Wano Country, edge waterfall.

After five days, Sanji said goodbye to the Demon Pirates, took a few people in a small boat and left the waterfall, followed the current, and landed in the unprotected sea, heading to the sea near the Charlotte family.

In addition to Sanji, there were also Lynn and Anilu on this dhow.

"Yesha!!I didn't expect us to go out together, Lynn, I seem to have returned to the time when we first went out to sea, and we were the ones who went out to sea at that time!!"

Anilu opened his arms, but he didn't like the black suit on his body, although this was requested by Lynn, and he also wore sunglasses, which made his whole body feel a strong sense of restraint, which was particularly uncomfortable.

"Hey, keep a low profile, there's a good chance that there will be a Vincemock family monitoring nearby!"

Sanji smoked a cigarette and looked worried, they only had three cadres, a team of sailors, and a ship, and they were moving very slowly, but as long as Sanji left Wano Country, the Vince Mock family would know, which meant that there were a lot of eyeliner near the range of Wano Country.

"It's okay," Lynn sat at the bow of the boat, crossed his legs, and all three knives were straddled on the backrest of the boat, the sea breeze blowing his hair and caressing his face.

The gentle sea breeze, the cosy life, and the battle that awaits ahead and does not feel troublesome.

"The Vince Mock family, not that strong, don't worry too much, Sanji. "

"No, you don't know... Brother Lynn, what I'm afraid of is that they're going to hurt the old man because of it. "

Sanji took a deep puff of his cigarette, which looked quite deep.

"However, the bloodline factor theory of the God Realm is something I really want to know, and the people in your family probably have the ability to fully understand the whole process, right?"

Lynn asked seriously.

Sanji was stunned: "Well, but I think that although this is called technology, in fact, it is too much, impersonal, and difficult to accept." "

Indeed, Vince Mokkaji, because he has this kind of technology, can build stronger soldiers and armies, so he slowly becomes arrogant, and looks down on people who have generally spent sweat and hard work to improve.

He even thinks that the physical skills that Sanji has now obtained with his own efforts are just a helpless move of a humble person, and he constantly improves his strength in order to catch up with the powerful bloodline.

"Hahahaha, alas, it's not a big problem," Lynn head, "Sanji, if the power of science and technology is to change people's lives and serve, then we should meet it with a better attitude, it will indeed solve a lot of problems in strength, such as when we were cultivating before, the mismatch between strength and color domineering has also become a bottleneck." "

"Although there has never been such a bottleneck. "

Lynn didn't feel it, but Akainu and Lynn brought up this issue at the beginning, and even Ace encountered it, as well as Foil Bista.

After his armed color domineering was entangled, the sword qi could not burst out too violently.

And if you want a huge sword qi, then the armed color domineering can't continue to wrap around all the time.

Therefore, if you want to achieve synchronization between physical strength and domineering, you must train at the same time.

At present, the only swordsmen in the whole world seem to be able to overcome this problem: Lynn, Hawkeye, and Shanks.

As for the others, either they are not majoring in kendo, or their physical skills are too strong and weak and domineering.

"If you don't want to cultivate, or if you can't cultivate all the time, then you can use technology to solve this problem, the bloodline factor, combined with Vegapunk's ability to use fruits to the real thing, these two scientific and technological powers, will cast thousands of strong people for me, and the Tianhan at that time is the real powerful kingdom. "

Lynn's face showed a confident look, but as an emperor, he actually traveled in person, which also gave Sanji enough face.

"Ah, I wish they were," Sanji stopped talking, knowing that Lynn now had a great reputation and was the best deterrent on the sea.

But what if the Vince Mock family doesn't believe in evil? If you have to provoke Lynn, it will be very troublesome.

Two days before the trip, Lynn asked a question, which made Sanji frightened.

"If one day, I say that if your Vince Mock family is destroyed, will you feel sad about it?"

Just such a sentence scared Sanji like falling into an ice cellar, and he still hasn't recovered from it, as long as he thinks of Lynn's words, he still feels that there will be a cold air lingering behind him.


The boat drifted on the sea for three days, during which Lynn did not exercise herself as much as before, but began to enjoy life slowly, holding banquets for three days, as well as surfing and swimming in the sea.

It was envious of Anilu.

Because Lynn, as a person with double fruit ability, is not afraid of the power of the sea.

And Anilu is afraid.

Envy made Gil purple.

Immediately afterward, they saw a huge land-like ship appear at the end of the sea, and in front of the huge ship, there were a few small dots slowly enlarged.

"Here it is, the three-masted galleon of the Vincemock family, that should be..."

Iji and Reijiu.

Sanji also asked the Foundation for some information before he came, so he knew what his brothers and sisters looked like and some of the incidents. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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