Five hours later.

Chris, inside the cultivation room.

“This is the Great Passage, and the climate is really changing, it’s really weird.”

Nami stood in front of the window, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, wiped the fragrant sweat on her forehead, and her pretty face showed emotion, and muttered.

“Just now it was a heavy rainstorm, but now it is a big sun, the climate is completely reversed, no wonder people keep saying that this is a dangerous sea.”

Nuo Qigao nodded, sighed, and said with a wry smile: “One moment the weather is hot and dead, and the next it snows heavily, and the changes are too powerful.” ”

“These few hours make me feel like I’ve spent a whole year.”

Yarlita brandished a large iron rod, cultivated armed color domineering, and said with a smile: “Listen to Chris, these are nothing.” ”

“When you enter the second half of the Great Passage, that is, the New World, the weather changes there are really terrifying.”

Meti brushed her light blonde hair, her eyebrows curved and said: “Yes, Chris said that the sea there is choppy, lightning and thunder, extremely dangerous.” ”

“So the one we are encountering now is actually nothing, it’s all a small trouble.”

Carmen waved his hand, quickly retorted, and said.

“That being said, the weather change just now is probably too big.”

“I’ve never seen such weird weather, a few minutes ago it was raining heavily, and a few minutes later the sun was scorching, it was really scary.”

Marcino nodded slightly, still so gentle and kind, and smiled delicately, “I was also scared just now.” ”

“As soon as I put on thick clothes, it turned out to be hot, and then it was heavy rain and lightning.”

“What happened all year round, in these few hours, it all happened.”

“This is really incredible!!”

Keya sat on the chair, her smile was sweet and pure, just like the sister next door, especially cute, and said.

“I’ve already written it all down, I won’t forget it.”

“When the time comes, when I see my father, I can tell him what I saw and heard during the journey, hee~~”

Dezaya sat on the deck to rest, ruffled his red and yellow hair, and said with a slight smile: “Speaking of which, Chris knows a lot.” ”

“Before entering the Great Channel, I already know what kind of situation is behind it, it’s really powerful.”

The Sweetheart Queen held the barbell, and the sweat slipped from her pretty face and dripped onto the deck, saying it very casually.

“Chris is a strong man, and it’s normal to know more.”

“Anyway, from the first day I knew him, he has the ability to solve all the problems I encounter, and there have never been exceptions.”

Betty waved a big flag, cultivated the Devil Fruit, and said calmly as always: “Anyway, this guy has always been so mysterious and never reveals too many things. ”

Lei Jiu cocked Erlang’s legs, Yingying smiled and said: “Didn’t Chris say it, low-key is king.” ”

“Spending all day is not the work of the strong, so isn’t it better to talk less?”

Just then, an alarm sounded outside.


“Above the sea ahead, there is a man and a woman! The sea ahead…”

Hearing the voice of the siren, the women couldn’t help but glance at each other, and their pretty faces showed curiosity.

Karina shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: “According to my experience, everyone who appears in front of us has a certain effect. ”

“After all, Sister Bakara will bring good luck.”

Perona floated around in the air, letting out a silver bell-like laugh and agreed.

“That’s right, there must be something wrong with these two people, and that woman must be very beautiful, haha

Carmen looked at Perona, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: “Just like what I thought, I think so too.” ”

“Anyway, every time a woman appears, none of them look ugly, which has become a wise saying.”

Nuo Qi raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: “Speaking of which, this is the first group of people we have met since we entered the Great Passage.” ”

“I don’t know if the people here are the same as the four seas, it should be similar.”

Mei Ti brushed her light blonde hair and said elegantly and generously: “Then it must be the same.” ”

Bakara brushed his crimson hair, smiled dignified and noble, and said, “You guys continue to practice, I’ll go out and take a look.” ”

“Those guys are ruthless, if you don’t stop it, maybe those two people will be killed.”

Lei Jiu nodded slightly, and said with crooked eyebrows: “Chris will definitely not go out, they have no one to care, and it is really possible to do such a thing.” ”

“Let’s go, I’ll accompany you out and see how beautiful this woman really looks.”

Marcino looked at the two of them, her beautiful eyes were shining, and she said gently and generously: “It’s okay if I’m idle anyway, let’s go out with you.” ”

Keya quickly followed and said, “And me, don’t forget me.” ”

Then, all the women stood up one after another, walked gracefully, and slowly walked outside…

Above deck.

“I haven’t been able to see half a figure, and now there is finally someone, Weihahahaha~~”

Bashas raised his arms and said with a loud laugh: “But the special lady, as soon as you touch someone, are you going to come to the rescue?” ”

“When we’re philanthropists, we think too much.”

Poison Q leaned on the recliner and said with a strange smile: “If you manage so much, fire a cannon and kill them directly.” ”

Akin waved his fist, and said in a cold voice, “The male can be killed, and the female must stay.” ”

“After all, the captain is the strongest, and there can’t be a woman around him.”

Bartolomeo kept conjuring up a barrier, working hard to cultivate, nodded and said: “In my opinion, as long as it is a beauty, then it belongs to the captain.” ”

“No matter who wants to rob a woman with the captain, Lao Tzu will not agree.”

Luo carried the demon knife and cried, as cold as ever, “Are you thinking too much, is the captain such a person?” ”

Hawkins put away the card and said with a dead look: “Judging by the appearance, the captain is still a single person and does not have that kind of relationship with a woman. ”

Cavendish glanced sideways at Hawkins, looked speechless, and said.

“Even you can see this, do you want to be so ruthless.”

Chloe pushed his glasses and said calmly: “You don’t need to look at it at all, how can you have a relationship with a woman as a captain.” ”

“Although there are many beautiful women on board, the captain is clean and self-sufficient, and he will not be swayed by women at all, which is a true hero.”

Van Oka looked at the sea level in front of him and said expressionlessly: “This woman, with blue hair and a beautiful face, is a beautiful woman again.” ”

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and said gently: “Anyway, everyone remembers, if you meet a beautiful woman, then put it on the boat.” ”

“As for the man, accept it if you have the strength. If you don’t have the strength, just slaughter. ”

At this moment, on the sea ahead, there was a cry for help.

“Save us, please save us…”

Bashasi looked at the victims who were getting closer and closer, sneered, and said loudly: “Why, who do you think you are?” ”

“Can’t we not save you? Just kidding, we are pirates, and we are not good people, save people this kind of thing, just think about it. ”

Ah Jin looked at the two people and said with an indifferent expression: “Being able to be shipwrecked at sea shows that the strength is average.” ”

“The woman will let her on the boat, and the man will kill her directly.”

Listening to these people’s words, Mr.9 and Princess Weiwei couldn’t help but glance at each other, and their faces showed horror.

Mr.9 held the plank, drifted with the current, and said with a wry smile: “We are really unlucky, we were overturned by the waves, and now we have met such people.” ”

“Look at them one by one, they may really do something to us later.”

Princess Vivi nodded, her absolutely beautiful white face showed helplessness, sighed, and said in a pleasant voice.

“I’m better, it’s a woman, they shouldn’t kill me.”

“But you’re different, they don’t seem to like you, and they’re likely to kill you.”

“Alas, if there is no food in the town, how could we come out and hunt the whale Rab, it is really bad.”

Mr.9 looked at her and smiled and fawned, “Miss-Wednesday, we are partners, you must intercede for me.” ”

“We took on the task of hunting and killing Rab together, and we encountered a shipwreck, which can be described as the same illness.”

“So, if they plan to do something to me later, you must help me and say good things for me, thank you, Miss-Wednesday.”

Princess Wei Wei nodded gently, smiled, and said beautifully: “Don’t worry, if they want to do it, I will definitely help you talk.” ”

“It’s a big deal, we won’t get on their boat, just drift down like this, and we’ll always find a refuge.”

Mr.9 sighed, looking depressed, “The sea of people is vast, if we can’t find the island, we will starve to death at sea.” ”

“So, no matter what, we have to get on this ship.” Even if you kneel and beg them, you will not hesitate. ”

At this time, Van Oka looked at Lafitte, tapped his gun on the shoulder, and said solemnly: “Do you want to kill the man, let the woman on the boat.” ”

Poison Q coughed and smiled ugly, “The captain has not come out until now, which means that these two people are useless.” ”

“Van–Oka, don’t hesitate, aim at the heads of both of them, one shot per person, hehe~~”

Cavendish wielded Durandle and practiced swordsmanship, “For ladies, you can’t be so fierce, be gentle.”

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and I saw Bakara leading the women and walking over.

“It’s really two people.”

Karina also followed, her beautiful eyes looked at the blue-haired woman in front, and said with a smile: “Not bad, it’s really a beauty, let her get on the boat.” ”

Perona fluttered around and nodded her little head, “And it’s blue-haired, which is relatively rare.” ”

Lei Jiu also looked at Princess Weiwei, touched her white chin, and said with a smile: “At such a young age, she looks so beautiful.” ”

“If it is in a few years, it will not be a great beauty who will fall in love with the country.”

Bakara brushed his crimson hair and said with a smile: “It’s really beautiful, and it will definitely be amazing in the future.” ”

Mr.9 and Princess Vivi saw the woman appear on the boat, their faces showed excitement, and they knew that the opportunity had finally come.

“Great, women are very good at talking, now we are saved.” Mr.9 smiled and said quickly.

Princess Wei Wei nodded, her eyebrows curved, and her face showed a look of surprise, and said: “Yes, I look at those sisters, they are very gentle.” ”

“As long as we call them for help, they will definitely help.”

Then, the two shouted in unison.

“Save us, please all beauties save us, please…”

(Finally full 20 people deduct 1, this is the number of the sheep: 1, 0, 2, 9, 9, 9, 6, 7, 7, 5.) If you are interested, you can add it to it. However, the author bacteria are busy, and the number of occurrences must be less. Also, the above is a photo of Princess Vivi, so there is no need to introduce “( ̄) ̄)”. )

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