Immediately afterwards, from the back of the wooden house, many hunters poured out from the various courtyards of the village and slowly surrounded them.

"Is it an intruder?"

"It looks like a giant wild boar."

"This kind of beast, it will be very troublesome to go on a rampage."

"Hey, hey... just kidding..."

Lance's eyes trembled.

What a wild boar, what a beast!! "I am Lance!! Galanz is my wife!!"

Swish swish!! Countless arrows and arrows are raining down.

It hit his domineering body wrapped in armed color, and it was a pity that even with such a strong defense, Lance couldn't last forever.

If you continue to be attacked, it is very likely that you will die at the hands of this group of people.

Damn it, what the hell happened... He was breathing heavily, as if he was facing a big enemy.

In fact, what he couldn't see was that the entire naval headquarters, the more than [*] soldiers patrolling the periphery, the thousands of people docked at the port, and the twenty or thirty warships were all caught in such an atmosphere. .

"Ah, dreams are like drinking nectar to people, like getting a spring."

"A person who falls into a dream, has no escape, is deeply immersed in the madness of money, until he runs out of life and dies, ah... This is also a big drama."

A figure stepped on the island, and in front of nearly ten thousand navy, he walked in step by step, strolling in the courtyard, like a god, as if he was: traveling the world.

Beside him, stood a woman in a ninja tight suit, covering her face, holding an oil-paper umbrella, followed closely behind her, following every step of the way.

What makes people feel terrifying is that even if the two people are walking on the sea, they have no intention of falling, as if they are floating on the sea, there are ripples on the sea, rippling away.

The Navy Headquarters raised the alarm.

The general on duty is Ying Long!!! At present, he is the only one here, the rest, from the commander-in-chief, to the marshal, to the other eight generals, and more than [*] lieutenant generals, have all left.

"Damn!!! Who is this guy!"

"Oh, I also want to ask, who are you, that guy Karp?"

The man in front of him was dressed with long hair, but it was tied softly behind his head, making him look quite natural. He was wearing a gray cotton cloak behind him. He had a short knife and a musket around his waist, but he obviously didn't use it often because he was walking around. Above the sea, it still maintains its new appearance.

"I am Ying Long, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Your Excellency is a Pirate"

"It used to be."


Ying Long's mind was suddenly startled, and he thought of the name of Garp he said just now, then, it may be the great pirate of the last era.

"You are from the Roger era"

The man in front of him laughed out loud.


Laughing and shaking his head: "No, I'm from Roger's previous era."

"What!! You are—"

Yinglong's pupils shrank suddenly, then immediately behind him.

It grew huge wings, turned into a giant dragon dozens of meters tall, flashed its wings and rushed towards the man exuding infinite danger in front of him.

At the same time, Rocks!!! This former sea overlord, is it really resurrected!!! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the novel of 99

Chapter [*]: Ruthless Violence Locks! ! [please customize, ask for full order]

"Ooooooo!!! You are Rocks!!"

Yinglong hovered in mid-air, and the huge black body seemed to be twisted into a drill, smashing towards the small Rox with a bang.

"Ah, is it in the form of an animal fruit dragon dragon fruit dragon? It's really a powerful guy, no wonder he can become the new general."

Rocks was still there: strolling in the courtyard, but within a second or two, the giant dragon had already crossed the kilometer distance and slammed directly in front of him.

Bang!!! Buzz!! After a violent explosion, there was a buzzing sound like an auditory hallucination, and the powerful energy shrouded in the phantom light swept away like a semi-circular cover, directly pervading the entire space.

Everyone on the sea showed a surprised look, staring at this battle field.

Especially those... lieutenant generals standing at the heights of the naval headquarters, some still have cigarettes in their mouths, but they have forgotten to smoke, letting the ash fall to the ground and break into powder.

The dust suddenly enveloped the battlefield, and they could only see two looming figures moving quickly.

But in fact, the battle has entered a white-hot stage from the very beginning.

Yinglong never dared to have any temptation, and he went all out when the battle started.

This person is no less than Lynn who organized a raid team to the now empty naval headquarters.

The current headquarters is indeed a general who can help, and all of them have been mobilized by two operations.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for...

Boom!!! The huge explosion sounded, and the entire navy headquarters was plunged into darkness, and that kind of... The semicircular field shrouded in phantom light has continued, just like Luo's, the huge field of All beings are shrouded in it.

The awakening of the fruit's ability, whether it is the ground, walls, sea water, sky, any space, as long as it can touch the target, or look at it, it can be turned into an opportunity to dream.

Rocks, has died three times.

This body is the one he is most satisfied with over the years.

The molecular theory of bloodline genes in the forbidden area of ​​God, the applied science of fruit ability, and the theory of inheritance memory, these three theories have been confirmed countless times in the doctor's experiments.

This is called resurrection.

At the same time, it is eternal life.

However, it seems quite different and disgusting, which is a kind of eternal life that goes against nature.

Rocks changed his body, gained youthful power, and developed enough domineering arrogance. Even his tyrannical arrogance was at the level of an ancient tyrant, possessing a strong and strong bearing of an ancient monarch, opening the earth, but he did not use it.

Moreover, his previous combat experience and body can be cultivated back in a short period of time, and each body can eat new fruits, so he can still have the ability of part of the previous fruits.

The current Rox is the fruit of the major, but still has a small part of the ability of the air fruit, the wind fruit, and the spring fruit.

Now that an entire hour has passed, after talking with the Five Old Stars, these old guys are rushing to the outpost of the Navy Headquarters at the fastest speed.

But it would take at least three hours to get here from the Holy Land Marinjoa, and I'm afraid it's too late.

The battle here is over in an hour.

Rox's sleeves have been rolled up.

But holding Yinglong's head in one hand, he has returned from the state of a giant dragon to his original appearance, a huge man over four or five meters, but in front of Locks, he was thrown like a chicken and fell to the ground ruthlessly. .

Bang!!! A domineering fist wrapped in a strong armed color slammed into his side face, the crisp sound of cracking bones came, and Ying Long was directly punched into the deep pit.

The ground collapsed, sliding his weak body into the deep pit.

"Ahaha!! This level of powerhouse is really troublesome, but ah, it's just... the powerful fruit of the animal type is interesting."

Rocks laughed, then stepped on Yinglong's face, locked Yinglong in the air with some invisible energy, floated up, and walked slowly to the gate of the Navy Headquarters.


Bang!! A single tyrannical arrogance slammed directly in front of the steel fortress-like gate. After the squeezing sound of gold and iron, the entire gate collapsed directly, and more than a dozen navies guarded on the roof. It fell down and was directly killed by an invisible slash.

Rocks buried his stride and walked directly into the headquarters.

"He, he went in..."

"How long will it take for the officers to come..."

"My God, if it goes on like this, I'm really going to die, no, I'm very scared..."

"General Yinglong...and still..."

"Damn, what should I do!!"

The navy was at a loss.

But in the headquarters, it has fallen into calm...  

That day, the Navy experienced their darkest day.

Even darker than when Lynn destroyed Marine Fodor.

Because, on this day, they couldn't even find any hope and help, the strength of the great general, Yinglong, who was originally called the strongest body in Taijutsu.

Being dragged on the ground like pigs and dogs.

And that was half an hour after the tragic event happened.

The Navy sent a message.

Kaido's body! Taken away.

Kaido!! The body of the strongest creature in the world! Was taken away by Lox!!

Chapter [*]: Double Overlord!Destruction! [please customize, ask for full order]

"how so!!"

Ten minutes after the incident, it spread almost all over the sea.

Countless people stopped what they were doing, and those who knew even a little bit of the story from the previous era were extremely shocked and broke down in cold sweat.

"He's still alive!"

Rayleigh, the underworld king who was going out to sea, almost failed even the coating, his eyes trembled, how old must he be, at least eighty-nine-809, right, he could go to the Navy Headquarters alone.

Could it be a smoke bomb released by the navy!...Alabasta, Crocodile, who was gathering his own members to have a conversation, also got the news, his face suddenly changed: not so good-looking, and his back was full of sweat.

This name, even he has only heard of it, he has never seen him, and the whole sea is his legend, although the age difference is not very big, but Rox was active and dominant near the current new world. when.

I was only improving my strength in the first half of the great route, and I didn't even get the rustling fruit at that time.

"Such a guy is still alive, and he attacked the headquarters while the navy was out in full force, and destroyed the headquarters of the navy in the absence of the Holy Land Marinjoa and the major powerhouses who went out for secret missions. This is really true. A resounding comeback announcement."


The sand crocodile's mind began to liven up.

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