Although his current strength is very strong, after all, he can't completely control his strength, if he can't control his strength, when the time comes, he will definitely be eaten by this big fish king, then his loss will be heavy, so he must control his strength, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

This base leader led a group of alien beast legions to search in this area for a long time, but still did not find Chen Chen, and finally Chen Chen took the initiative to contact these alien beast legions, told them what happened here, and then asked them to help search.

After the base chief and the others got the news, they were immediately excited, and hurriedly gathered a large number of alien beast legions, and then began to look for Chen Chen's traces everywhere in this area, and at the same time called all the alien beasts in this area back, so that these alien beast legions could find Chen Chen's whereabouts together.

This group of alien beast legions searched in this area, and soon found Chen Chen, and rescued Chen Chen, these alien beast legions are all level 20 alien beasts, and Chen Chen's strength is only level ten, and it is also a primary alien beast, these alien beast legions don't take Chen Chen in their eyes at all, just a few level 20 alien beasts can kill Chen Chen.

At this time, the army of alien beasts flew towards the big fish king, surrounded the big fish king, and then bombarded the big fish king, and the base commander also commanded his subordinates to attack the big fish king.

The attacks of these alien beast legions are very sharp, and this big fish king is also defeated under the attack of these alien beast legions, constantly making screaming sounds, although its defense is strong, but under the crazy attack of these alien beast legions, it is still gradually beaten to pieces, blood stains the sea red, turning the sea surface into blood red.

Chen Chen stood on the edge of the coast, quietly watching the scene in the seawater, and sighed secretly in his heart, the strength of these alien beast legions is too strong, this big fish king is not the opponent of these alien beast legions at all, no matter how they resist, it will not be of the slightest use, they will only be beaten weaker and weaker.

Chen Chen saw that the alien beast army on the coast was constantly attacking frantically against this big fish king, and this big fish king also let out an angry roar, constantly rushing towards Chen Chen, wanting to tear Chen Chen apart, but Chen Chen stood still in place, his eyes flashing with coldness, staring at all this on the sea.

"Poof... Poof... Every

time the Big Fish King pounced, Chen Chen easily dodged it, and whenever the Big Fish King wanted to continue attacking, Chen Chen always punched it in the head, and then knocked it to the ground.


At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from the sea, and I saw that the big fish king's body moved, and suddenly rose into the sky, and it flew towards the sky, wanting to leave this sea area.

"Hmph, where to go!" Seeing

that this big fish king wanted to leave this sea area, Chen Chen snorted coldly, jumped up, and flew up, chasing after this big fish king.

Seeing this big fish king flying into the sky, Chen Chen also chased after this big fish king violently, and kept throwing a punch and smashing it into the head of this big fish king.

Although this big fish king has a huge body and is very fast, how can its speed catch up with Chen Chen? Soon, Chen Chen chased after it, and the speed of this big fish king gradually slowed down.

At this moment, the body of the big fish king suddenly shrunk in a circle, and then its body suddenly became ten meters long, and then opened its mouth to bite Chen Chen, and when the big fish king opened his mouth to bite it, his mouth opened very wide, and a fishy venom spewed out from his mouth, attacking Chen Chen.

Chen Chen was shocked, the venom spewed out by this big fish king opening his mouth turned out to be poisonous, he hurriedly dodged the invasion of this poisonous mist, and constantly sent a punch at this big fish king.

At the same time that this big fish king opened his mouth to bite Chen Chen, Chen Chen's fist also smashed the big fish king's mouth, and suddenly let out a muffled sound, and this big fish king's mouth also spewed out a large amount of venom, spreading around.

As soon as these venoms touched the water of these oceans, they suddenly became extremely poisonous, and these venoms fell on the seawater, and suddenly a thick black smoke came out, turning the entire sea water into black smoke.

The venom fell onto the seawater and suddenly became extremely poisonous, turning the entire sea into black smoke.

Although these venoms are extremely poisonous, they can't help Chen Chen, after all, Chen Chen's defense is too high, although these poisons are powerful, they don't hurt Chen Chen in the slightest.

Seeing that Chen Chen blocked the venom's attack, the big fish king couldn't help but be stunned, and then its face became ugly, its face became pale, and its body began to shake.

Chen Chen glanced at this big fish king, and then said: "I said that you are really stupid, no wonder you will be caught by us, your big fish king is not only useless, but also useless, just because you are such a beast and still want to fight with us? I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, you are not my opponent at all." (To be continued.)

Hearing Chen Chen's sarcasm, the body of this big fish king couldn't help but tremble, it knew that Chen Chen's words were right, in the face of absolute strength, it didn't even have the ability to resist at all, and these of its subordinates were indeed not the opponents of Chen Chen and this big fish king.

"Roar, roar, roar...

The big fish king roared angrily, it wanted to let its subordinates attack Chen Chen as much as possible, but these subordinates stopped attacking it one after another, and instead stood far away, without any expression.

Seeing this scene, this big fish king was in a hurry, but he couldn't order his subordinates to attack Chen Chen, it knew that if it continued to delay, then it would be dangerous, although its subordinates were very brave, but none of them were Chen Chen's opponents, and these subordinates were not opponents of the other party when facing the best of these sea beasts.

Seeing that these subordinates had stopped attacking, the mood of this big fish king was even more depressed, it knew that it was already in a predicament, if Chen Chen continued to pursue, then it would definitely be caught up by Chen Chen, and, at that time, Chen Chen didn't need to make a move, as long as he had a thought, these of his subordinates would die under Chen Chen's attack.

Thinking of this, the big fish king couldn't help shouting: "Brothers, don't stop, continue to run forward, keep running to the depths of the seabed, even if you are desperate, I will lure Chen Chen to the bottom of the sea, so that I can have a chance to escape, I believe you, as long as you stick to the bottom of the sea, you will have a chance to leave this place."

These sea beasts were shocked when they heard the words of the big fish king, but they didn't dare to disobey the order of the big fish king, so they began to run away one after another, while Chen Chen looked at the fleeing big fish king coldly, his eyes were cold.

This big fish king felt Chen Chen's cold gaze, it knew that Chen Chen had already moved the killing intent, so it didn't dare to continue to escape, so it also turned its head sharply, aimed at Chen Chen, a pair of eyes glared at Chen Chen viciously, and said: "Human." You don't want to succeed.

"You stupid fish. I really don't know what to do, since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!" Chen Chen sneered, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

After that, Chen Chen's figure disappeared above the sea in an instant, and then appeared in front of this big fish king, stretched out his palm, and slammed towards this big fish king, his figure left a vague shadow on the sea, and it was not clear how Chen Chen appeared in front of the big fish king.


Chen Chen's palm slapped fiercely at the head of the big fish king, and the big fish king quickly opened his big mouth, and a black column of smoke shot out from the mouth of the big fish king and sprayed towards Chen Chen.

Chen Chen's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but he didn't dodge, but stretched out his palms, held the two black smoke columns on the left and the right, and pinched and exploded the two black smoke columns vigorously, which suddenly turned into a poisonous mist in the sky, spreading out to all sides.

As soon as these two black poisonous mist sprayed onto the ground, a puff of green smoke suddenly rose from the ground, and then the hard rocks instantly melted, turning into ashes and falling to the ground.

The corners of Chen Chen's mouth hooked up a sneer: "With the poisonous mist of garbage like you, do you still want to stop my steps?" It's just a dream, I see that you don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin, today, I have to eat you." With

that, Chen Chen's figure continued to gallop forward.


The big fish king let out a crazy roar, it knew that if it continued to let Chen Chen catch up, then it would be completely finished, so it launched a strong offensive again, it wanted to intercept Chen Chen.

Seeing this big fish king attacking Chen Chen again, this big fish king's subordinates couldn't help but be stunned, and then, these sea beasts all attacked Chen Chen one after another.

Seeing these sea beasts attacking him, Chen Chen's face suddenly showed a cold look, and then a golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and his figure disappeared in place, and the next moment, Chen Chen had already appeared in front of this big fish king.


Chen Chen's palm slammed into the body of the big fish king, Chen Chen punched the big fish king, the huge body of the big fish king suddenly flew out upside down, rolled a few times on the surface of the sea, and finally fell back into the sea, and at the moment of falling into the sea, the big fish king suddenly screamed, its body was beaten to a thousand holes, blood continued to gush out, flowing its body, dyeing its body red.

"Whew!" the

big fish king howled unwillingly, then opened his mouth wide and spewed out clouds of poisonous mist.

But Chen Chen didn't pay any attention to its poisonous mist at all, and his figure rushed forward again, attacking the big fish king again.

Although these poisonous fogs are powerful, they may be okay to deal with ordinary monks, but for Chen Chen, who has cultivated the magical technique of "Five Thunder God Palms", it is a piece of cake, his body is constantly jumping in the air, whenever his figure appears in mid-air, he will cast the "Five Thunder God Palms", and attack the big fish king, beating the big fish king to retreat, constantly retreating, and then falling to the bottom of the sea, constantly rolling and struggling, extremely painful.

This scene made these sea beasts of these sea clans tremble, they could see that this big fish king was completely vulnerable in front of Chen Chen, and Chen Chen's speed was also as fast as thunder, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared beside the big fish king, and then stepped on the head of the big fish king, and trampled the big fish king to lie on the bottom of the sea, unable to move.

Seeing that this big fish king was killed by Chen Chen in one move, the hearts of these sea beasts couldn't help but rise with fear.

Although this big fish king is the leader of the Sea Clan, it is not a real Sea Clan after all, its body is just a demon weapon, and it does not have the strength of the Sea Emperor, but it is such a strength, and it was easily killed by Chen Chen, which made these sea beasts feel extremely shocked in their hearts At the same time, they were also full of fear, which was an instinctive fear, therefore, their eyes looking at Chen Chen were full of awe, and even, there was a faint hint of fear.

"I don't care what kind of sea clan the big fish king you are, or the big fish king in your big fish king's palace, since you want to devour me, then don't blame me. Chen Chen looked at this big fish king indifferently and shouted coldly.

Although this big fish king is the big fish king of the sea clan, but their wisdom is not high, and their strength is not very good, as soon as Chen Chen makes a move, they have no chance to fight back at all, and Chen Chen is too lazy to waste time, he just needs to kill this big fish king, and then kill all these sea beasts, it is enough, there is no need to waste time with this big fish king, so he shot directly.

"Boom... A

loud noise rang out, and then a huge black dragon appeared, and its tail slammed into the body of the big fish king, and the body of the big fish king flew out, and slammed into the shore with a violent roar, and then the whole sea shook violently.

Seeing the big fish king being whipped out with a whip, these sea beasts were also shocked, their eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable expression, they didn't expect that their eldest brother, this powerful and incomparable sea clan king, couldn't even resist Chen Chen's move, and was thrown out, this is really incredible, could it be that he is really stronger than the extremely powerful sea clan king?

The sea beasts couldn't help but be a little scared, they all looked at Chen Chen, their eyes revealing a thick look of fear.

Chen Chen didn't notice this, his divine sense emanated, probing the nearby situation, he sensed that there should be a large number of sea clans lurking nearby, but their strength is relatively weak, unlike this big fish king, the strength is very strong, Chen Chen estimates, at least it is also a great monk of the Yuanying realm, but they have not shown up yet, and they dare not make a rash move.

The strength of these Sea Clans is not weak, they have all reached the strength of the Jindan Stage, and there are still many of them, if Chen Chen kills them at once, he will definitely attract reinforcements from other Sea Clans, so he must kill them slowly.

So, Chen Chen sat in the sea area, waiting for the arrival of the other sea tribes, and he was ready to use the divine fire in his hands to burn these sea tribes to death first.

He took out the Divine Fire, the temperature of the Divine Fire was very high, and it contained extremely powerful fire attribute spiritual power and thunder and lightning power, which could incinerate everything.

The stronger the power of the divine fire, the greater the help to him, what Chen Chen needs most now is to improve his strength, as long as his strength is improved, he can more easily deal with other sea clans.


Chen Chen took a deep breath, controlled the divine fire to burn the water vapor in the sea area into thick smoke, and then, Chen Chen ran the exercises recorded in the "Five Thunder Divine Palms", and released the divine fire violently, and one after another flames rushed out of the divine fire and flew towards the sea area.

"Shhh A

piercing scream came from the bottom of the sea, and soon, Chen Chen heard the sound of a lot of water rushing out of the seabed, these currents kept washing on the sea surface, washing the sea water away, and the water columns rose to the sky, spreading out to the surroundings.

In this sea area, there were suddenly monstrous waves, splashes in the sky, and columns of water that rose to the sky broke through the sky, as if it had rained a torrential rain.

In the screams of those sea tribe big fish kings, the entire sea area suddenly boiled, setting off endless huge waves, the sea water was rolling, and the thick water columns on the sea surface kept rolling.

Chen Chen stood in the void, quietly waiting, these sea clan big fish kings were all underwater, Chen Chen was not worried about them escaping, because they didn't have this chance at all, as soon as they came out of the water, they would immediately encounter the scorching of the divine fire, and there would be only one way to die at that time.

Chen Chen waited, waiting for the Sea Clan Great Fish King above the sea to escape, and then chased and killed them.

Time passed slowly, Chen Chen stood quietly in the sea area, a pair of eyes calmly watching all the changes in the sea area, he always had a smile on his face, as if he was very confident in his plan.

After another time of about a stick of incense, all of a sudden, Chen Chen's eyes narrowed, staring at

the slow passage of time, Chen Chen stood quietly in the sea area, a pair of eyes calmly watching all the changes in the sea area, he always had a smile on his face, as if he was very confident in his plan.

After about a stick of incense, all of a sudden, Chen Chen's eyes narrowed, staring at a piece of water in front of him, only to see that there was a continuous flow of water on the sea surface rushing into the sky, constantly washing this sea area on the sea surface, and in front of that sea area, a huge ship was galloping towards this side, looking at the flag on the ship, it was the army of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"It's finally here. A smile appeared on Chen Chen's face, and then, his figure flashed and disappeared in place, and then when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the big ship.

On this big ship, there are many armies of the Great Xia Kingdom, the army of the Great Xia Kingdom, a total of three hundred warships, all of which are composed of ironclad giants, and each ironclad giant has the strength of the middle stage of the Jiedan, which can be regarded as an elite army in the Great Xia Kingdom, and is generally responsible for guarding the border passes.

Chen Chen stood in front of the big ship, quietly looking at the huge warship in front of him.

"Whoa... The

warship stopped when it was less than a kilometer away from Chen Chen, stopped sailing, stopped in mid-air, and then rushed out of the cabin several Dan Stage cultivators, they saw Chen Chen standing in front clearly, they all frowned slightly, they didn't understand who Chen Chen was, and he actually dared to stop the ship of the Great Xia Kingdom.

When these soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom saw Chen Chen standing in front, their faces showed anger, and they stared at Chen Chen with fierce eyes, and a fierce aura was released from them, making Chen Chen feel the pressure doubled.

"This kid dares to stop the ships of our Great Xia Kingdom, it's just bold, I think, let's arrest him and send him to His Majesty to ask for guilt!" The leader of the Great Han of the Yudan Period said in a deep voice.

"There's no need to ask for guilt, this kid is Chen Chen. Another cultivator said.

"Chen Chen, is that the cultivator who has just returned from overseas?

is he Chen Chen?" "That's right, it's him, he is Chen Chen who killed the sea wolf, and he also defeated a kraken king, he is the ancestor of the kraken clan, and his strength is extremely strong. The cultivator on the side replied.

"Hahaha... Sure enough, it's Chen Chen, I heard that his strength is very powerful, but I didn't expect that when I saw him today, his strength surprised me, he is Chen Chen, that Chen Chen?" said the cultivator on the side with a smile.

These cultivators all knew Chen Chen, after all, Chen Chen's deeds had already spread throughout the entire Sea Clan, and they had seen it with their own eyes, and they had also seen Chen Chen's great power above the sea with their own eyes, although these cultivators didn't know how Chen Chen did it, they all knew that Chen Chen's strength was very strong.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect you to be Chen Chen, you really don't look bad, it looks like your skin is also very good!" A big man in the Dan stage laughed, looking at Chen Chen naked.

Hearing this big man's words, the other cultivators all laughed, looking at Chen Chen's gaze with a mocking look, full of disdain, mockery, and disdain.

"You are looking for death!" The

coldness on Chen Chen's face suddenly appeared, his eyes were extremely cold, he didn't expect that this group of people would dare to humiliate him in front of so many people, this was slapping him in the face.

"Are you Chen Chen?" is it the same Chen Chen who killed

our king?" "Hmph! It's useless for you to kill our king, I advise you to surrender obediently, maybe I can consider leaving you a whole corpse." The big man in the Dan period sneered.

"Hmph! If you want to kill me, you also have to ask me if I am willing? Since you are from the Great Xia Kingdom, I will give you two choices, first, retreat immediately, and second, die!" The expression on Chen Chen's face became even more gloomy.

"Hmph, what an arrogant fellow, who do you think you are? If you kill our king, we will still be afraid of you, let me tell you, we have informed Your Majesty, and when Your Majesty will lead our army here, you just wait to die!"

At this time, this group of soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom drew their weapons one after another, and looked at Chen Chen with hideous faces one by one, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Chen Chen ignored these Great Xia Kingdom soldiers, but looked at the Great Xia Kingdom soldiers on the ship: "What is the realm of your king? Do you have any special treasures?" "

My king is the realm of the Great Perfection of the Jindan Period, and he is one of the most powerful masters in our Sea Emperor City!"

"Is the Jindan period of great consummation? It seems that the strength is still quite powerful. The corners of Chen Chen's mouth hooked up a sneer: "Okay, you immediately remove your ship and let me enter your king's ship to negotiate, otherwise, after I kill your king, I will enter the capital of your Great Xia Kingdom, and then you don't blame me, I will not only kill your king, but also slaughter everyone in your Great Xia Kingdom."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, the expression on the big man's face changed, and then a fierce murderous intent burst out in his eyes: "What an arrogant tone, do you really think that if you are Chen Chen, you can spread wilderness on the territory of our Sea Emperor City? Today we will let you see how powerful the army of our Great Xia Kingdom is

!" "Kill, kill him, and avenge my king!" The big man waved the big knife in his hand violently and rushed towards Chen Chen first.

The rest of the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom also rushed up one after another, and for a while, the entire coast was in chaos, the sea breeze was howling, setting off a fishy smell, and a blood-red evil qi rose from the bodies of these sea wolf armies, which was extremely rich.

Chen Chen stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the oncoming army of sea wolves, a cold light burst out in his eyes, and then he stepped out, and the whole person instantly leaped out, holding a long sword and rushing towards this group of sea wolf army.

Chen Chen's speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the sea wolf army, his figure shuttled through in an instant, wandering back and forth among the sea wolf army of the Great Xia Kingdom, the long sword in his hand danced out bursts of sword light, slashing one sea wolf army after another, in the blink of an eye, it killed hundreds of sea wolf army, and the rest of these sea wolf army were also under his sword, constantly being bombarded.

Chen Chen's offensive is very domineering, every move is terrifyingly destructive, every move falls, there will be an army of sea wolves of the Great Xia Kingdom being directly bombarded, where Chen Chen passed, everything that stood in the way was directly crushed by him, those sea wolf armies couldn't resist at all, one look, was directly killed by Chen Chen, and the other sea wolf armies were so frightened that they ran away one by one, not daring to approach Chen Chen at all, for fear that Chen Chen would do something to himself in the next moment.

"Hmph, I'll see where else you can run!" Chen Chen snorted coldly, and then chased towards one of the sea wolf army, the speed was very fast, in the blink of an eye, he had already reached the back of the sea wolf army, kicked out, and a red flame surged out from his leg, towards this group of sea wolf army.


A violent explosion rang out, and this void instantly turned into a world of flames, and the army of sea wolves who were about to flee were all hit by this terrifying force, and were instantly burned into ashes, not even ashes left, not a single living person.

"What?" Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the cultivators of the Great Xia Kingdom all widened, their faces were full of shock, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this guy? How can he easily kill our sergeant, what is his strength? How can his combat power be so strong? Could it be that he has already broken through to the realm of the Yuan Infant Stage?" A Great Xia Kingdom cultivator of the Great Xia Kingdom looked at Chen Chen, his face showing a solemn expression.

"Damn, Chen Chen, you guy dares to sneak attack us, see if I don't kill you!" The big man of the Great Xia Kingdom gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he looked at Chen Chen with a look in his eyes as if he wanted to devour Chen Chen alive, and on the big knife in his hand, a layer of blue-blue thunder and lightning shone, which belonged to the Yuan Infant Stage.

"Hmph, you despicable ants, I have long seen that you are not pleasing to your eyes, and now you dare to provoke me, it is simply looking for death. Chen Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and when he stepped out, his figure disappeared in place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared beside this Great Xia Great Han, and smashed his fist into the chest of this Great Xia Great Han.



The heart of this Great Xia Great Han was directly pierced by Chen Chen's punch, and blood sprayed out, and then Chen Chen's other hand grabbed the neck of this Great Xia Great Man, carried him, and flew in the direction of the giant ship.

Chen Chen grabbed the neck of the Great Xia Great Han with one hand, pointed at the giant battleship in front of him with a spear in the other, and shouted: "What about your leader, hand it over, otherwise, I will kill you all today

!" "Boy, you dare to be so arrogant, I think you are looking for death!" A Great Xia Great Han with a longbow in his hand looked at Chen Chen coldly, and the arrow in his hand pulled the bowstring, put it on the bow, and shot towards Chen Chen.

Chen Chen's eyes were cold, his right hand shook, and he instantly threw the big man in his hand out, and at the same time, with a wave of his left hand, a silver-white big sword appeared in his hand, and a sword slashed out, slashing towards the big man of the Great Xia Kingdom.


The long sword slammed into the arrow of the bow and arrow, making a crisp sound, the long sword instantly cracked open, and the silver-white arrow shot towards Chen Chen, the speed was extremely fast.

"Hmph, you're still too tender. A sneer rose at the corner of Chen Chen's mouth, and as soon as his right hand was raised, a majestic spiritual power poured out, directly slapping at the arrow that was shot, and in an instant, a huge force was transmitted from this arrow, instantly rebounding Chen Chen's spiritual power and shaking Chen Chen's palm painfully.

"Yes, it's really a bit of a way, but your strength can't be compared to the elite disciples of our Great Xia Kingdom at all, so you have to die today, no matter where you hide, you will die!" The Great Xia Great Han of the Great Xia Kingdom said indifferently.

"Is that right, in that case, then I'll give you a ride!" Chen Chen snorted coldly, and a dark demon dragon phantom instantly appeared on his body, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, a huge dark demon dragon phantom suddenly poured out from the long sword, slapped out with one claw, and grabbed it towards the front, instantly tearing through the long sky, and grabbing towards the cultivator of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The cultivator of the Great Xia Kingdom, his face changed suddenly, he didn't expect that Chen Chen actually had such a powerful power, the longbow in his hand quickly loosened, and a huge iron chain appeared in his hand, this iron chain was composed of the corpses of countless iron-armored shark beasts, once the iron chain was entangled, even if it was a mountain peak, I am afraid it would be immediately bound by the iron chain, and then directly dragged into the seawater, sinking it to the bottom of the sea, becoming the delicacy in the belly of these sea shark beasts.

"Roar... "

As soon as this iron chain was wrapped around the long sword, a terrifying coercion surged out on the long sword, and after this iron chain touched Chen Chen's long sword, it instantly collapsed, turning into a pile of iron filings and scattering, and then, this long sword was cut down instantly, directly on the iron chain, and the iron chain was cut into two in an instant.

"Ahh The big man of the Great Xia Kingdom let out a miserable scream, and the whole person retreated dozens of meters away, his body was weak, and he sat on the ground, his face became extremely pale, and his mouth kept coughing, obviously suffering a lot of injuries.

"Haha... You bunch of garbage, you can't even withstand my move, it's really waste!" Chen Chen held the long sword in his hand, staring at this group of cultivators of the Great Xia Kingdom with a condescending look, and sneered, his tone full of contempt.

After listening to Chen Chen's words, the great man of the Great Xia Kingdom was immediately furious, his eyes widened with anger, and he stared at Chen Chen deadly.

"You are looking for death, I will let you know and know, the fate of offending our Great Xia Kingdom. The big man of the Great Xia Kingdom had a gloomy and extremely cold face, and with a roar of anger, he took out a huge war halberd from the storage ring and stabbed it towards Chen Chen, wisps of violent aura swirling around this war halberd.

"Boom... The

violent energy emanating from the battle halberd instantly overturned all the surrounding waves, turning into a violent wind, sweeping towards Chen Chen, and the violent power seemed to destroy everything, which was terrifying.

"What a terrifying aura, the strength of this great man of the Great Xia Kingdom is not weak, and he has reached the realm of Yuan Dan Nine Turns, I am afraid that he has already touched the bottleneck of Yuan Dan Five Turns, and he is only half a step away from the bottleneck of Yuan Dan Seven Turns, and it is more than half a step. A solemn look appeared on Chen Chen's face, and he secretly said in his heart.

Although Chen Chen's current combat power is comparable to the Yuan Dan Sixth Turn, or even stronger, after all, he has only just entered the Yuan Dan Fourth Heaven, and he doesn't know much about the cultivators of the Yuan Dan Fifth Turn, however, Chen Chen can sense that the strength of this Great Xia Country's Great Han is definitely not weaker than the peak of the Yuan Dan Sixth Heaven, and among the cultivators of the Yuan Dan Five Turns, he must be ranked first, this big man should be the first master of the Great Xia Kingdom, that is, the existence of the Yuan Dan Eight Heavens, and his strength is probably enough to be comparable to the ordinary Yuan Dan Six Heavens in the early stage, and the master of the Yuan Dan Three Heavens is not far behind。

The strength of this Great Xia Great Han is so strong, Chen Chen's own strength is still too low, if his strength can increase by a few more points, it should not be a problem to deal with this Great Xia Great Han, but now, it is still very difficult to defeat this Great Xia Great Han.


This great man of the Great Xia Kingdom held a halberd in his hand, and instantly killed Chen Chen, and the violent energy on his body all exploded at this moment, and an incomparably terrifying aura flowed in the air, coming towards Chen Chen.

Chen Chen's face turned straight, he urged the long sword, and directly slashed out a sword, heading towards the great man of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The two sharp weapons collided together, bursting out with bursts of fierce sparks, and the two powerful forces collided together, and suddenly exploded, and the terrifying power exploded in mid-air, producing a violent energy storm.

"Huh?" Chen Chen frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect that his strength is really not weak, he can actually resist my move, and he is worthy of being a master of the Great Xia Kingdom." "

Boy, this move is a war halberd that I tempered with the Xuanwu War, the treasure soldier of our Great Xia Kingdom, I will see how long you can resist!" The big man of the Great Xia Kingdom looked at Chen Chen, sneered, the Xuanwu War Halberd in his hand suddenly waved, and one after another sharp halberds slashed towards Chen Chen, each halberd was hundreds of meters long, extremely sharp, and the aura exuded was amazing.

Seeing this, Chen Chen kicked the sea with both feet, and the whole person jumped up, dodging the attack of these halberds, but there were still deep traces under his feet, and the sea water in the entire sea area was all sunken down by Chen Chen's step.

"Hahaha... Boy, how do you dodge?" The big man of the Great Xia Kingdom laughed, brandished his Xuanwu War Halberd again, and killed Chen Chen.

When Chen Chen saw this Great Xia Great Han coming, a cold smile appeared on his face, and he sneered in his heart: "Since that's the case, then I'll let you see how strong my strength is!"

Thinking of this, all the monks of the Great Xia Kingdom present in Chen Chen's hands were shocked, and their eyes widened one by one, looking at this scene in mid-air in a daze, they didn't expect that it had only been how long it had been, and this Great Xia Kingdom man was actually inseparable from Chen Chen, regardless of victory or defeat, which made them feel incredible.

"Okay! Great, this guy can be inseparable from the eldest brother, in this way, the eldest brother can easily kill this kid, don't worry about the safety of the eldest brother, as long as the eldest brother can successfully kill that guy, I will immediately flee back to the Great Xia Kingdom to report the news, waiting for the emperor's order, when the army of the Great Xia Kingdom arrives, this Chen Chen will definitely be dead!".

These monks of the Great Xia Kingdom were all excited in their hearts, they didn't expect that their Great Emperor would actually come to the Heavenly Desolate Realm in person, and send such a general to come, you know, the strength of their Great Xia Great Xia Kingdom's Great Emperor in the Heavenly Desolate Realm can be said to be second only to the existence of the royal family, and he has five generals under him, and each of these five generals has reached the Yuan Dan realm, and in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, they are definitely the top masters.

"Is the strength of the eldest brother so powerful? Although the strength of this human monk is good, it is too different from the eldest brother. "

Yes, the strength of the eldest brother is indeed extremely powerful, and the eldest brother's halberd is also very powerful, his halberd is an ancient immortal weapon-level magic weapon, extremely powerful, and the eldest brother's Xuanwu halberd is a perfect set of armor, and the defense is unusually powerful.

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