Fujitora quickly passed by Sengoku's side, carrying Sakaski, who fell into a brief syncope.

Warring States clenched his teeth, sweating profusely:.

Finally made a decision, nodding fiercely, "Go!! Karp, it's over to you!!!!"

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Chapter [-]: Akainu, the collapse of Sakaski! [please customize, ask for full order]

Clap la la!!! The figures on the cake island stacked up, the shadows filled the air, rushing towards all directions, but in the end they all rushed towards the warships on the sea, the shadow, all the people above the lieutenant general, learned to enter Stepped sea steps.

So the current scene is..., there are ripples on the sea surface, and the scene like a flower explodes, which makes people feel extremely surprised.

At this time, the generals all returned to the deck of the warship, and at first glance, they saw the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong, with a stern expression and even a trace of anger.

The moment he saw Sakaski, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

"Damn it, you're going crazy if you want to make a contribution!!"

Bang!!! With a punch, the waves on the sea surged and hit Sakaski's lower abdomen. At this moment, everyone saw Sora's domineering armament.

It has actually reached the point where it is surrounded by dark thunder!!! "Ugh!!"

Akainu suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of pain, and the exploding flowing cherry blossoms exploded inside his body. This kind of power also made people feel a little surprised, and the surrounding generals looked at it in astonishment. follow him.

"Commander, you must listen to my explanation about this matter. When we first received the news, we had already proposed cooperation with the organization,"

Kizaru's face darkened slightly, and in the battle with Anilu, there were traces of thunder burning on his chest, and they were indelible.

After every battle with Anilu, he will leave an indelible scar.

Over the years, it has already made him feel unforgettable pain.

"However, during the real battle, I didn't see any organization personnel, the kid who was trained by the world, and Lynn who entered the Naval Academy to study at the same time as Rob Lucci, so far... No trace of him has been found, and his status seems to be on par with our generals."

Because Rob Lucci has recently been nominated as a member of the 0 organization, a member of the subordinate guards of the world nobles, and a team of 9.

And it is said that the strength has improved very quickly, and he has begun to have a powerful six-style development, and the improvement of the three-color domineering.

"Is there such a thing..."

Sora looked at the dying Akainu. Lin had cut more than five scars on his back, deep into the bone marrow, his face was pale, and the skin around the wound was like lava, with many hot bubbles emerging.

"That doesn't hide the fact that Sakaski made a big mistake."

"What a fool."

Sora's expression was extremely gloomy, and then he walked to the coast and looked at Cake Island in the distance. The battle dust rising into the sky made people feel extremely shocked.

"The battle is still going on, it was Garp who made you come out alive."

"But he probably won't come out."

His voice sank, and the Buddha's Warring States turned back to the battlefield in the distance. His eyes were already moist. Before he knew it, Garp disappeared, but that... the aftermath of the battle, and the And roared and shouted, the thunder exploded, and the huge sword beam like the sea and the mountain was destroyed.

"Huh... this is the consciousness of the veteran."

There was a hint of sadness in the tone of the Warring States Period. On this huge warship, many generals stood silently and silently.

Sora looked at Sakaski, who was slowly recovering, and after taking a deep breath, asked softly, "What do you want to say?"

After Akainu woke up for a while, he immediately stood up and stood up straight. Although the wound on his back was still hot and painful, his temperament was still cold, even with a hint of arrogance.

After being silent for a moment, he calmly said: "I always feel a pity about this matter. It is indeed because of the inner ghosts among us that every action is foreseen by others."

"Perhaps, from now on, it will be better."



"What do you mean by that!"

"Hey, you can't do something wrong yourself, and you have to talk about others in a strange way!"

"My life was saved by Garp. If you say this again, I will kill you."

Akainu's words sound like no trouble, but in fact, he is insinuating.

The meaning is still to say that Garp is a ghost. If this is true, then this time alone to help intercept, there is actually not so much blood.

The last person to speak was Green Bull. He was very active on the battlefield. Although he did not fight with Lynn, he defeated Smog, Rakilu, Marko and other royal-level pirate cadres. Now, he is still full of energy.

"Ah, I'm so hungry."

The green cow found a place to lie down and looked at the sky, seemingly at a loss. He hadn't eaten for several years.

Because it is too troublesome to eat, so I choose to quit eating directly.

Sakaski's face sank, and he felt that something in himself seemed to collapse at this moment.


Akainu suddenly smiled gloomily.

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Chapter [-]: Sudden reversal

"I'm so disappointed,"

Sakaski put on his black gloves, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to be at odds with these guys. With a disappointed look, he sighed.

"Don't you realize that Karp is actually doing it for himself, if so, I mean if."

"The spy in our navy is... Karp, so it means that this action is... the culprit who leaked it out and let us fail. But, once it was leaked, we returned to the interior of the navy, There must be a major rectification. The last time I found out that Garp had a communicator with Lynn, it was because the old man was still in the position of marshal, so he was kept."

Sakaski glanced at the Warring States period. Indeed, it was precisely because of this that the situation became what it is today, because the relationship between the Warring States Period and Karp was really good. People who have come out of life and death on the battlefield for decades, A sentence "I have been with him for so many years, no one knows him better than me"

, which basically explains all the suspicions.

As for whether he is a real ghost, only the two brothers themselves know.

"But this time, if I'm found out again, I will definitely not let Garp go. There will be executions, punishments, and corrections to his reputation. Garp's reputation will be subverted. Well, he is absolutely unwilling to do this, so I can only give up my undercover identity and return to Lynn in this way."

Sakaski's words made Sora clenched his fists, this... Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies stared at Akainu, and said word by word: "Have you prepared your heart for what you said? Know what Karp has to do with me!"

"I have known him for more than fifty years, and no one knows Garp better than I do. He will never become an undercover agent for the enemy, nor will he go to the thief alone, which will cause his soul to be defiled. ."

Sakaski sneered: "Hmph, I knew it would be like this, you guys, you are a raccoon dog, I can only describe you like this."

"Every time I say this to cover up my sins, in the end, I can't find the real ghost, and my plan is also known clearly. It's really abominable."

"I don't agree with that."

A voice suddenly appeared, an unfamiliar voice that did not belong to any of the previous generals.

Sakaski also frowned and saw a person coming out of the group of the lieutenant general.


Recently, his reputation in the naval headquarters is very high, and his voice is also very high, and he has even been appreciated by the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

But now that he comes out and speaks, it makes people feel astonished, especially Sakaski.

Eyes widened.

"Gero! What are you saying?"

He actually dares to speak nonsense in front of me, he's really a hateful guy, isn't Gero a direct-line talent that I have cultivated?

To suddenly stand up against me, Gero was actually nervous, after all, this was the first time he had spoken in front of so many important people.

But he does have his own intentions, the most important thing is... Damn it, my position is getting higher and higher now, and these bastards have to check the ghosts, I will definitely find a way to defeat my favorability. If you hate Akainu, it might make them annoyed.

Kuzan also doesn't like having someone who is always angry with his boss.

Then, it means that you will be marginalized in the future.

So Gro took up the courage and said loudly: "Isn't it true that I seem to have heard this too many times, Marshal Sakaski, after every failure, are you all right?"

"There will always be questions and reasons raised, so why don't you ask someone to help you take the blame!"

"Well, basically, we wouldn't have gotten to this point without this operation."

Gros said in a deep voice: "This, I think you have an unshirkable responsibility, instead of making random suspicions about others, I also think that Lieutenant General Karp will never do anything to betray the navy, he is simply... It's just a dilemma."

Yes, Garp is actually in a dilemma, but what Gro said, it is not because of his son and grandson, but because Luo himself is with Doflamingo, so he knows the darkness of this world.

And some secrets about the world's nobility.

Therefore, Luo understands that Karp, as a vice-admiral, should also know these things...

His shaking is also caused by the truth between justice and darkness.

After he finished speaking, everyone around him fell silent.

Sakaski stared at him closely, with a fierce light in his eyes, "You, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Little devil..."

Akainu's face was extremely ugly.

However, some people applauded.

"That's what I want to say too, Sakaski."

Aokiji suddenly stood up, not only that, but also a general, who also expressed his opinion.

"Sakaski, you were once my apprentice."

"There are a few words I may have to say to you."


Don't kill the general, Zefa.

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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters: Sakaski! !Demotion! ! [please customize, ask for full order]

Zefa, who is known as not killing generals, is now in his 70s... If it is not said that he was slaughtered by Whitebeard II in the sea before, he should be full of honor now, and he is about to retreat bravely. It's a pity , was ruined by an attack that ruined his entire career, including one of his hands.

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