"It's a bit embarrassing, it's not my intention, Uncle Newgate. "

Lynn doesn't know what to call it, so she can't just call it Whitebeard, it doesn't seem so respectful, after all, she is a person who has experienced nine years of compulsory education.

"Ah, tsk, Lingling is actually very powerful, and she has a lot of connections with Kaido, when we were in the same pirate group before, they had a good relationship, it was really a legendary era..."

His eyes were quite distant, as if he had seen the shadow of the past.

"That's all in the past, Whitebeard, and the three of us gathered together to cause the whole sea to shake, and I guess the navy is now tingling with fear. "

The red-haired Shanks laughed, and while he was talking, after three rounds of drinking, another person came to the country of Wano, wearing a black top hat, a black aristocratic cape, a floral shirt and white jeans, and a full Zorro dress.

Hawkeye, Mihawk, the world's strongest swordsman, and Lynn are also swordsmen, but the final battle between the two has never come, so as for who the strongest in the world is, everyone still doesn't know.

However, more people are still more optimistic about Lynn now.

The man who killed Kaido with a knife is not a simple character, but a truly living legend.

The moment Lynn saw him, her face changed.

Tsk, spirit boy, uninvited...

I didn't invite him.

The redhead laughed when he saw Lynn's stunned look.

"You understand my pain now, and it's thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get rid of it. "

Whitebeard looked deeply at the eagle eyes that were gradually approaching, noncommittal, and it was not easy to evaluate.

A man like him doesn't seem to have much interest in becoming One Piece.

The pirates on the sea, the most revered person, the person who wants to surpass the most, is One Piece Roger.

And among the swordsmen, the person who stands at the top is Hawkeye.

If you don't pursue the treasure of One Piece, Hawkeye is actually an existence on the same level as Roger, a lone ranger, he has no pirates, no forces behind him, and relies on his own personal strength to walk between good and evil.

"Why are you here, Mihawk?!"

"Hmm, can't I come? Demon Lynn, take on the challenge. "

Mihawk pulled out his black knife, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The sword was almost overwhelmed, and a dark green luster flowed out of the black.

With a bang, the circular wave of qi swept away, almost overturning Lynn, who was eating, and made him stunned for a moment.



The wind was blowing, and Lynn's hair was blown in the wind.

At this time, Guangyue Rihe, who was sitting next to Lynn and hugged his arm, muttered: "Where did the barbarians come from, they don't understand etiquette at all." "


Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, he was born with nobility, and his natural nobility and etiquette naturally flowed out.

But he was said to be a rude barbarian.


"Hey, Hawkeyed Kid, I've heard of your name, but now is clearly not the time for a duel. "

Whitebeard laughed, "Speaking of which, when the battle between you was still in front of you, it was really exciting." "

Hawkeye said coldly: "That's why I feel sorry." "

Because that time, Lynn was not so strong, and the emperor's temperament on his body did not reach the current level.

Now he is calm and measured, and his every move is like a natural king, who can calm others.

At that time, he still looked a little hairy boy.

"It's a shame. "

At this time, Lynn slowly stood up and smiled at Mihawk: "Hawkeye, the duel between us will come sooner or later, don't worry, before that, do you want to try to do it with me, maybe we can start a new era." "

"A new era..."

Mihawk shook his head, showing no interest.

"Since you invited, I'd like to live here, but I'm not used to the environment of Wano Country. "

"Ahaha!!, this friend, don't worry about it now, our Wano country is in the opening period, with Drosressa, Mermaid Island, the establishment of a sea train channel, it will not be long before this place will become a prosperous land of paradise, of course, there will also be a castle, and the general said that the palace wall. "

Lynn's plan is to build the palace of the Han Dynasty directly here, and the underground world can buy a large number of similar materials, and even quickly plant various vegetation, which can be built in less than a year.

"Wano Country... The founding of the country?"

Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Lynn actually had this kind of ability to make everyone in Wano Country listen to him.

"That's right, then, what are you emperors of the sea gathered together this time for?

Whitebeard and redhead were stunned for a moment, then laughed, pointed at Lynn and said, "Look at it, everyone thinks so, now, I'm afraid if you don't do it, Lingling will also come to you." "_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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