Two days later.

Chris, inside the cultivation room.

“Well, isn’t it very emotional.”

Lei Jiu held Erlang’s legs, her jade hand supported her delicate chin, her beautiful eyes looked at Princess Weiwei, and she said elegantly and noblely.

“Here, tell me what you think, Vivi.”

Karina nodded, also looked at Princess Vivi, and said with a smile: “After reading Chris’s quotes, you must have an idea, it’s time to publish it.” ”

Perona floated around in the air and let out a crisp laugh, “Head-to-head, let’s talk about it, Princess Vivi, hahaha

Yarlita brandished a large iron rod, cultivated armed color domineering, and said with a smile.

“Anyway, when I first got on the boat, I was really shocked when I saw these materials.”

“I have to say that Chris’s consciousness is really not comparable to ordinary people, it’s too powerful.”

Marcino raised her eyebrows and said very gently: “This is the world of the strong, our strength is too low, naturally we do not have such vision and insight.” ”

At this time, Princess Vivi ruffled her aqua blue hair, her beautiful eyes looked at the women, her beautiful and delicate face showed emotion, and she muttered.

“It’s amazing, it’s really too strong.”

“Chris’s ideological consciousness is definitely the most powerful one among the people I have seen, and there is no one.”

“Lions and tigers are always solitaries, only foxes and dogs are in packs.”

Princess Vivi looked at the man in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of admiration, and she said with admiration: “Chris’s words are very deep and reasonable.” ”

“The strong choose to go alone, doomed to loneliness. And the weak are reported to the group for warmth, and every day they eat and wait for death, full of complaints. ”

The Sweetheart Queen nodded, leaned against the table, and said with a smile: “That’s right, the beast is alone, and the cattle and sheep are formed, this is an immortal truth.” ”

“Speaking of which, after following Chris, my thinking height has improved a lot, hee~~”

Betty waved a big flag, cultivated the Devil Fruit ability, and said lightly: “With Chris here, even a pig can become smart.” ”

Karina shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile.

“How to say, anyway, I think Chris is a guide, leading everyone to the other side of success.”

Nuo Qi brushed her blue hair and said with a clever smile: “What everyone says is becoming more and more philosophical, proper literati.” ”

Nami leaned back in her chair, stretched her legs, looked at the chart with beautiful eyes, and said with a big grin.

“I have also read that quote, and the content in it is indeed worth learning from everyone, there is no doubt about this.”

Just then, an alarm sounded outside the door.


“Islands are found ahead and whiskey peaks are about to be reached! Found ahead…”

Hearing the voice of the siren, all the women looked at each other, and their pretty faces showed beautiful smiles, very beautiful.

Nami waved her little hand, looked excited, and said excitedly: “It’s not easy to finally reach the first island.” ”

Karina nodded, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she said with a smile: “Since entering the Great Passage, this is the first land we have encountered. ”

“In any case, you have to go down and see, it’s a memorable thing.”

Meti brushed her light blonde hair and said with a smile, “When you get here, the man named Mr.9 can let him off the boat.” ”

Carmen shrugged his shoulders and teased, “That guy has been nervous these two days, and he was scared by Bashas.” ”

The Sweetheart Queen wiped the fragrant sweat on her forehead and said casually: “Those guys are ruthless, can he not be afraid?” ”

“If you dare to say more, you will already be buried in the belly of a fish by now, where can you still see him.”

Princess Vivi looked at them, blinked her eyes wide, smiled sweetly and cutely, and explained.

“This whisky peak, the people inside are very enthusiastic and welcome the passengers who land there.”

“But actually, it’s a gathering place for bounty hunters, who specialize in hunting passing pirates in the town.”

“Moreover, this town is actually a branch of the Baroque Work Society, but few people know it.”

Yarlita put away the big iron rod, stopped cultivating, and said generously: “This is interesting, one set on the surface, and another set behind it.” ”

“I have never seen such a town, and I will definitely take a good look at it later.”

Keya looked at Princess Vivi, her eyebrows curved, and asked with a sweet smile: “It shouldn’t be like this in other places, only whiskey peaks will be like this, right?” ”

Wei Wei nodded, and said with a smile: “This will not be the case in other towns, only here is an exception.” ”

“But we don’t have to worry, those are ordinary people, and there is not much combat effectiveness at all.”

Dezaya wiped his fine sweat with a towel, and after cultivating, he definitely said in a tone.

“When the meeting lands there, those guys outside will inevitably make a move, which is unavoidable.”

At this time, Bakara looked at the man’s figure, brushed his crimson hair, smiled gently, and said dignified and elegant.

“Chris, I feel lucky coming.”

Hearing this, all the women quickly stopped chatting, and looked at Bakara in unison, their beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

“Get out.”

Chris was as decisive as ever, and walked directly to the door.

Perona floated around in the air, letting out a silver bell-like laugh, and said happily: “I haven’t met good luck for a long time, I’m really looking forward to it, ha

The Sweetheart Queen smiled slightly and followed: “It’s been a while, it’s not easy.” ”

“Is this the fruit ability of Sister Bakara?”

Princess Wei Wei looked at Bakara, her beautiful eyes lit up, and her pretty face showed surprise, and she sighed.

“It’s incredible, it’s amazing to feel good luck coming.”

Lei Jiuxiu’s eyebrows curved, and Yingying smiled and said: “Don’t be surprised, slowly get used to it.” ”

“Speaking of which, the good luck this time should be the Devil Fruit.”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette, still so calm, “The old lady thinks that this time it should be a new person to join.” ”

Then, all the women talked and laughed, stood up one after another, and walked to the door…

Above deck.

“It’s finally here, thank goodness~~”

Mr.9 stood by the railing, looking in the direction of the whiskey peak, with an extremely happy look on his face, and finally liberated.

In the past few days, he is really scared, can’t eat well and can’t sleep, for fear of being killed by these fierce guys.

It’s so scary!!

“Special, after sailing for so many days, I finally reached the first island, Weihahahaha…”

Bashas raised his arms and laughed, in a good mood.

Poison Q leaned on the recliner and said with a strange smile: “This is the first island, how can I leave a memorial and directly destroy the town.” ”

Van Oka tapped his shoulder with his gun and said expressionlessly: “The shape is very similar to a cactus, this is the so-called cactus island.” ”

“The climate of the Great Passage is completely different from that of the four seas, so the natural landscape of the island must be different from the four seas.”

Luo held the demon knife and cried, as always cold, and said.

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, and his smile was very ugly, “I hope the strength is not too weak, let Lao Tzu practice the latest skills.” ”

Chloe habitually pushed his glasses and said reasonably: “It just so happens that there is not much food on the ship, you can grab it and replenish it.” ”

“This is the first time to land on a small island in the Great Passage, and I am really excited.” Lafitte turned his cane and looked polite.

(Guys, it’s a whiskey mountain on top.) This is the first island to land, so here are the pictures to give you a more intuitive feeling. )

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