"The speed still needs to be accelerated, and then we have to build a big fast knife. "

Lynn said with a smile. He plans to build a big sword for all the troops cultivated by Wano Country.

In this way, from the perspective that if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, which can be regarded as a big improvement in the strength of the entire army, and then ask Dorag to be the head of physical arts, teaching the army an advanced version of the Navy Six Styles, although Lynn can also teach it, but it is not necessary.

Flower Soldier Goro nodded slightly, and he also understood in his heart that now Lynn just had the funds to take out two or three hundred billion berry in one go and smash it in the country of Wano, if he didn't take advantage of this time to develop rapidly, it would really be a disappointment to Lynn's hard work.

"I'll make the arrangements, and please rest early, General. "Flower soldier Gorou said goodbye again, and greeted Hizuki Hizuya.

"General, I'll go boil water and bathe you. "

Guangyue Rihe said quite gently.

Lynn nodded: "We'll be together later." "

"Hmm. "

The reason why I went back later was because Lynn was going to meet someone.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, the man known as the Revolutionary Lamp of the Pirate World.

Monchi D Dorag.

Dorag lived in Lynn's mansion, in a remote corner, alone in the outer courtyard, mainly so that he could talk to the commanders of the revolutionary army.

Recently, the revolutionary army's infiltration plan has encountered some trouble, located on an island in the southwest of the New World, the white city "Woodville", is the territory of the White British Kingdom, with a population of one million, and the king has been stable internally.

It is about to become a member of the World ZF, because Dressrosa and Alabastan are both occupied by the Revolutionary Army and Lynn, so the World ZF is ready to abandon these two countries and remove them.

At the same time, the conditions will be relaxed to allow them to enter the scope of world membership.

It's just that, through contact, Dorag was almost impossible to penetrate into the interior of this solid kingdom palace that was like an intricate network, but the news that came out was that there were actually many masters in this country, all of whom were masters of physical arts who specialized in high-level armed color domineering.

They have their own set of physical techniques that have been passed down for many years, called "Eight Arms Fist"

Huck, the martial arts teacher of the Revolutionary Army, once fought one of their royal court members, and was knocked down in less than a minute and thrown directly into the sea.

So the operation ended in failure.

Lynn pushed the door in, and in the courtyard was Dorag, who was wearing a cloak, and the vicious tattoo looked rather dark, looking down at a pile of information and charts.

"Lynn, here?"

"Well, it's me. "

Dorag didn't raise his head, and the two had been working together for about a year, so they got to know each other a little.

"This White Ying Kingdom may have some secrets about the level of physical arts in this world. "

"Bai Ying..."Lynn thought of the recent information and said softly, "If I remember correctly, the World ZF is also fighting for them, and maybe Kap will go and negotiate with them." "

"Yes, my father's physical skills can be called the strongest in the world, and every time I think of his fists, I am still afraid. "

Dorag was also the same skin as Luffy when he was a child, and although Karp was very busy at the time, he would also take the time to go home and beat him up a few times.

"Ah, what now, I'm really interested in this place, are you asking me for help?"

Lynn said with a smile.

Although the two cooperated, Lynn usually didn't interfere too much in Dorag's affairs, and as long as Dorag didn't spread rebellious ideas in his own territory, he would acquiesce.

Because Lynn's philosophy is almost the same as Dorag's, which is to remove oppression and move towards freedom, but to maintain his personality charm beyond freedom and public opinion.

It is much better to be the legendary faith of all people on the sea than to oppress everyone.

"Please?" Dorag suddenly laughed, though there was a hint of reluctance and embarrassment in his laughter.

"Even if I, Dorag, starve to death, die outside, and jump down from here, I will never beg you!" the boss of the revolutionary army, Dorag patted his chest with an oath.

Then his tone softened again: "However, if you can give some financial support, it is also good." "

Lynn tactically leaned back, in awe.

Awesome my dragon.

Is it so shameless?!

"Tsk, how much?" Lynn thought for a moment, the Foundation had recently begun to be suppressed by the World ZF, and many image bugs had begun to retreat, and they had a lot less commercial control over the Great Route.

"I don't know if 2 billion Berry can build an elite army?" Dorag seemed to ask, but he seemed to hesitate about something, because 2 billion Berry was too much, and he himself was not sure that Lynn would agree.

"I don't know," Lynn replied with a straight shake of her head.

Then he said with a very serious expression: "I have never invested such a small amount of money... I'm building an army at least 5 billion or more... 2 billion ??? buy a few big knives... Aren't you going to run out of money? Are you sure you won't starve to death?"

Dorag: "..."

"Hey, I feel offended when you talk like this, bastard!! it's amazing to be rich!! can you talk like that if you have money!!"

Dorag's mentality is a bit blown up!!

What the hell... Are you running here to pretend to be a force?!_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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