really getting more and more lively, and countless new people have poured out, one by one, full of potential, all of them are seeded players in the new era.”

“After some ups and downs, they will definitely thrive and become towering trees that will deter the entire sea.”

“You guy must be very happy to see such a lively scene, Roger.”

Grandma shook her head slightly, didn’t think about anything more, gently covered the wooden door, and continued to read the newspaper…

(I haven’t asked for a monthly pass for a long time, big guy, can you send a monthly pass to the author fungus, thank you guys, bow and thank you ( ̄) ̄).) )

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