
There was a look of fear in Kuzan's eyes.

The problem is here, he and Lynn have made a gesture of peaceful coexistence by restoring the superficial form of the Shichibukai, but because of this, they have lost the opportunity to compete for a large underground business in the new world.

What they can control is only the Marlene Joa part. Although the power of the various countries on the red earth continent is very large, as long as it is considered in the whole world, it is also very small.

"Shake fruit..."

If this super-powerful fruit with legendary attributes because of Whitebeard falls into the hands of another big pirate, it will be... a nightmare for the Navy.

"Hehehe, then it's up to you to find a way. Most of the time our organization is still monitoring the direction of pirates and formulating arrest plans for major criminals. We only have the ability to act in small teams, and we can't do anything with you in terms of technology. In contrast, if possible, dispatching a large number of troops to capture new pirates and disrupt their current peace is the best way."

"Peaceful development, I think it's a pit."

Bentis yawned, and felt that the senior naval officers in the entire conference room did not speak, only Akainu clenched his fists, he seemed to feel that he was talking too much, hehe smiled: "Ah, then I will leave, and finally Congrats on becoming an Admiral, Kuzan, as expected of you."

"Thank you."

Kuzan watched Vantis leave, Rob Lucci, an expatriate who was briefly in the Navy for some kind of study, had a good relationship with Akainu. leave.

The dragon fruit was placed on the table in the naval conference room.

Talk about the big picture.

Everyone is ashamed.

Actually willing to leave the dragon fruit to the Navy Headquarters.

After all, Lu Qi already has the fruit ability, but unfortunately the dark fruit has not been obtained. If he can get it, he may be able to create a super strong. Like Lynn, he has two kinds of fruit ability.

"Ahem, the people in the organization have left. Next, let's talk about our own affairs."

Kuzan tapped on the table, and in front of him was a pile of information, most of which were related to Lynn's research and future estimates.

Their next targeted development plan is about to start.

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Chapter [*]: This question is a bit big

"In the information we received, Lynn seems to have developed further, Dragon Island, who of you know this place?"

Kuzan frowned, anyway... he didn't know, since joining the job until now, along the way, he has been blocking and catching pirates in the known waters, but rarely set foot in those...unknown areas.

Sakaski coughed lightly and said indifferently: "Ah, there is a land area, and our navy rarely cares."

"Among the three armies in the world, the Air Force and the Army have negotiated. Air Force Marshal Da Kongyi and Field Marshal Huo Niu Seen have had some contact with Dragon Island."

"So that's the case, then if you ask Kong, it seems that you can get some information."

"Well, that's not the point,"

Sakaski said softly, "The point is that the Dragon Island is now owned by Lynn. According to the information released that day, a huge explosion occurred above the Dragon Island, and Lynn's knife collapsed and reappeared. It seems to be forcibly coercing Dragon Island into submission, this guy seems to have become more ambitious now."

Many people showed contemplative expressions, and even some naval officers had begun to grit their teeth.

"Damn, I didn't expect Lynn to end up like this. He never used force to suppress anyone before."

"Well, then, this matter is counted as one thing, and it is handed over to General Akainu to handle it. You have no objection!"

Kuzan glanced at everyone, found that no one said anything, and then tapped the table.

Then: "Then, the second thing, about the naval hero Karp."

"I have every reason to believe that he is not an inner ghost, but we must find a way to find his whereabouts, so I plan to send someone who is not so easily exposed to inquire inside Wano."

"Perhaps, only those at the level of lieutenant generals have this opportunity, who would like to go!"

Gro, as a general, was quite disappointed, tsk.

If only I was sent, and I could take the opportunity to run away.

How can it be repaired... "Gero."


Luo was taken aback when he heard someone call his name suddenly, especially at the meeting, as if he would be caught on the spot in the next second.

Each time, Groo's mood fluctuated greatly, and his heart beat faster.


He looked at the green pheasant.

"Do you have a choice?"

Kuzan frowned and asked, why does Gero appear to be in a state today, is he sick? "Hey, are you alright, you are distracted at the meeting, it's not... your style.

Groo's heart skipped a beat, sorry, he wouldn't be suspected. To cover it up, he could only lightly smile.

"No, I just think that anyone who calls this kind of thing is courting death, so I'm not very interested."

"Why 1"

Kuzan's brows furrowed all of a sudden, why are you courting death! "You have made an agreement with Lynn to maintain a relatively stable development in the next two or three years, right? Then at this time, send the inner ghost over, Danger aside, if he is caught, he will immediately tear up the agreement, and at that time, the general technological transformation has been carried out, and it must be put on hold again, this is not a self-destruction."


The generals took a deep breath and looked at Gro.

"Makes sense."

Kuzan's brows widened, he really shouldn't send someone there so easily, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

"Moreover, if the status of the bequeathed person is extremely low, then the use of the past is not very useful,"

Gero said bluntly: "You have to know that no one is an undercover agent who can go to the side of the enemy's leader..."

When he said this, there was a sense of guilt... Looking at the naval leaders around him, Gro couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Really embarrassing myself.

"Well, this matter, I will consider it again, then the third and most important thing."

Kuzan put away his relaxed expression, and his eyes showed terrifying seriousness.

"You know, in Lynn's recent live broadcast room, there was a news, I heard with my own ears that he will implement virtual banking and virtual network payment methods in a short period of time, and start to live broadcast the life of the big pirate. Variety show.”

"In this case, the world will be in chaos again."

"and many more.……--"

Akainu raised his hand, and his focus was taken to a very crooked point by Kuzan's words.

"Hear it with your own ears! You went to see his live broadcast"

"As a marshal, what are you doing in Lynn's live broadcast room? Is Mei Yi really beautiful!"

A series of questions, directly hit the soul.

The corners of Kuzan's mouth twitched, and the scene was deadly silent.

"Tsk, I..."


Obviously, this answer can't be mixed, and the generals have become: strange, but also aware of a very bad problem.

"Next, I'd rather believe that you went to see the clues of the Devil Pirate, so I went to his live broadcast room."

Fujitora said calmly.

"Well, that's it, you're absolutely right."

Kuzan immediately.

take over.

Then the problem is here.

"in spite of.……

For some reason, we also have a lot of people going to Lynn's live broadcast room... I also bought his equipment and made him a lot of money. This kind of pervasive method, is there really no problem... …”

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Chapter [*]: Whitebeard II, Dark Chess

"It's said that I want to check the establishment and recent situation of Lynn Demon, but in fact, you may all have to look at Mei Yi more or less."

Someone asked this question weakly, and when he looked back, it was Kizaru sitting in the first position on his left hand, and he pouted and was sharpening his nails with nail clippers.

No one refuted this question.

That means.

All admit it! Kuzan coughed a few times, obviously, this situation made him feel the seriousness of the matter.

"Then, after his so-called variety show is launched, will anyone also watch it, under the banner of investigating the living conditions of the various legendary pirates, to see these things."

"But now, we don't seem to be able to stop him. You signed a peace agreement. If you attack with a backhand and surround the pirates, you can succeed and make a lot of merit, but there will be no way to coexist peacefully in the future, and—"

The person who spoke was Zhan Taomaru, who was at the end of the seat.

In part, although he is still a lieutenant general, because he leads the scientific force, his status is not low.

At least within the navy, it has resources that all lieutenant generals are envious of.

This guy is also one of the elite lieutenant generals that the Navy has cultivated today, and he will definitely be promoted to a general or even a marshal in the future.

"Also, there are countless spots where Lynn has put on big screens and small screens, and we can't remove them at all. That's a lot of work. It can be said that in the past few years, we and Lynn have been circling the sea. , and his foundation will cooperate and install in places where the world can penetrate, so that the big screen will appear in the whole new world."

"Whether it's people, pirates, bounty hunters, or ronin, they can all see it and get the news easily. We sign an agreement, it's written in black and white, and if we tear it up, our reputation will be discredited. The short-term benefits are important, but we lose our reputation because of it. In the future, it is really worth the loss."

Zhan Taomaru's remarks made people feel awe-inspiring.

As expected of a child of the warring country, his thinking is so clear.

Huang Yuan muttered: "Oh, what this kid said really makes sense, but the result, what our new marshal did, was to put ourselves on the fire."


Aokiji narrowed his eyes, feeling restless in his heart.

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